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    • mecretired
      mecretired replied to the thread I am bereft.
      I will be 73 next month so this really hits home with me. I’m so very sorry for your loss. You may never get over the loss. As long as...
    • mecretired
      mecretired replied to the thread choosing right valve.
      I’ve had a st Jude grafted valve for 14 yrs and am doing great. Warfarin has been pretty much a nonissue. I test weekly and self dose...
    • mecretired
      mecretired replied to the thread Surgery coming up next week.
      I had a grafted st Jude valve put in via the Bentall procedure 14 yrs ago. It’s still ticking just great. Good luck!
    • mecretired
      mecretired replied to the thread Tooth Extraction.
      Just to relate my similar experience—I had endocarditis about 5 yrs ago—strep. Have no idea how I got it. Spent 7 days in the hospital...
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