Tattoos anyone?

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I've got some heart related gear as well, but nothing that cool! I just got some comfie Jammie's with hearts all over them. They are pink...which I kind of hate, but it will make my daughter happy. I also found a perfect pair of sweats...I thought it was fate, so I bought them even though I thought it was ridiculous to have to pay so much for them. They actually leave the hem unfinished and market it as a "bonus" that you can cut them to your desired length! Anyway...back to what made them great...they say "LOVE" down one leg,and the "O" is a heart with a University of Michigan "M" inside. That's where my surgery is being done. I've stocked up on some other Michigan gear as well...even got a shirt for the "build-a-bear" my daughter made for me. My husband thinks it is ridiculous because the bear is "Michigan State" green. Sorry...the 3 year old didn't know that, and she picked the lucky shamrock bear for mom to take to surgery. It even has her recorded voice saying "I love you, mama!" when you squeeze the hand. She got one to that has my voice in the hand. Digressing from the original topic a bit, but still continuing with the "silliness" :)
I've got some heart related gear as well, but nothing that cool! I just got some comfie Jammie's with hearts all over them. They are pink...which I kind of hate, but it will make my daughter happy. I also found a perfect pair of sweats...I thought it was fate, so I bought them even though I thought it was ridiculous to have to pay so much for them. They actually leave the hem unfinished and market it as a "bonus" that you can cut them to your desired length! Anyway...back to what made them great...they say "LOVE" down one leg,and the "O" is a heart with a University of Michigan "M" inside. That's where my surgery is being done. I've stocked up on some other Michigan gear as well...even got a shirt for the "build-a-bear" my daughter made for me. My husband thinks it is ridiculous because the bear is "Michigan State" green. Sorry...the 3 year old didn't know that, and she picked the lucky shamrock bear for mom to take to surgery. It even has her recorded voice saying "I love you, mama!" when you squeeze the hand. She got one to that has my voice in the hand. Digressing from the original topic a bit, but still continuing with the "silliness" :)

I think it is good to take the time to be silly and get things that make your whole family smile. I just had a thought. Since you have a 3 year old, I dont know what kinds of crafts, coloring etc she can do but maybe you could get some special ones you both can work on when you are home, to have things you both can have fun doing that can keep you busy sitting things like this link has for 3 year olds w/th parents help
I think it is good to take the time to be silly and get things that make your whole family smile. I just had a thought. Since you have a 3 year old, I dont know what kinds of crafts, coloring etc she can do but maybe you could get some special ones you both can work on when you are home, to have things you both can have fun doing that can keep you busy sitting things like this link has for 3 year olds w/th parents help

Great idea! Thanks for the link. We have quite a few normal "inactive" activities that we do on a regular basis (coloring, reading, movies, jigsaw puzzles, some sticker mosaics), but I hadn't thought about doing something new to make it more special. Thanks!
Great idea! Thanks for the link. We have quite a few normal "inactive" activities that we do on a regular basis (coloring, reading, movies, jigsaw puzzles, some sticker mosaics), but I hadn't thought about doing something new to make it more special. Thanks!

Thanks, Its funny /sad but since justin was the one always having surgery and in the hospital I was always looking for new things we could do sitting, luckily he LOVED legos, but even when he was in his teens having surgery we'd go look for a new hobby/craft he wanted to learn, one year everyone got macreme bracelets and keyrings ..
I think 2 and 3 are the most fun ages enjoy
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I've got some heart related gear as well, but nothing that cool! I just got some comfie Jammie's with hearts all over them. They are pink...which I kind of hate, but it will make my daughter happy.

Digressing from the original topic a bit, but still continuing with the "silliness" :)

The laughs you hear from your daughter when she sees you wearing the pajamas she loves will be some of the best medicine you have when you get home. Just be careful of the contagious laughing, since that can be a little bit painful when you get home. Our families was about the movie Mama Mia, since we got the giggles when we talked about my son's reaction when he saw Pierce Brosnan singing badly. It ruined his image of James Bond.

Best of luck this week!
Hi Mom,
I'm morgan, I've had 2 OHS as a child, and am at moderate-high risk for endocarditis due to leftover issues that I still have with my heart (I'm a congenital heart patient, and have had 2 repairs and still have several leftover defects, see signature) and I've gotten 2 tatts and have one scheduled for the end of march (celtic/nautical star/wave/sun on right shoulder) I asked my pedi cardio at one point and he said I could get a tatt and didnt need pre antibiotics, I have since had 2 with no issues. I did have an amazing artist do the work in a very clean shop both times, and I took immaculate care of them both times. (it is an open wound till it closes/heals up)

my surgical repairs are now 24 (VSD repair) and 21 (sub aortic resection) yrs old, my leftover issues are small VSD patch leak, mild sub aortic membrane, aortic insufficiency/stenosis, malformed mitral valve, and mild coarctation of the aorta)

I'm not sure how to post pics, but if I was I would add a pic of my current tat (I've got pics on my computer, not as a URL)

I am excited to get this tatt as I have had a rough couple months to a year and I need to do something for myself, its going to be a nautical star with waves and a sun, the star represents direction/guidance, and the sun and waves represent the sun coming out after a storm/surviving the storm, being positive/always fighting

hope this helps!!
Hi Mom,
I'm morgan, I've had 2 OHS as a child, and am at moderate-high risk for endocarditis due to leftover issues that I still have with my heart (I'm a congenital heart patient, and have had 2 repairs and still have several leftover defects, see signature) and I've gotten 2 tatts and have one scheduled for the end of march (celtic/nautical star/wave/sun on right shoulder) I asked my pedi cardio at one point and he said I could get a tatt and didnt need pre antibiotics, I have since had 2 with no issues. I did have an amazing artist do the work in a very clean shop both times, and I took immaculate care of them both times. (it is an open wound till it closes/heals up)

my surgical repairs are now 24 (VSD repair) and 21 (sub aortic resection) yrs old, my leftover issues are small VSD patch leak, mild sub aortic membrane, aortic insufficiency/stenosis, malformed mitral valve, and mild coarctation of the aorta)

I'm not sure how to post pics, but if I was I would add a pic of my current tat (I've got pics on my computer, not as a URL)

I am excited to get this tatt as I have had a rough couple months to a year and I need to do something for myself, its going to be a nautical star with waves and a sun, the star represents direction/guidance, and the sun and waves represent the sun coming out after a storm/surviving the storm, being positive/always fighting

hope this helps!!

Morgan, to do an attachment ........ when replying or posting use the "GO ADVANCED" selection then after posting verbiage desired in the first box go to the next area marked "ADDITIONAL OPTIONS" in that area you will see 'MANAGE ATTACHMENTS' download here
Since my last surgery I have had 2 tattoos. 1 small one and a very large one on my right forearm. I am on warafin and didnt bleed hardly at all. It all depends on the quality of your artist. They dont have to set the depth of the gun as deep as some people do. My artist is an ex army medic and does awesome work.
My cardio recommended to wait for six or more months before I would consider tattooing my eyebrows. My primary physician Okeyed it reluctantly. I had them done two years later. My physician prescribed a strong antibiotic (to prevent infection/endocarditis/?) which I started one day before the procedure and took it for seven days to be on the safe side.

You may be along the lucky ones whose scar may not show! Though I do not like my scar, I am not brave nor dare to tattoo that sensitive part of my body!

Good luck with your recovery.

Good luck.
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]I've had four tattoos since OHS, from four different artists, and all of them said I didn't bleed more than average. I was concerned about the possibility of infection, and when I brought it up with my doc, he said, 'don't do that, why would you want to mark up your skin?' Then he said that I could take a prophylactic antibiotic if I wanted to, so I did, in each case, as I do with invasive dental work. I also checked PT time just before each tattoo to make sure that I wasn't wildly above range.

As to the scar though, let me tell you that I have a very large bird on my left pec, and the wing tip near the scar was far and away the single most painful thing I have ever experienced. It felt like someone was pushing a whitehot fireplace poker into my incision. I had the tattoo done about 8 months post surgery. I'd recommend waiting longer!

As with any tattoo, take a good look around the shop before getting any work done. If it doesn't look at least as clean as the lab where you get your blood work done, don't get the tattoo there. If you can discreetly watch and artist work, see if they are exercising good sterile practice. They are necessarily trained in most jurisdictions, and the shops inspected and certified but there is no guarantee that individual artists are good at following the rules. Heck, some doctors and nurses are terrible at it.

Tattoos are great, if you choose them carefully. Take some time to think about it, and if the urge fades, let it! If not, go for it.

I'm curious Is your warfarin tat blurry in real life or just looks that way in the picture? I know that(blurry lines) is one of the concerns I've heard about getting tats done on Coumadin, which is why I'm asking
If you're getting a mechanical valve, I think you might have some issues with INR management. That's a lot of little needle pokes to complete a tattoo. I wonder if that could get a little messy for the artist? Have any members received a tattoo while on warfarin that could comment?

I have tattoos, and this was the exact question that came to mind, was the bleeding. I thought about asking my artist if he'd ever tattooed somebody in a blood thinner, tbh never thought of the infection aspect. As far as tats though, I'd say wait awhile, especially on the chest. Anybody with ink in the chest knows it can not be fun.
My cardio surgeon is looking into the risks associated with infection from a tattoo. I have several from before my surgery, two being dates I was married and of my first daughter's birth on my shoulder. I kept putting off getting my 2nd daughter added and now I hope I can complete the trio or she'll hate me forever. :)

I also have a tattoo I had designed but couldnt ever decide where to put it. :(

I'm also thinking I will get a little valve on my chest or opposite shoulder.

Fingers crossed he's ok with it. He's the last guy I want to upset :D
this is a great thread. Now that I have several scars on my chest, I am thinking of getting some art work to make them more or less part of something interesting.
I haven't had any post-op tattoos**, but here is my story: a couple of days after I came home from the hospital, my son, daughter, and daughter-in-law came by, and in the middle of chatting, my son looks at my daughter and says, Should we show her? And they stand up, roll up their sleeves and show me the matching tattoos they got to honor me: realistic hearts with frankenstein stitches and brass knuckles. Apparently they had discussed this prior to my surgery and had the work done while I was still in the hospital. Gotta love it (and them).
**pre-op I had thought of getting a zipper pull at the top of my scar, but things are still a little bit too tender to go ahead and do that,

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