My Son.

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I will pray for your son to have a quick recovery.
I do know a little about this. I don't know what kind or what caused it to your son but my brother died from septicemia a few years ago and 3 years ago my mom had pacreatic cysts and was septic. She was in hospital for 30 days and almost died several times. And had to have months of recoverery. Of course she is old so was hard.
My advice is to make sure you are using the right doctor. If you don't see improvement check around. Stay with him to make sure he is getting proper santitation when being handled and most of all make sure he is getting the right antibiotics for the infection. Not all antibiotics are meant for the same infections. Ask to see an infectiouse disease doctor if you are not satisfied. Or at least a specialist in the field related.
I wish you all the best and I know that at this time that you are busy and frightened but maybe you can let us know later. Any strengh or support that I can help you with I will be glad to.
Saddened to read this Deb,prayers going out to both of you
You haven't posted yet and i pray for some encouaging news
when you do post back.
I'm glad Missy mentioned it, because I was going to add if he does not already have an infectious disease specialist, I'd see about getting one ASAP.
Thank you so much for all your prayers. The hospital called early Sunday morning (the only night I did not stay) and said he was bad and he was. I stayed Sunday night and his vitals are stable. They are starting to wean him off the vent. The doc said he thinks we are on the upswing but ofcouse can not promise me that. They are doing everything they can. I wanted to transfer him to CC but they said they did not feel he it was worth the risk when they are doing what CC would do at this point. You are absolutely right, age is on his side. Thank You all so much for your prayers and support.

We have an infectious disease doc on board and a renal doc (not what they are called), a surgeon, ICU pulminary doc. Luckily my daughter works for a pharmacutical company and deals with infectious disease docs. So she hand picked the docs. I will update when I can. Thank You all again for much needed prayers and support..
Relieved to hear that there is some improvement. I continue to pray for a definite turn around. Hope the antibiotics get to work soon.

I have an inkling of what he is going through. Some years ago I picked up a drug resistant bug after a routine heart cath. Thank goodness not in the cath wound, elsewhere in my system, probably from unsterilised hospital hardware, ordinary wards are not as meticulous as ICU's . What was scheduled as a one night hospital stay turned into 14 days! Most of it on an IV antibiotic drip. At one stage surgery was contemplated, but then the antibiotic began to get the upper hand.
Thanks for the update. I'm checking in periodically and keeping those healing vibes headed your son's way.

Hoping for the best; glad to see he may be on the upswing.
You must keep your strength up in a practical way too somehow, at least by proper nourishment and hydration.
I have seen Joe is this kind of situation several times and eventually he was able to recover. But it took a massive effort on the part of all doctors concerned to "right the ship". It is a slow and painstaking process. Any step forward is e very good sign.
Thank you all again for all the thoughts and prayers. He is still in ICU. His kidneys started working today. Very slowly but we will take it. He is holding his own blood pressure now and does not have a fever in the past 2 days. For all this I am grateful. However, he is still on the vent at 90% and still has the inflamation and that is a big problem. Doc said 75 % of the inflamation goes away on its own and will not require surgery. 25% require surgery. I want to be an optomist. That is the latest. Thank you all. Prayers are working!!