Ran 5K today!!

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
Finally seeing some progress after last weekend's miserable performance!
i had wanted to complete 3 miles at 10 weeks post-op, but was not to be,
although still managed a 50-mile bike ride the following day.

cold front came in overnight; the abnormally arctic-like temps at the track
(20 degrees celcius) probably helped keep my heart rate down to a
manageable level.

the plan was to run the 3 miles that i gave up on last weekend. soon found
that my heart rate was staying lower than expected, so i was able to run
just a bit faster without any hr spikes. three mile results:

1 mile = 9:15
2 mile = 18:45
3 mile = 28:22

finishing the final lap, realized i only needed another half lap to make 5k.
groovy. i can do that.

5K = 29:38
Nice work! Don't be surprised if there are some peaks and valleys in your times as you recover, but the progress is always worth it!
Pretty good time, beats my best 5k of the past year. You'll be all the way back before you know it.
I keep telling you all how I have these extensive logs, so I dragged out the 1991 binder to see how my post-op recovery compares.

AVR July 26 1991, age 43
walking only through week 6, up to 4 miles a day by then
week 7 tried my first run, got less than 1/4 mile
week 11 made 1/2 mile continuous
week 13 one full mile

my resting pulse was still at 67
whereas it had been low 50s for years prior to OHS
today resting pulse is 55

week 23 the first non-stop 3 miler in 33:36

I was of course fighting with a partially collapsed lung from the surgery or I might have come back a bit faster but certainly not in half that time.
good work ! I was running at 10 weeks also, something I couldn't do before surgery. As it stands Ive gotten myself down to a 9 1/2 min mile average for my typical runs. (3 to 6 miles).
The difference for me was that I was a long time runner prior to OHS. The year before it I was running 5Ks in 20 minutes. My valve was under observation for 20 years but had no major change until suddenly I did a crash and burn in a 15K race. I was running about 7:10 pace through 5 miles, then in mile 6 I threw out the anchor and by mile 7 I was carrying a piano on my back. I finished it but it precipitated a visit to the cardio and schedule for the AVR several months later.

The next November post-op I did return to that same 15k. I certainly wasn't up to the whole thing by then, but I did run 2 miles of it just to say I'm back. Never did a 7:10 mile again let alone 5 of them, but I was happy just putting one foot in front of the other. I have now run that particular 15k 25 times. Probably just to say again and again, "Oh Yeah!?"

If I had known then what I know now, I may have been able to come back even better than I did, but 18 years ago you all weren't here to spur me on.
so far i'm pleased. it's been over ten years since my last marathon in
albuquerque (3:30), and had been doing shorter and shorter distances. three
years ago managed a 7k run, last couple years maxing out at two miles.
was never out of breath, just wiped out, had no more energy to continue.
final 2-miler, day before my flight to india, was 14:55. kinda sad when my
marathon average mile should be 7:00-7:30.

now to be able to run 3 miles / 5km feels great; still having energy at the
end even greater. and knowing i could keep running, or could have run
at a faster pace if not for watching my heart monitor, is, um, what's gooder
than greater? anyway, it's a good thing.

now i have to be careful and not try to do to much. will have to be
prepared for the inevitable bad days with no progress, or even the
occasional period of apparent regression. i realize i'm not fully recovered,
and am not ready for a marathon. that'll have to wait another couple weeks.

no, i wasn't chasing a girl. not this time, anyway. unfortunately, i've found
that i've already exceeded the physical abilities of all 3000 students at my
university.....so no chance of pacing behind a behind. :D
11-1/2 weeks!! very cold today....15 degrees celcius. moseyed on over to the
track to hopefully warm up a bit.

completed the planned 5K and still had energy, so went ahead and did 4 miles.
could have continued running, but i'll save the 5-miler for next week. 5K time is
down to 28:43, 4-mile run averaged 9:12 per mile.

today's results:

1 mile = 9:10
2 mile = 18:18
3 mile = 27:33
5 KM = 28:43
4 mile = 36:47
new & improved 5K time

new & improved 5K time

well, today is 12 weeks. did ten genuine push-ups then set off for the track.
20 degrees celcius, very humid.

started off running a bit too fast, so didn't cover the 4 miles i had planned.
cut the run short at 5km. new times....

1 mile 8:54
2 mile 17:43
3 mile 26:36 (avg 8:52/mile)

5KM 27:37 (2 minutes faster than one week ago. yay)