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      Motion4663 replied to the thread 6th Month Update.
      That's inspiring! Those are some great photos. You make it look easy, but from a brief period of surfing I'll never forget how...
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      Motion4663 reacted to SD Surfer's post in the thread 6th Month Update with Like Like.
      That's great progress, good for you! I too just reached the 6 month mark a couple of weeks ago and feeling good! Full sternotomy for...
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      Welcome to the Forum! I'm sure others here will be able to answer your first 3 questions. for the 4th: While waiting for a diagnosis...
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      Motion4663 replied to the thread 6th Month Update.
      That's good to hear. Thank you for the advice, happy rolling!
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      Motion4663 reacted to Chuck C's post in the thread 6th Month Update with Like Like.
      Thanks for the update Motion4663! That's great news! Give it time. I am a lifetime endurance athlete and I continued to see...
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      Motion4663 replied to the thread 6th Month Update.
      I had a partial sternotomy, and waited until the surgeon gave me clearance to train. And before rolling a standard question at my gym is...
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      Motion4663 posted the thread 6th Month Update in Post Surgery.
      Today Marks 6 months since my open heart surgery! I wanted to check in and let everyone know how things have been progressing. I'm...
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