RRRRRRR- no BM, no discharge

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Have they tried mirilax? I am surprised that they did not give him anything earlier if a BM is required for discharge.

Mirilax is very good. Stiil, it takes overnight to work. For some reason most hospitals seem to still rely on the old standby remedies like Colace, DOSS. They might as well use nothing. I assume he was getting that right along, and they have finally brought out their big gun, Milk of Magnesia. It would have been better if they had addressed this a couple of days ago, as Debbie said, but it's quite common to go 5+ days to first BM.

Has he been eating well? Has he been active? Is he ready to go home otherwise?

Sorry, no real good suggestions other than fluids, ruffage and exercise.
Just tell him to keep eating and eating. It took 'till about day 4 for me. I couldn't believe how much I'd eaten on days 1-3 and still nothing, but I just kept eating and finally it happened. I think it's because they clean you out so well right before surgery. Takes a while for things to get going again. Hang in there, I'm sure it'll happen soon. Physics and gravity say so ;) Assuming he's eating well of course.
Did it all colace, milk of magnesia and even the peach snapple nothing worked . Had gas but that was all. I wanted to go home so last resort , a suppository and it worked, just a few poopy balls and I was out there LOL .
Tell him good luck and keep it all moving.
They began magnesium nitrite yesterday. Nurse just came in with a suppository. He didn't even know what one was. He was mortified. Told him it can't be worse than what women go through giving birth, right? :) Hopefully, this will work. They already made the decision to discharge in the morning now. Another nite at the Hopkins Hotel.
Just posted and then saw all of the new posts. He had milk of magniesia yesterday too. He is not eating much at all which I am sure is not helping. Peach snapple? I will have to get him some. Does that work before a colonoscopy? Boy, would I love to use that instead of the disgusting stuff I used in the past.
Well lets hope they get things movin.. nothing worse than everything blocking up solid.. it happened to me.. took some stool softeners first, then laxitives, then a suppository and man that was something I don't want to experience again! Tell him to be patient and really pay attention to that when he gets out.. :)
Oh they have a nice little suppository that'll get him going in about an hour if they want too.
If all else fails believe it or not a good milk and molasses enema always works. I have never had it fail the way I administer it. I am sure he will not need anything so drastic.

That's too bad he and you have to stay another night. At least it's not for something too major.
Diet peach snapple seems to make the bowels loose on some of the folks I know and me when I haven't drunk it in a while. Don't know if its the stuff they use for diet or the peach flavoring. Snapple made from the best stuff on earth . LOL
Here's to a morning movement.
Same thing almost kept me from getting discharged my second surgery. They had given me warm prune juice, milk of magnesia and finally a suppository. Nothing seemed to be working and they kept cautioning me against straining. Finally....... When I told them there was a little, they said fine. We know your bowels are working and they let me go home.

Hope he is out of there in the morning.
So Happy everything has gone mostly smoothly for Colin.
Activity can help move things along. Morphine and similar drugs are known for having a binding effect. Interesting to hear Andy say they cleaned him out before the surgery, as I believe that's very rare for heart surgery. Never was a presurgical mention of it to me at either hospital. They normally steer well clear of anything below the diaphragm.

This last time, I simply lied about it, knowing it would happen soon after I got home from all the activity (it did). I'm not suggesting that anyone else should fib, but it worked for me. A car ride away from the hospital could make you so happy you could just...well, you know.

Best wishes,
Boy, does this bring back memories. I was fine on my first discharge but I had to go back in after 2 days. The second visit was 9 days... 4 or so because of the whole constipation thing. I finally begged for an enema. It worked, I went home the next day. Stayed on stool softeners (double dose - because I was taking iron) for over a year!
How about some pizza and beer?

Wow, I empathize with you, but it is a good idea if he can drop the kids off at the pool while he's still there. Let's just say it will be a very major production. Hopefully, if he needs a wet-wipe, they'll microwave it for him.
They began magnesium nitrite yesterday. Nurse just came in with a suppository. He didn't even know what one was. He was mortified.
That's magnesium citrate, and it is usually bombs away in about 6-8 hours. Very effective. Yeah, suppositories are very threatening to young men but welcomed by old men.

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