Off to Cleveland Clinic Tomorrow

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pat45750 Supporter
Supporting Member
May 27, 2010
Marietta, OH
I am off to the Cleveland Clinic tomorrow. A friend is going with me. I am having my pre-testing Thursday and Friday. We will drive home Friday afternoon. I will go back up Sunday with my neighbor for my surgery on Monday. It's getting close. I figure driving 3 hours up and back will kill some time for me. Less time to worry about my surgery. I will at least get to see the Cleveland Clinic and meet my surgeon Dr. Smedira. I would just consider it a fun adventure if I were not having OHS. It still does not seem possible, but I guess there is no way around it at this point. Will post an update when I can. Pat
Have a safe trip, Pat. Try to relax this weekend. I just know all will go well and you will be on the road to recovery soon. It has been almost two weeks since Colin's surgery and he is doing great- tired, but otherwise, no problems. I wish the same for you! Prayers are coming your way for Monday.
You'll be going right past my house. Be sure to wave to the East when you get to the Akron Canton Regional Airport exit on 77.
Ross - I will definitely toot and wave! I will do it tomorrow and when I go back up on Sunday. I decided not to stay in a hotel room all weekend waiting for OHS. Just a bit too stressful. So I thought it better to do a little driving. Tomorrow is sorta a dry run to find the Cleveland Clinic and meet the surgeon. At least I already had my heart cath done. Then Sunday should be an easy drive back. Better to keep busy than sit and worry! I think the waiting is worse than the healing. At least once you made it through the surgery you have a goal to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Please tell Colin I wish him a speedy recovery.

Thanks for everyone's good thoughts. I will get on my laptop next week when I can. Anasthesia and pain meds really knock me out, so I might not be able to see the keyboard! I'll keep in touch.

It still does not seem possible.

Boy, do I know that feeling! There has to be some mistake. I feel too good to be needing an AVR. Right up to the moment they wheeled me off, I was waiting for somebody to pop in and tell me it was all a bad mistake. A mixup in the echo and CT records. But, alas, there was no mistake. I had a tiny, calcified valve and a ballooning aorta that needed to be replaced, and the surgery saved my life. Had I not serendipitously had the diagnosis made only a year earlier, I more likely than not would have keeled over at some point in the near future.

So, be happy - the surgery will save your life. Sooner than you realize you will be in recovery and will get to experience many more years of good health than you would have otherwise. Your life expectancy will match that of people who do not have valve disease. Isn't that great?

Pat, have a safe trip up and back. I dont blame you for not wanting to stay the weekend there. Many thoughts and Prayers for you and let everybody know how things go when you have time. Daren
I like the idea of driving to keep yourself busy! I also like your positive attitude like Robb mentioned. You'll do just fine! Have a good dry run tomorrow and keep us posted as you get closer and then finally get over the mountain. Looking forward to your post-op-posts ;)
Pat, unlike you, my symptoms were really dragging me down as I approached my date for surgery so much so that I found little pleasure in doing anything. Still, as Bill described, I kept half expecting a call to say that there had been some mistake. It just seemed surreal that in only a few days/hours that this was going to happen. I found it helpful to keep in the forefront of my thoughts the reminder that it is the disease that is the awful thing that was happening not surgery. When you think about it for even a short time, it is pretty wonderful to have a terminal disorder that can be fixed and leave you ready to live the rest of your life. Take care.

Hi Pat! I just wanted to let you know that I've made it to the other side. The Cleveland clinic was great. You'll do fine, it of course is something nobody would look forward to but a week from today you'll already be walking the halls and beginning the healing process. Hang in there, I'll be thinking of you. I have three suggestions though, you'll want someone to sneak in food for you, on the fourth day ask for milk of magnesia, and use your spirometer a lot. Oh and the more you are up and around the faster you'll get out of there. The nurses there are excellent, the best ever so you'll be in great hands. Oh and ask for yourpain meds a half an hour before they pull the pacemaker wires. You'll be on the pump when they take out the drainage tubes so those don't hurt too much and you'll feel better when they are out. I was scared to death of those parts and tensed up and made it worse for myself. Email me if you want to know anything. [email protected]
Lots of good and healing vibes coming your way!! I share Larry's philosophy. This surgery is a life altering/ saving procedure. You will feel so much better afterwards and be able to just get on with your life . My surgeon and cardio had to drag me to the operating table, I kept on postponing until, especially the surgeon, became impatient with me. It is now a year later and I am as well as can be.

I shall be thinking of you all Monday.
Thanks for everyone's thoughts and concern. Still in Cleveland. Wow - is the Cleveland Clinic huge! Always people around to help you out. Everyone is very nice and considerate. My cardiologist says the plan is 24 hours in ICU, then to a private room. That is great news - no roomate to snore in my ears. I will stay until Saturday and then get a hotel room for 2 days to stay close before we drive home to Marietta. He said it will take 3-4 months to get my energy back - then I will be skydiving again soon! LOL Will meet Dr. Smedira tomorrow. Plan is still minimally invasive with tissue valve. He also said no coumadin - just a baby asprin a day. That's good news too. All is going well. So far so great.

Thanks for the note Michelle. I will be on the other side soon. Love the roof top view. Hope all is going well for you.

Ross - I waved and tooted as I went by!
