Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 5-16

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Greetings Losers!!!....I Hope everyone has had a great week of losing and a great week in general…..I have stayed true to plan for the most part so I hope to have a good report.:) I have a ANOTHER special occasion this week but luckily it is after the weigh in:p…..I have accepted the fact that there is always going to be reasons to celebrate, thank God, and that my reaching my goal and maintaining it is all about commitment and accountability. This ThrowDown (you guys) provides both.

I will step on the scales in the morning and report in…..Again, thanks……:D
I think I need to not weigh for a few weeks. I am down a lb though since I last weighed two weeks ago.I've got a lot going on right now and I think I might be putting some unnecessary pressure on myself. My weight seems to be stable and on a plateau so it is a good time to not look at the numbers but only at how my clothes fit. We are putting an addition onto our home and it involves tearing apart both of our bathrooms as well as moving out of our closet. I love to have a project in progress but it is time to simplify everything else for the duration. I will cheer for everyone else from the sidelines.
I think I need to not weigh for a few weeks. I am down a lb though since I last weighed two weeks ago.I've got a lot going on right now and I think I might be putting some unnecessary pressure on myself. My weight seems to be stable and on a plateau so it is a good time to not look at the numbers but only at how my clothes fit. We are putting an addition onto our home and it involves tearing apart both of our bathrooms as well as moving out of our closet. I love to have a project in progress but it is time to simplify everything else for the duration. I will cheer for everyone else from the sidelines.

Betty?I understand completely?it fact you may need to let yourself indulge a bit to help with the stress of the remodel:)?..The last thing you need is to be on the edge and have an upward swing in the scale push you over:eek:;)?..The ThrowDown will be here when you get ready?.and so will we!!
Oh Karlynn,?. it appears the gauntlet has been cast down :eek::D
You can't make me. I'm staying off the scales for 2 weeks. I promised myself and my daughter. But rest assured Superbob and Cooker - I feel you breathing down my neck and I'm working very hard at being good.
SuperBob, are we being accused of misconduct in office??? :eek:;);)

Naw, probably just mischief. ;) We'll let Karlynn have her way, since she will whether we let her or not. :D

Superbob is back from five-week follow up with the ortho doc with good news that since there has been some improvement it isn't meniscus tear but instead is onset of arthritis. Superbob was offered injections in knee -- he declined. Also declined pain meds. But accepted physical therapy, which will set up. Also doc was delighted with The Man of Steel's weight loss strategy, so the Throw Down is an important part of Superbob's rehab. So you guys are really important to me, in case you didn't know it.

Oh and he said overuse will not hurt it -- be as active as I want.:):) So Superbob and Superdawg will be on the walking trail tomorrow! :):)
Naw, probably just mischief. ;) We'll let Karlynn have her way, since she will whether we let her or not. :D

Superbob is back from five-week follow up with the ortho doc with good news that since there has been some improvement it isn't meniscus tear but instead is onset of arthritis. Superbob was offered injections in knee -- he declined. Also declined pain meds. But accepted physical therapy, which will set up. Also doc was delighted with The Man of Steel's weight loss strategy, so the Throw Down is an important part of Superbob's rehab. So you guys are really important to me, in case you didn't know it.

Oh and he said overuse will not hurt it -- be as active as I want.:):) So Superbob and Superdawg will be on the walking trail tomorrow! :):)

Great news!! don't do too much at first.....have you celebrated with a scone?
Great news!! don't do too much at first.....have you celebrated with a scone?

Celebrated with a "Japanese delight" salad at an upscale international restaurant -- grilled shrimp, snow peas, small amount of cashews, nice leafy greens -- hopefully will keep Superbob on course for a good weigh-in tomorrow. :D
So you guys are really important to me, in case you didn't know it.

Oh and he said overuse will not hurt it -- be as active as I want.:):) So Superbob and Superdawg will be on the walking trail tomorrow! :):)

Stop the presses - Superbob breaks from 3rd person writing - he must be all choked up.

And notice - the doctor said overuse of the KNEE will not hurt it. Just want to make sure you got that right! :D

Good report Superbob!!!
Stop the presses - Superbob breaks from 3rd person writing - he must be all choked up.

And notice - the doctor said overuse of the KNEE will not hurt it. Just want to make sure you got that right! :D

Good report Superbob!!!

Superbob is working on overcoming the ravages of old age -- one ravage at a time. :p First, the back. Then the heart. Now the knee. Tomorrow, who knows? Of course, he and his personal trainer believe in a holistic approach to wellness -- leave no body part behind. :D
Oh dear....Friday already...My scales still dont say the number I want them to. I am going to have to put my efforts into some exercise as this is what I am poorly lacking in.

Hope everyone has had a great week....its turning towards Winter here now and is getting grey, wet and miserable.
Oh dear....Friday already...My scales still dont say the number I want them to. I am going to have to put my efforts into some exercise as this is what I am poorly lacking in.

Hope everyone has had a great week....its turning towards Winter here now and is getting grey, wet and miserable.

Ton....if you figure out how to jump start the exercise please let me know....I just can't get back in the swing of walking:confused:.....Chimps do have a lazy side and I've been sitting on mime too long:mad:
Ton....if you figure out how to jump start the exercise please let me know....I just can't get back in the swing of walking:confused:.....Chimps do have a lazy side and I've been sitting on mime too long:mad:

Sir Chimp,
Just visualize that Crispy Cream dangling just out of arms reach :D:D
Yahooo:D:D....I have had a week filled with fiber, fruit and salads.......And no "prunes" or "quick purge" just in case the weight loss police are suspicious:cool:

Starting weight........233
Last Week...................20
This week....................197
Weekly Change............-5
Total Loss......................36
Good job, Cooker! Wish I could report the same, or even something remotely similar. I am not beating myself up over this week, 'cause it's been super stressful and I've had two alcoholic beverages this week (normally I don't drink at all). The calories in those alone have to be the culprit, since I ate relatively well (with the exception of Wednesday night). Anyway, here's the damage:

Starting weight: 142
Last week: 132
This week: 134
Week's change: +2
Total change: -8
Good job, Cooker! Wish I could report the same, or even something remotely similar. I am not beating myself up over this week, 'cause it's been super stressful and I've had two alcoholic beverages this week (normally I don't drink at all). The calories in those alone have to be the culprit, since I ate relatively well (with the exception of Wednesday night). Anyway, here's the damage:

Starting weight: 142
Last week: 132
This week: 134
Week's change: +2
Total change: -8

Niki....good for you...don't ever beat your self up over your will come back off and more!!!......The only way not to win is to quit and you are no quitter!!!!
"Food" for thought:D....I did a little math this morning.....yes Chimps can add and subtract:p.....The ThrowDown basically started the first week of September and that works out to be about a pound a week for me.... So with all the ups and downs it works if we work it:)...... It made me think of Bonnie....her goal was a pound a week....I'm sure she is looking down on us with an eye of approval:)
Okay, Superbob has lost 4 pounds since last Friday's weigh-in. That's really a getting-back-on-track loss because last Friday's number was up as a result of feeling-sorry-for-himself eating.

Because of his new challenge, Superbob is using this point to re-set his starting weight. Basically, after all the downs and ups, he has lost 20 pounds since last July 30. Weighed a really ridiculous 280 then. Now weigh an even 260.

From now on, Superbob will use his new "starting weight" as 260 to push himself to lose the next 20-pound bundle. Need to accomplish that (and then lose another 20-pound bundle) in order to be an active old codger instead of one pushed around in a wheelchair or using a walker -- or moveable only by fork lift. :D

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