Ok Ross THE Picture!!!!!!

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Supporting Member
Jan 3, 2005
Richland, GA (USA)

Here is THE picture you asked for. I am risking possible death by posting this picture. I was able to sneak a shot while they were not looking. As I do not have their permission to post the photo I had to crop out their faces. However, I will say Mary looks great in YELLOW!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :) :) :rolleyes: ;) ;) ;) ;)













Ross said:
Somehow I don't believe this to be Mary or Bonnie, so where did you get the sprites at?

You're right!
One is Peggy and the other is Hensylee!
I don't know where he found the third.;) ;)
My butt!!!!

My butt!!!!

Mary, you wicked woman. YOu DID steal my butt! I want it back............and just like it looks in the picture!!!!:D J.
Ross said:
Somehow I don't believe this to be Mary or Bonnie, so where did you get the sprites at?


ah was stan'in' on th' deck railin' tryin' t'git this hyar pitcher jest right.:rolleyes: Unfo'tunately in mah haste t'obtain a ?full len'th? shot, ah stepped back.:eek: :eek: Fo'tunately fo' me it was ONLY th' second flore.:p Nevah knowed SAND c'd be thet HARD!:eek: :p :D Mah luck, c'dn?t fall FORWARD!:mad: NO, NOT ME! :( :(

Fo' some reason, them gals was gone by time ah got back up th' stairs.:eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :p

Shet mah mouth!

May God Bless,

I was fully ready to believe that this was Mary and Bonny. However, I noticed no chest scars. Were they cloned out with photoshop?
Karlynn said:
I was fully ready to believe that this was Mary and Bonny. However, I noticed no chest scars. Were they cloned out with photoshop?

You are the most astute and perceptive woman I have ever encountered!
What an angel!
God Bless you!


gadgetman said:
And I thought she had just SAT on an M&M!!!!!!!!:confused: :confused: :D

I cannot believe you remembered that.................even I went what??? it took me a moment before I remembered the "beauty mark," or should that be "butty mark"? heehee :D

Hugs. J.