small update on me again! if anyone isn't tired of hearing!

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
Libertyville Illinois
so with the constant chest pain/pressure and last echo results i have realized i can not move forward until i know exactly what is going on. so i made an appointment to see the cardiologist today downtown at northwestern. i am very happy i did.

she was very real with me, and genuinely cared about the fact that i am still having problems. she also wants me to move forward of course. so i explained all of my aches, pains, worries, concerns with her. she answered all them kindly and truthful. she wants me to get a cardiac mri which i am so happy about. she said they are equal to a ct scan in my case to see what is going on if anything.

she said she believes the aches and pains to be musculoskeletal, and that it may just be something i have to learn to live with. it may be something that goes on for the rest of my life - the new "normal" for me

i asked her realistically, when does she think i will need another surgery? she said probably 5-10 years, she is obviously hoping for the 10 years.

i asked her if with the current status of my valve can i still have a child? she said she would say yes but would like to wait for the cardiac mri results before we jump into anything. i told her my local cardiologist told me that i should wait a year and then decide after another echo and she said she thinks he is just being conservative and that she sees patients in this condition and is comfortable in talking about pregnancy being a definite possibility.

i asked her about the relation of the anerysm graft affecting the actual numbers and readings on the echo about my aortic valve, and she said she went over it with their top echo-cardiogram tech, and they agree that my valve looks great and is functioning perfectly, and that the graft can sometimes affect readings.

i told her i had a situation last week where i woke up in the middle of the night to pee, and while i was sitting there i was counting my heart beat because it seemed slow, then suddenly for about 45 seconds it got so fast i could barely count it, then went back to normal. she said that if it starts to happen regularly to let her know because she wants to throw another halter monitor on me.

she also told me that she doesn't believe i am having phantom pains and that my pain is real. so that was comforting. she also told me the surgeons nurse was worried to hear i was still having problems because they don't want me to live like this. i told them the dizziness is gone and they were so happy. they couldn't believe getting glasses fixed it!

so when i told her that i was so glad i am getting answers because i dont want to go on anxiety meds because of this, she said that there are studies that in heart patients 40 and under there is higher incidences of anxiety and depression. she said they have two psychiatrists at the hospital that only see heart patients so it might be beneficial to have a visit or two with them. i think so too. i think that might help me.

and of course she wants me to go back to cardiac rehab! thank god i could use some structured work out time away from the house.

then it was cool we sat for 20 minutes talking about our kids and different things about raising children! she has 3 similar ages as mine.

im so happy i went down there today..i am so glad she was honest and answered my questions the way i expected her to without dancing around the answers.

i do like my local cardio, but i think i might just stick to using them for my cardiology and say my goodbyes to the local doctor. its only a 40 minute drive downtown....

so my cardiac MRI is on january 31st. so thats about all i know for now. thanks everyone for listening and always being there for me without making me feel so stupid!
So happy to hear that you made an appointment, finally, with someone that took the time to really, really listen to your concerns and treat you like a real person instead of just a number! That makes a world of difference!!! :)

I have had sketetal pain for many years, so long now that I just blow it off to one more discomfort I have to deal with and unless it gets to be really bad, then I'll reach for the Tylenol or muscle relaxants! But I'm also much older than you so maybe the pain you have now, is short-lived, and it doesn't have to become your new "norm".

Glad too that they are doing an MRI and like she said, perhaps it's nothing!

So we'll just keep praying for the best and hope you come out with flying colors and get the GO for another little one!

"i do like my local cardio, but i think i might just stick to using them for my cardiology and say my goodbyes to the local doctor. its only a 40 minute drive downtown....

You sound like me when I said I was just going to use my local drs for Rx's and small emergencies and fly to Houston for the BIG STUFF!!! :)
Well isn't it a good feeling to feel so supported by your cardiologist. She sounds like a keeper :). Keeping my fingers crossed that the results of the upcoming MRI will put your mind at ease so that you can continue to move forward.
All the best, Jacqui!
It's always a relief to find a Doctor who will listen to your concerns and take them seriously.

I'm glad that you had such a positive reception and she is taking appropriate steps to find some answers for you.

Best Wishes.
I agree about "local" cardiologists I wish my electrophysiologist was local and I have to drive and hour and a half but I love the whole office! It makes a huge difference. I really miss my cardio from when we lived in Maryland. I didn't appreciate him enough until we moved!
Hi Malibu,

I am so glad to hear you are getting the attention that you need, and deserve!

You know I CAN relate to alot of your problems. I lost count of the times I called my cardio, concerning aches and pains, ect! Each time they scheduled an echo, the results came out just fine! I even had a couple of stress tests, and a 24 hr holter monitor!

I truly do believe that some people just react this way to such an invasive surgery! I did have pericarditus though for a very long time too. I think I already mentioned that I still take 2 1/2mg of Pred ! I finally feel normal. I very ocasionallly have a quick pinching sensation, that I did not have pre-surgery. My cardio also told me that some people never get rid of ALL their little aches and pains.

Keep us updated please. We are not tired of reading your posts Malibu. That is what we're here for!

once again thank you ALL for your words and wisdom and comfort!

it's funny to know we have the same concerns with our doctors. i thought i was just being picky!
This is really wonderful news from you! I'm so glad you are sharing this all with us. We care, you know, and we need to hear your updates, so don't ever feel shy here!

I was practically cheering and clapping as I read all of this! Thank goodness! A female cardio who has had children! She gets it!! Wow. I'm so very glad you found her! I would definitely not go back to your local doctors if she is willing to keep you as her patient. My cardio is female and just a few years older than me and so my health is something she personally understands from the female/emotional angle. Very important!!

The MRI will get you answers. That's good. As far as all your pains go, we all heal in different ways. I was definitely still feeling weird pains for a few years. Even now, my scar can start itching like crazy for a few days at a time and I guess that's even still healing! The new normal isn't even necessarily upon you yet, so don't despair....... okay?:smile2:

Again, excellent work on your part!! I know we are all very pleased that you've followed your intuition. This is your life. This is your body. Well done!

Keep those updates coming. Looking forward to stellar news from the MRI.

sometimes you just reassurance everything is ok...I am 2 years out (yesterday) and my chest still aches sometimes..Lately it's been when it's going to snow which has been every other dam day...
I'm glad you finally got someone to sit down and give you some answers! How great that must have felt! I'm sure the MRI will turn out fine and you will soon be on your way to making baby #3 of the 5 that you saw yourself with someday...LOL! Really, good for you, I'm really happy for you.
WOW--it sounds like you found a good doctor who listens and cares! What a relief for you.

When you go back to rehab, (and anyone else you see), tell them ALL your problems. I've learned never to assume that because there was a referral, all this information is transmitted or absorbed.

Good for you for keeping after it--and keep posting.
So glad you got this checked out with a kind and caring cardiologist.

What your cardio said about the possibility of a dacron graft affecting the results of an echo re the value functioning rang true with me. Since we've moved to our new home here, I've twice had echo results that seemed out of whack, and that my new cardio seems not to comprehend. Had to get my surgeon from back in Virginia involved to clarify things.

Anyway, I'm glad you seem to have a cardio who is right on top of things. Good luck with your cardiac MRI.
That’s great news! Piece of mind is, above all else, very important to the recovery process as you have heard so many times!

One thing I would like to bring up for you, just to protect yourself Malabu. Your doctor said:

"She wants me to get a cardiac MRI which I am so happy about. She said they are equal to a ct scan in my case to see what is going on if anything"

Granted a MRI is far safer than a CT, HOWEVER the material that they use to enhance your vasculature can be dangerous in some instances. I have been down this road.

The chemical most hospitals uses is called Gadolinium and it's, essentially, the same stuff they use to clean out nuclear reactors in nuclear submarines. It consists of small metallic partials that act in much the same way the Iodine based CT die works.

Long story short, I have some good news and some bad news.

The good news: Gadolinium is typically a safe material and very few people have negative reactions to it.

Bad news, the few people who HAVE had reactions to it had VERY bad reactions that don’t resolve themselves. It’s called NSF Neuro Cystic Fibrosis and there has been a ton of lawsuits out there because of Gadolinium causing it. The common thread among everyone who has contracted it has been a low GFR rating and two particular brands of Gadolinium. I am sure they will be doing this, but it is imperative that you have blood tests to check your kidney functions and make sure your GFR and Creatinine levels do not preclude or put you at risk to have Gadolinium in your system.

If all your labs are strong, drink A LOT OF WATER before and after the test. Get that crap out of you ASAP. The bad news here is that a cardio MRI takes 45 minutes to an hour and you have to be perfectly still. Hopefully you have a high capacity bladder.

Do your homework! Call that hospitals radiology department, ask to speak to a MRI Tech and ask them if they will be using Gadolinium for your test and if so, what brand they use and how much. Call your doctor and ask (if she didn’t already order blood work) about risks of Gadolinium if it’s being used and also demand NEW BLOOD WORK! We are all impaired due to surgery and can have fairly acute changes in organ function. Just because last months blood work is good, doesn’t make this months blood work good. Having blood work done in the week before is plenty safe. If the doc questions you, ask nicely to please order the tests before the MRI to give you piece of mind. NSF, like I said, is nasty stuff!

Safe GFR levels for using Gadolinium is universally accepted as >30 with no reported NSF interactions in people >60

Ominscan and Magnivist brand Gadolinium had an almost 6 to 8 times higher incodents of NSF than the others. ProHance, Opti-Mark and Multi-Hance were the lowest.

Check out:

Please know that I have had this heart MRI done without incodent, but I had to be very insistant that I wanted a more current blood test done than the one they had on file that was 3 months old. For us OHS folks, they should be very happy to hook you up and check you out. Please do not sweat this informtaion or let it upset or scare you, just be informed and interactive with the hosptial staff so you know what they are doing and what they are putting inside you.

Good luck kid and we all are throwing the good thoughts your way! Oh by the way, your far from stupid! We all learn plenty from your questions as you tell us whats going on. Many of us have the same issues and are just as anxious. Your helping us all by sharing.
Jackie it is a pleasure to hear you have a Doctor "who gets it" simply put SHE LISTENED TO YOU patients can and must be their own strongest advocate of care, when capable, youi always have a friend in your corner when you are that advocate

jake, thank you for all of that information! i had no idea. it makes sense though, i was reading the order for the MRI and it has my labs from may 25th 2010 (which won't be helpful since that was 8 months ago) but they must have included it for a reason! i will make sure to get recent lab work before i get this MRI! thanks!

and thanks greg!
Jackie, you're young and you have so much ahead of you. I'm so glad to hear this and hope all is resolved for you soon.
Take care!
Hi Jackie,

Good on you for taking the initiative and finding the right cardiologist.

At your 8 month mark, am hoping they can locate and correct the ills, or at least confirm that it just takes more time to normalcy.

All the best with upcoming tests and procedures.


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