Tomorrow is the day !!!

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Active member
Jun 1, 2010
ITS FINELY HERE , bright and early in the morning.He will be the first one on the list. I feel very much at peace with it now . Thanks to all those who are and will be praying . I would love to take pics but not sure how my hubby (Clyde) will feel about that seeings how he has been very serous about not wanting to know anything . We will see . ;)
Echoing what Gil said, and very glad you've reached the "at peace with it" stage. I think most of us felt that way the last couple days before surgery (no going back now, lol). And just think, a little over 24 hrs from now, he'll be on the other side and can start the recovery process (which is WAY more fun than the side you're on now). All my best too and keep us posted! Take some pics anyway - you don't have to post them if he doesn't want you to, but maybe he'll be ok with it after this is all over ;)
We'll be thinking about you both and sending prayers.........

Please let us know how he's doing and remember to take care of yourself, as well.