Off to Cleveland Clinic Tomorrow

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Met Dr. Smedira. Everything is a go for 9am Monday morning. I am on Amiodarone to help prevent possible a fib or reduce it if it happens. Mini invasive still the plan with tissue valve. Dr. Smedira says some people feel mini invasive is better, while others don't. No proof or studies either way. I still want to go that way and so does he. The plan is still to release me on Sat if all goes well with 2 extra days in the hotel before we go home. Nothing to do now but relax and wait. Will post after surgery when I can. My friend going with me knows nothing about the computer, so I will have to wait until I can post. Plan is 24 hours in ICU, then to my private room with a large TV. Sounds good. Will report back when I can type again - hopefully with a nice new valve! Thanks for everyone's good thoughts. Pat

God bless and good luck on Monday. I'm a newbie here and had my AVR done with full sternectomy 11 days ago. Your minimally invasive is different than mine but I can tell you the pain for me was less than expected. I was off the heavy pain meds after day 4 and am getting around the house just fine. I need a lot of naps however.

Have faith in Cleveland Clinic and your family and friends.

You are getting so close, the rooms are all private which is great. There is a fridge at the end of j-6 in which you can keep food with your name on it. Get a pack of yogurt. The food is horrible so it's hard to eat enough to have a bm. They won't let you go until you have one. Also you might want to ask for acid reflux meds when you begin your regimen of pills. I vomited many times from the potassium on an empty stomach. Not fun with my sternum recently cut open. In the ICU, you may want someone to bring you some throat lozenges it helps me cough up the fluids. You also can have all you can eat ice chips if your stomach is okay. You'll want to get out of icu quick, it is noisy and even drugged up I found it impossible sleep. Ask for ear plugs and an eye mask. They come in the hospitality packages that will be in your private room. Use the pain pump, don't try to be tough. While you are on the pain pump use your spirometer like crazy. You won't want to because of the drainage tubes but it will only get easier. Sorry for all this unsolicited info. I figure it's fresh in my head. Oh ask fir a surgical bra when you get to your private room, I didn't ask until I left but it feels great like a vest so if you have a sternum incision it feels like it helps hold it together when you cough and do your breathing. Oh keep the folley in as long as they allow it, it doesn't hurt at all coming out, it's just very convient :). I'm serious about bringing in food, my airplane food was like a gourmet meal compared to the cc food, I'm not even joking. Also bring pj pants. They let me wear them the whole time except in the or and icu. It's nice when the start making you walk not to flash people. When you first start walking don't look down and go slow. Speed is not important. Most importantly sleep when you can, take it easy and we can't wait to hear you've made it out without any problems.
Pat, best wishes on Monday! I know you'll do great and I bet you'll be posting mid-late next week. So, 'till then, hang in there and remember it's a lot more fun on this side, so hurry up and get here!
Pat, sorry about the large TV in your room. I had one too but never turned it on because I couldn't concentrate on it for long and found it an annoyance. For the same reason, I didn't read any of the books I brought. My MP3 player was my nicest companion.

I didn't have any problems eating and found that first breakfast on Day 2 to be a wonderful surprise - with coffee, no less. Like Michelle, however, I found that most of the meals in my hospital were awful. The care by the staff was exceptional but the food was bad. You might want to speak with your friend about bringing care packages. Not only is there the issue of the sometimes worrisome BM but if you don't eat you will not feel strong enough to do your walking. Hope all goes well for you, Pat, take care.
