Naomi's avr is tomorrow, Sept. 1. Best wishes from all of us!

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Sending tons of positive vibes and best wishes for a successful surgery and smooth recovery, Naomi. Hopefully someone will be able to post your progress until you are up to it.
Thanks! I'll be on to post as soon as I can! I can't believe it's tomorrow already! :eek2:
I made it! I ended up with the full sternotomy because my anatomy was a little twisted and would have been too hard with the smaller incision. I got a St. Jude Regent valve. The surgeon said it was definitely time to get it done. There was more heart enlargement than we had realized and he said the valve was pretty bad. So I got the breathing tube out before I left the OR and I left ICU today around noon. I have been sitting in a chair and went for one walk so far. My nurse called me a rockstar! Gotta go get more rest! ~Naomi