breathing "shudders" post op

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Active member
Mar 12, 2010
Hi there ,I dont quite know how to describe what I am experiencing with my breathing but i will try and would be interested to hear if any one has had the same?It is like when you breath taking air in through your nose and breath out through your mouth..all fine with that ...then now and again there is an extra breath..shudder..puff ..that seems to come all by its self and take s you by surprise?.Some times when it happens my husband asks me what is the matter as he thinks I am sighing and I reply "nothing,Im fine"..I had some of this strange breathing in the beginning post op and now in the last week it has gotten a bit more frequent?
Also my mechanical valve that was fairly quiet has gotten louder in the last week ?
take care
I think others have had that experience. And I believe it goes away after a while. From what I remember they have described it as an involuntary breath. Probably something left over from the body's stress during surgery, anesthesia and the vent. All of your body's functioning is a little funky for a while. But if it is worrisome to you, then call your doctor and ask about it.

When did you have your surgery?
breathing "shudders"

breathing "shudders"

Hi Nancy,that is interesting what you say ,yes it does feel like an involuntary breath.I had surgery on the 1st of june this year.
many thanks
That kind of sounds like one of my symptoms before I had valve replacement surgery. I kind of had trouble getting a whole breath and would sometimes have a sort of involuntary gasp for a little more air, which may have technically been SOB or 'shortness of breath.'

I think that, if it was me, I would call your doctor and ask about it.
As far as your mechanical valve getting louder. I'm wondering if the sound was muffled by the fluid that accumulates after surgery. Remember how they pump you full of fluid all the time in the hospital? And now that you are getting around more and feeling better, that fluid probably has come off, and the sound is louder as a result.
I know I had the extra breath thing too - it was such a weird feeling. It did go away over time, however...
Hi, Donna, for me it is almost like an aborted hiccup or two gasps just a second apart or as in the article Nancy found "You may experience an occasional involuntary intake of breath". I had them a lot before my AVR and they still surprise me once in awhile but seem to be happening with less frequency now. I've no idea what may cause them but look forward to hearing what other people have to say.

@ Nancy: great link. Just getting over my second OHS for AVR, and there's some stuff in there I really had no idea about. Thanks for the info.
I experienced that for about 3-4 weeks post-op, I noticed it right away and was sensitive to it but it went away invisibly and I forgot it ever happened.
My husband has those and never had surgery, I'm not sure why. It seems to follow burps usually. It sounds like a little gasp or a backwards hiccup.
Hi there am about 14 weeks post op and feeling very well.Just to say that the involuntary breaths have gone except for some mornings when I wake i might have a slight involuntary breath..