5 days post op

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hello, It's so nice to be on the other side of this surgery.
1st off, Im feeling pretty good. I was hoping to be released yesterday or today but my heart won't start up with out the temp pacemaker. The Dr.s think we need to wait till Monday to even consider doing anything. Possibly a permanent pacemaker. Have been told that's not as a hard of a surgery. Thank god.

Secondly, the coumadin-period contraversary.... My surgery was Friday, my period Saturday. Great timing. Lately, they have been quite painful and heavy. This time.... no pain (sure it's because of the drugs) and less heavy. So,, easy to deal with.

Had a couple of transfusions thrown in for good measure (I have no idea).
I will update more when Im home.

Thanks for your prayers. :)

P.S. The surgeon said once he saw the bisucpid valve was missing all of one of the leaflets and the tumor had moved, leaving an ulser, he knew we'd made the best decision. (He has no idea when tumor had gone)
So good to hear from you. The majority of women patients manage to get their periods around surgery time even if it is off-schedule. Glad you had yours when the drugs were available. ;) :D
Sorry about the pacer thing but it sounds like they are not taking any chances. You are in good hands and I will pray that things go well.
geebee said:
The majority of women patients manage to get their periods around surgery time even if it is off-schedule.

As Geebee said most females mention this, So why don't the hospitals tell
them what to expect?:mad: Or is this one of those secrets that they keep from men?;) :)

I just think the more you know, the better you will feel.:confused:
Glad to hear from you Shambles...

They really should warn us gals about the period thingy...luckily I knew about it from VR.com...I was in a coma for 4 days so I missed it all, the nurse said they took care if it for me :eek: talk about losing ones dignity!...

I hope your heart kicks-in by itself and you get to go home soon...you are in the best place though while youre still in a delicate phase...

We will be waiting patiently for updates...

prayers and gentle hugs
I hope...

I hope...

..your problems are soon solved to your satisfaction. I too was on a temporary pacemaker from a Saturday to Wednesday. Then my heart decided to go back in sinus rhythm and behave.They were talking permanent pacemaker but it wwas not necessary.
Good luck. I am sending some positive thoughts your way.


Shambles, You certainly write well for 5 days post op! I do hope your recovery continues to go better and better! Brian
Shambles, good to hear from you. Do hope your heart quits being so cranky. You sound great; hope you're getting your laps around the ward in. Hang in there; the worst part's mostly over.

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