Houston Says It's a NO GO!

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I've been watching your saga from the sidelines (been a bit pre-occupied myself. . . ) and can only imagine what you're going through. I agree with you and the others, that the best path is to put your life in the hands of The One Above. Do all you can, then leave it to Him.

Your doctors in TX seem to be well on top of the situation and they are more likely to be able to assess a complex situation like yours, so I would follow their directions, too.

Good luck to you. You are in our prayers.

Very sorry for the roller coaster ride, but thoughts/prayer continue for you....

Cort | 37.m.IL.pigValve.pacemaker | 5 Monte Carlos + 1 Caprice Classic | * 04.16.2011_DwightILmeet
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"I'm not scared now" __ Seether __ 'Fine Again'
Just echoing what everyone else is saying. I am sorry for this bittersweet outcome. It sounds like you have excellent doctors who have guided you with this decision making.
Carpe diem my friend.
Thank You!!! :)

Thank You!!! :)

Well we're home now and I'm still kind of numb about the whole thing. But life goes on and I must just make the best of my good days and learn to tolerate the bad!

I have requested a letter from the surgeons in Houston that I can present to my doctors here explaining the reason surgery is NOT an option for me. Hopefully, once they read for themselves how high the risks are, they will not go into a frenzy and point me to Houston everytime they see me! :rolleyes2:

The cardiologist's office staff in Houston is suppose to get in touch with me soon to start scheduling appointments there. I realize that it will be a financial sacrifice but I'd rather deal with them then with the doctors here. Don't get me wrong, I'm not cutting all ties here....I still need them for Rx's, check-ups, small emergencies, but not for much else!

So, I guess I need to go back to the waiting room but I don't even think that is an appropriate place to be! Perhaps I can start a "Be Grateful That You're Here" room! :thumbup:

love you all! :)

P.S.. My fur-babies were delighted to see us, as we were them!!! :) I had left sweaters on them before we left but apparently, according to my brothers, they "stripped nekkid" in protest because neither one of them was wearing them when we got in!!!! :biggrin2::p
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I'm so glad to see that you are back home, Norma. It's a good place to be for now.
Especially with your dogs turning into little "strippers" while missing you. Such naughtiness.
((hugs)) chat soon.
Something to consider - get all of your test results on DVD, including physician notes, then contact Cleveland Clinic. They will instruct you on what you need, will send you the paperwork for you to complete (they can email to you), and once you have everything, they will instruct as to where to send your completed package. Generally, it is a two week wait before they review your file and get back to you with a recommendation. I was going to have my AVR done there, but mine became urgent due to aneurysm, and the advice from my team here was that I should not venture on to an airplace for fear of disection or rupture.
Welcome home Norma and glad to hear from you
My candle burneth over for you along with prayers
continued prayers and all the best,your a trooper for all you have been through and now this too
God bless and hugs
I guess I need to go back to the waiting room but I don't even think that is an appropriate place to be! Perhaps I can start a "Be Grateful That You're Here" room! :thumbup:


I got a chuckle out of that one! Don't know how you do it, but you've managed to keep a great perspective on things... I'd almost call it a sense of humor....
Me, too! I wanna be in the "Glad To Be Here Room" with you!!!!

Sorry I'm late checking in on you -- where did my week go??

I actually like the decisiveness of the Houston doctor AND the fact that you know his machines have gotta be better. Go buy a good Restaurant guidebook for Houston. Next time you go, make it more of a fun jaunt and start checking off restaurant listings. If they are keeping a good eye on you, and keeping up with all the latest technology you are bound to find some success in all this.

You sound really good, considering all the remarks that came flying out of the doctor's mouths......

Hang in there! Glad it feels good to be home!

Norma I am sorry to hear about your problems. I know it must be diffiuclt. I hope everything will continue to go well without surgery for now. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Pat
I've been away and really had to search for this--this is a busy place! Next time I'll look in the BE GRATEFUL YOU'RE HERE ROOM.

I'm sorry you had to get all ramped up in vain, but admiring how well you seem to have come to terms with it.

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