Update on Joe

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Nancy -

Nancy -

I haven't been on the board in a while and was saddened to read of Joe's latest troubles. You BOTH are in my thoughts and prayers. Truly.

Christina L
Dear Nancy and Joe:
I was hoping...............that he would be out of ICU, and on his way home within a few days.

May He bless you both tonight, and over the coming days.

Nancy, please try to take care of yourself, at least a little bit. We are with you on this journey, if not in body, then in spirit.

Marybeth and Wayne
Oh, Nancy (((hugs)))

Oh, Nancy (((hugs)))

So not what I was wanting to read. YOu both have our love and prayers. J.
Spent the night in ICU last night. He had a turnaround for the better in the middle of the night. Left early this morning to catch some ZZs. I just called the nurse, and the message was that he is doing fine this morning.

You have no idea just how close he came yesterday. He still has a very long road to travel, but at least now there is a road in front of him.

I'll keep you posted.
This man is giving me gray hair. I can only imagine what he's giving you. I only hope my wife has half the gumption you do to fight for me when I can't.
Joe and you are in our prayers so strongly. I hope you feel the support we are sending your way. I pray that he continues to improve steadily.
Bless both you and Joe, Nancy.
You are a pair who refuse to give up . . . thank goodness for that.
hooray for the good news! i hope each day brings improvement for you joe. sending hugs & prayers out for the both of you.
Sounds like a road trip with a wonderful partner that can cheer him on! God Bless both of you on the way to recovery.
Nancy, I'm so thankful to hear this good bit of news. Glad you were able to get a little rest also. You're both still in my thoughts and prayers. LINDA
Finally.....took my first big breath in 3 days!!!! Keep up the good work Nancy.

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