Ross Ross Ross Ross

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Oh Ross,too cute,Really growing fast
MIRACLE GROW..........GEEEEZ too funny
Thanks for new pic's and sharing with us.;)

zipper2 (DEB)
He is a good looking boy and Chris looks like he's very comfortable with him. And as far as Grandpa's magic Dad could get my little babies to stop crying in just a minute when Daddy, or Grandma or myself had no luck. It's a gift! I know that Talon is going to think you are very special.
wow --- Talon has gotten so big. He's adorable! Thanks for posting the new pics. I am sorry to hear that Chris and Andrea are having troubles. A baby is a huge thing, hopefully they'll just need some more time to work things out. It looks like Chris is doing a great job as a Daddy. I hope he gets into the vocational training program and can make a good life for himself & his family despite this awful thing that happened to him (the accident). I know how hard it can be to pull life back together after a devastating injury. I had an uncle who was shot & blinded in a hunting accident. Physically he recovered, went through vocational re-training, but could never pull it together and died 10 years later, spending most of those years drunk, bitter, miserable & angry at the world, including his family. Even if Chris & Andrea can't make things work between them, Talon may be just what Chris needs to keep him going and make him set higher goals, both with his job training & physical therapy. Hugs & good thoughts to you all always!
wow --- Talon has gotten so big. He's adorable! Thanks for posting the new pics. I am sorry to hear that Chris and Andrea are having troubles. A baby is a huge thing, hopefully they'll just need some more time to work things out. It looks like Chris is doing a great job as a Daddy. I hope he gets into the vocational training program and can make a good life for himself & his family despite this awful thing that happened to him (the accident). I know how hard it can be to pull life back together after a devastating injury. I had an uncle who was shot & blinded in a hunting accident. Physically he recovered, went through vocational re-training, but could never pull it together and died 10 years later, spending most of those years drunk, bitter, miserable & angry at the world, including his family. Even if Chris & Andrea can't make things work between them, Talon may be just what Chris needs to keep him going and make him set higher goals, both with his job training & physical therapy. Hugs & good thoughts to you all always!

Chris had been setting himself up for a long life of hardship. Being new to the real world and not knowing what help is available to someone in his position, is overwhelming. I told him how it would work with voc rehab, Social Security and Medicaid. Its a win win solution for him and them. No way can he climb a ladder and be a roofer anymore nor could he maintain for long as a autobody repair tech as he's currently trained for, so the only thing he can do is retrain and become marketable again. He's doing all the right things now and I pray that when he's done, it won't be terrribly hard to find a position that will pay enough to be comfortable.
Many people in our area, having lost jobs in the mining field, have taken advantage of vocational retraining and are doing very well as a result. I hope Chris has the same experience.
Talon's a cutie--even while crying!
Ross, I enjoyed the pics. Glad to hear Chris is plugging away. I'm sure it is a struggle, but I believe he's up to it. The pic of him kissing Talon is my favorite. My best to you all, Your valve bro, Brian
See.....Talon Just Needed Some Grampa Time!!!!

See.....Talon Just Needed Some Grampa Time!!!!

Harry it was funny. Talon was whaling so hard that he could hardly breath and kept choking. Chris took him thinking he'd calm him down. Nope. I picked him up off of Chris and had him silent and asleep on my shoulder in 5 minutes. :D

It sure is amazing what it takes to calm a little one down.....BUT...Most Importantly, He got some heavy duty Grampa time in......And I Bet Dollars for Doughnuts, this had you smiling ear to ear....:D:D:D
Ross, he is very cute. What happened to Chris that he is able to get Voc. Rehab? Believe it or not, they paid for my college at Univ. of Tenn. because of my heart. Good luck to him on that.

Ross, he is very cute. What happened to Chris that he is able to get Voc. Rehab? Believe it or not, they paid for my college at Univ. of Tenn. because of my heart. Good luck to him on that.


On September 6th 2006, Chris, his fiancee, and her mom were hit head on by a drunk driver, killing his future mother in law, almost killing his girl friend and crushing his ankle. His foot looked like this:



To this:


It is no where near a normal foot on the inside. It's cut, chopped and formed to resemble a normal foot, but it's anything but. His abdominal muscles were used for the grafting, so he only has a 3 pack of abs now.
Great pictures, Ross. Enjoy him and best wishes to Chris for success in his vocational training. I'm sure Talon will be a big inspiration to him.
Oh Ross, I'm so sorry. That looks very painful. I'm sorry for the loss of his fiancee's mom.

I don't think anyone got to see pics of the wreck. Here are the relevent ones.

The Drunks vehicle


Future Mother In Law


The Blue, what was a 2003 Pontiac Sunfire they were in

Gees man you scareded me with the pics of that crushed metal!:eek:...Its absolutely amazing that young Chris only got a wrecked ankle from that.

Young Talon gets cuter everytime we see him, and so cuddly even if he is screaming!. Chris looks good as a daddy. I too wish him the best for his new future.
Great pics, Ross! (The ones of Talon. I still can't believe Chris kept his life and foot from the others.) Too cute!~ Ya better not ever post a pic of me picking my nose, tho. Haha! Thanks for sharing! Hugs. J.
Gees man you scareded me with the pics of that crushed metal!:eek:...Its absolutely amazing that young Chris only got a wrecked ankle from that.

Young Talon gets cuter everytime we see him, and so cuddly even if he is screaming!. Chris looks good as a daddy. I too wish him the best for his new future.

His ankle was pushed right through the side of his foot, but his head took a nice whack too. He has a scar all along the back of his head. For a bit, we were worried about brain damage, turned out to be just the anesthesia.
I must have missed those photos the first time you posted them -- it is a miracle ANYONE came out of that crash alive. And all because some idiot had to drive drunk.

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