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      Eva reacted to Gail in Ca's post in the thread The next stage of Cardiology? with Like Like.
      This would be laughable if it wasn’t happening now. I think doctors are somehow encouraged to go to the psychiatric side of medicine no...
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      Sorry to hear all the above. Sending you my good wishes.
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      My surgeon, after my surgery, told me that he removed my left appendage for the same reason. My surgery was in 2008 and I had two...
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      Eva replied to the thread IR US Breast Biopsy.
      Thank you, Zoltania. Yes, this is very disturbing especially that I’m the sole caregiver to my beautiful lovely 93-years old sister...
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      Eva reacted to Zoltania's post in the thread IR US Breast Biopsy with Like Like.
      Warfarin questions aside, this must be a frightening time for you, Eva. Wishing you peace and good results.
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      Eva replied to the thread IR US Breast Biopsy.
      Thank you, Tom. My INR would drop to 1 in 3 or 4 days with my sensitivity to medicine! My cardio has not returned my call nor responded...
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      Eva reacted to tom in MO's post in the thread IR US Breast Biopsy with Like Like.
      My INR drops to 1 with 5 days being warfarin-free. That's what my cardio's nurse orders. I restart after procedure or the next day...
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      Eva replied to the thread IR US Breast Biopsy.
      Thank you, perrybucsdad. I lowered my INR before tooth extraction to 2 and all went well and I’m still around. I’ll also suggest that...
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      Eva reacted to perrybucsdad's post in the thread IR US Breast Biopsy with Like Like.
      I know when I had to have a tooth extracted, the dentist told me not to stop my warfarin, but to ensure I was under X for my INR (sorry...
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      Eva replied to the thread IR US Breast Biopsy.
      Thank you, Chuck C. I sent a message and a telephone call to his office, but no response yet! I’ll call again today if I don’t hear...
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      Eva reacted to Chuck C's post in the thread IR US Breast Biopsy with Like Like.
      Holding warfarin for 7 days for such a minor procedure is bonkers. Definitely check with your cardiologist. They take the tissue sample...
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      Eva replied to the thread IR US Breast Biopsy.
      Thank you, dick236. Absolutely! With my heart’s condition and my sensitivity to medicine, those 7 days might become my last 7 days 😀😔...
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      Eva reacted to dick0236's post in the thread IR US Breast Biopsy with Like Like.
      I agree with Pell. Make sure to involve your cardio in the decision to hold your warfarin. That 7-day hold might be OK for someone on...
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      Eva replied to the thread IR US Breast Biopsy.
      Thank you, Pellicle. I’ll read your blog.
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      Eva posted the thread IR US Breast Biopsy in Heart Talk.
      I am scheduled for an IR US Breast Biopsy on August 6. While I was scheduling the appointment, the lady asked me to stop taking Advil...
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