Strange bruising happening!!!!!!

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Hmmmm - very interesting. I drink Chamomile tea on occasion for upset stomach - or just to relax and I've never had bruising issues

I'm wondering if the chamomile being infused into the skin was causing your surface vessels to have that horrible bleeding reaction. This could be why even washing your face was causing bruising. If you were having any internal bleeding, I would think that could show up in stools, or bloody nose or those types of things. If it was reacting with your skin and surface vessels and going no farther - it could explain why your INR was in range.

This is very interesting. I'm really glad they found the cause for you. We were all worried!

And you have good company in feeling stupid - I found VR because my INR was perpetually low and I was searching the web trying to come up with answers. Turns out I was having 2 protein bars a day - made with soy. I didn't bother to look at the ingredients. :eek::

And a "gift" you say???? Or was this attempted murder! :D ;)

Thank goodness i hate tea Karlynn,but sides the point,my Fam.Doc.
is certain this has caused me distress with my experience,and i also recieved
with this package a liquid extract(never used it) could see if i did omgosh.
i'm done at vampire lab today and my platelets(white blood cells) are low,but ever since the endo,my immune systems low and did inr,dont know what it's at but will do my own later today anyway.Due to pain and discomfort from post surgery i used this stuff alot and even said to saturate into skin after,so i don't know.Got it from a friend of mine in Romania,she meant well,but yeah
it has been attempted murder:p:D
Lyn those polish bath beans sound safer.;)or Binas lentil soup.:p
Jacqui i feel so crappy cus my hubby came at me about how i should know better about this kind of stuff and yeah,maybe for all hes been through with me,i should but i told em if it was him i'd already know about it:rolleyes:
Sue ,my doc says to stay away from anything like this.
Freddie get the A535 in the bathroom cabinet,i must confess i've used that too,in past.Well all i know is i've learned,don't really know how it happened
through skin,but i do know i won't do it again and the Doc.says no specific treatment,did a culture to be safe last nite and today put me on antibiotic's
for good measure in case.I will be observed closely and thats all i can tell you all for today,any change i will report.:)

zipper2 (DEB)
I remember asking my pharmacist about some cream for rubbing on for aches and pains and was told not to use it.

One could use it but SPARINGLY - a little dab will do you. Heck it was my doctor who told me to use it sparingly "but not to rub my hole body with it, you will be fine".
I wouldn't feel embarrissed about that in the slightest Deb. I think it could have happened to anyone that uses Warfarin and would have been just as much of a mystery too ?
Glad you've got to the bottom of it anyway.
I guess the oil is small enough to go thru the skin? I have eye cream for black circles that has Haloxyl as it's main ingrediant. I was surprised to see on the tube not to use if you take Coumadin.