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    • Z
      That sounds about like the location of my numb spot, which extends from my right-side incision up a couple of inches on the underside of...
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      Zoltania replied to the thread IR US Breast Biopsy.
      Warfarin questions aside, this must be a frightening time for you, Eva. Wishing you peace and good results.
    • Z
      Zoltania replied to the thread Tachycardia.
      My surgeon said the heart is "irritable" after surgery, so it can take months for the HR to come down. That was my experience too.
    • Z
      Zoltania replied to the thread Lifting Weights after Surgery.
      My mitral valve surgery was between the ribs, though not robotic. The incision was just under five inches long, in the crease under my...
    • Z
      Zoltania replied to the thread Headaches post-surgery.
      Is the visual distortion that bad for you? It only covers part of my field of vision, starting out small and then growing larger and...
    • Z
      Zoltania replied to the thread Headaches post-surgery.
      Optical migraines (the painless kind, aura only) seem common on this board: Migraine aura anyone? I started getting these many years...
    • Z
      Zoltania reacted to Justin Bendell's post in the thread 1 Year Anniversary with Like Like.
      Hi all - Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my BAV / AA surgery. I haven't been posting much the past few months because my...
    • Z
      Zoltania reacted to Deidra's post in the thread New member with the usual dilemma with Like Like.
      The AHA guidelines recommend surgery to replace the aortic valve for patients with symptoms and severe aortic regurgitation, and...
    • Z
      Zoltania reacted to Deidra's post in the thread New Member. with Like Like.
      Welcome to the forum. Open heart surgical valve replacement has the best long term outcomes. Surgeons and their teams are very...
    • Z
      Zoltania replied to the thread I am bereft.
      What a terrible shock. No one is ever ready to lose a parent, and having it be unexpected is even harder. My sympathies to you and yours.
    • Z
      Zoltania reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Needing advice/support. with Like Like.
      Hi I can only imagine what you're going through. I wrote this post here some time back, basically as a way of saying "it'll be fine"...
    • Z
      Zoltania replied to the thread Awake and recovering.
      When my central line was being removed, the nurse told me to hum, and that seemed to help. My chest tube and drain tube didn't hurt too...
    • Z
      Techniques from mindfulness meditation can help with this. What I've learned is that thoughts are just passing things and I can choose...
    • Z
      Zoltania reacted to Pixelgrowth's post in the thread Cold all the time. with Like Like.
      Just an update for those of you who may be reading this later. The being cold all the time has passed and the night sweats seem to be...
    • Z
      It may be hard to believe now, but you will pass through this experience and come out the other side, and eventually you will be looking...
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