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Gail in Ca
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    • Gail in Ca
      Gail in Ca replied to the thread Bloating.
      I asked my cardiologist to recommend a family practice md, and the Dr he recommended is now my GP. Try that, or ask friends if they have...
    • Gail in Ca
      Oh man, I wouldn’t want a dingy room in a hospital . I get what you’re feeling.
    • Gail in Ca
      I was happy to go to a teaching hospital near me, Stanford, since it’s one of the best for cardiac surgery. All 3 of mine were done...
    • Gail in Ca
      I don’t remember horrible pain from my 3 surgeries in 20 years. The coughing after surgery for surgeries 1&2 was kind of painful but I...
    • Gail in Ca
      My surgeon and cardiologists have said my mechanical valve would last my lifetime. The only reason my first mechanical (2nd surgery) had...
    • Gail in Ca
      Gail in Ca replied to the thread 8 years today.
      I became fully lucid while still intubated after my first surgery. I wanted to say so many things but could not. I used my hands like a...
    • Gail in Ca
      I saw 5 doctors in 2 years after my baby was born when I was 32. I had a weird weakness in my legs and knew it wasn’t normal. None of...
    • Gail in Ca
      Gail in Ca replied to the thread Clinical trial.
      I appreciate the replies. I did feel I was being pushed to sign the paperwork. It was sent by Docusign on a Friday and I spent...
    • Gail in Ca
      Gail in Ca replied to the thread Clinical trial.
      Hi all. I just got a call from the interventional cardiologist office. The np said it was determined I’m not a candidate for this...
    • Gail in Ca
      Gail in Ca replied to the thread Clinical trial.
      I’m pretty sure no valves are approved for the valve in ring procedure I would need.
    • Gail in Ca
      Gail in Ca replied to the thread Clinical trial.
      I need to talk to the interventional cardiologist that told me he would use an aortic valve in the mitral position and also do a lampoon...
    • Gail in Ca
      Gail in Ca replied to the thread Clinical trial.
      Well, I need answers to my many questions about the whole clinical trial business. I’m used to a surgeon that had done a couple thousand...
    • Gail in Ca
      Gail in Ca posted the thread Clinical trial in Heart Talk.
      Here’s my latest update. The NP called me after the interventional cardiologist got all my records from Stanford. He now recommends...
    • Gail in Ca
      Gail in Ca replied to the thread Can you trust your dentist?.
      My daughter had Maryland bridges for many years after braces. She wasn’t born with her lateral incisors. Her orthodontist planned for...
    • Gail in Ca
      My echos also take approximately 30 min or more. My latest a couple months ago said my aortic valve peak gradient is 11nHg, the mean...
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