How much is Ross' teeth and surgery going to cost?

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How much is Ross' teeth and surgery going to cost?

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Deer crashes into Mercy Medical hall
UPDATE: 11:31 AM, Thursday, September 25, 2008

CANTON Police say a deer on the loose inside Mercy Hall on the campus of Mercy Medical Center has been subdued and tranquilized.

Authorities were able to trap the animal in a room before park rangers from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources wildlife division were able to tranquilize it around 11:50 a.m, sadi Dan George, chief ranger for the Stark County park district.

The 6-point buck got into the building around 10:30 this morning after it ran through the emergency room parking garage and through a window into Mercy Hall.

Mercy Hall is located east of the parking deck at the hospital.
Well some good news,some bad news in your posts:):(
Wer'e all with you Ross and praying for a miracle here
we'll hang in there with you through this all.

zipper2 (DEB)
A bit of an emotional moment for me

A bit of an emotional moment for me

Because of the generosity of so many people that have never ever met me face to face and care for me enough to make this dental thing happen. 2 weeks ago, this was an impossibility, today it is a reality. There are no words that I can say that express my sincere gratitude to all of you who contributed to the cause. The goal has been achieved and as soon as a couple items clear at the bank, surgery will be scheduled.

I can't help but shed tears over this, so don't mind my sniffling. I fought long and hard, since December, made many many phone calls etc, all to be told, NO, your app is on hold, there is a waiting list, we'll check into it, and so on, then you wonderful people hear the cry and come to the aid, making it all possible inside 2 weeks time.

All I can say is THANK YOU, but that hardly seems appropriate or enough, but thank you all.
oh, my oh my oh my...........pass the kleenex.............. oh my

what wonderful people........... even better news. We have possibly helped to save Ross' life. Bless everybody. I asked our church to put Ross on our prayer list last Sunday. Bet others did, too. Prayers answered. oh my
I'm really happy for you.
A little help from members of this forum is nothing compared to the help you have given so many over the years.
I hope all goes well for you and this nightmare will be a thing of the past.

We have possibly helped to save Ross' life.

Exactly. How long can a person have 2 infected teeth in his mouth, with others ready to go anytime, eating antibiotics, before the infection becomes amoxicillin resistent and turns into something much worse? It is a very big deal to me even if it isn't the Doctors involved in my care.

God has a special place for all of you when you go home. You have no idea how much this means to me and in turn, to him also.
This is the best news I've heard all week. How wonderful to be able to tell them that you no longer care about their "waiting list". I knew this was a special group of people the moment I first came on this site and I certainly haven't been disappointed.
Ross, you know we will all be praying for you when you go in for the dental work.

OMG!!!! Is this really happening?

OMG!!!! Is this really happening?

Is Ross gonna get his teeth yanked out? I am thrilled to pieces to hear this news and I will keep up the prayers for a safe surgery. Hearing this has really boosted my spirits:D:D:D
What a "HIGH" I am excited for you Ross
Very happy (YAHOO)!!!!!!!!:):)

zipper2 (DEB)
Never thought I'd be happy for someone getting all of their teeth pulled out at one time. :( :)
Glad there was a happy ending for you Ross. So, now what? Do you have Dates, times etc.?
Maybe we should rename this thread: "When good things happen to good people".

Ross, you know you are loved.
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