Surgery set for Nov. 2

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Thanks folks for the good thoughts. It's funny the wires don't bother me at all, except for the fact the skin over one of them opened up and hasn't heeled well. Also the white shirt I had to toss because of the blood stain on the front the first day it opened up. I hadn't noticed and one of my co-workers ask if I had spilled something. No, it's only blood. :) And the fact I've worn a bandaid or wound dressing over it for months now. I guess it will be good to get this over with.
Hi Lyn,

They ended up removing all the wires, minimal tissue and the plastic surgeon was able to just move the pec muscles over a bit without having to do a full blown muscle flap. She was also able to close without a skin graft. As a result of my having the 1 wire removed in July, I had a good size hole in my chest that didn't heal. That's also gone. All in all it was the best that I could hope for. Now I just have to not lift anything for 6 weeks and take it easy. I can return to work next week probably on Wednesday. The docs seem to think that my problems were mostly the body rejecting the wires more than an actual full blown infection. I feel lucky, I know it could have been alot worse.
Hi Lyn,

They ended up removing all the wires, minimal tissue and the plastic surgeon was able to just move the pec muscles over a bit without having to do a full blown muscle flap. She was also able to close without a skin graft. As a result of my having the 1 wire removed in July, I had a good size hole in my chest that didn't heal. That's also gone. All in all it was the best that I could hope for. Now I just have to not lift anything for 6 weeks and take it easy. I can return to work next week probably on Wednesday. The docs seem to think that my problems were mostly the body rejecting the wires more than an actual full blown infection. I feel lucky, I know it could have been alot worse.

Janie, I ask Dr. Miller that question prior to my surgery last year and he said it was aircraft wire. I don't remember him specifying alumminum or titainium. Interesting question. The plastic surgeon who does a few of these each year said it wasn't uncommon for a body to not have a problem with the wires the first OHS, then reject them the second OHS.
Congrats on the successful operation. I asked a few people about my wires and no one seemed to know the material. I do know that the most common is 316L stainless, the same stuff used most often for Marine hardware. 316 is a family of stainless, L is the low carbon variant. Aluminum seems unlikely since it lacks tensile strength and oxidises heavily, especially in the presence of an electrolyte. Titanium perhaps. I found this article . Sound familiar? This one was interesting too, about poor quality stainless wire. Seemed to have aluminum oxide inclusions in it .
Whatever it is, mine is magnetic.

Chris, glad to read the positive outcome. Continued best wishes :)
Mine were stainless steel, but the ends are just twisted, which can also lead to irritation. No evidence of corrosion after a year of being in my chest. Even though mine was my first OHS, mine was also thought to be a rejection issue. Hopefully relief is on the way for you.
Interesting! I'm starting to wonder if one of my wires has broken too . . . since Wednesday I've had a stabbing pain in my sternum when I change positions; it's VERY localised, and my temp has stayed normal so I don't think I have a bone infection.

If it keeps up for a couple more days I'll ring Super Surgeon!

Was this kind of stabbing localised pain what anyone else felt?
Interesting! I'm starting to wonder if one of my wires has broken too . .

Was this kind of stabbing localised pain what anyone else felt?

Mine was a hot knife type of stabbing pain in one location when I moved a certain way. It would take my breath away! I didn't do anything about it and after a week or so it went away and I haven't even thought of it in the last 11 years. I just figured it was a "wire" and scar tissue or something else *attacked* it and padded it. Don't know though..

Ah yes Chris -- time for an uneventful/boring recovery..!
Thanks again for the good thoughts. I see the plastic surgeon tomorrow for a follow up. I'm hoping she will pull a least 1 of the 2 chest drains I still have. No real pain so I think all is well.

Was this kind of stabbing localised pain what anyone else felt?

I never had any actual pain from the wires. More like opening(s) in the skin that the visible tissue oozed out clear stuff. Big fun.