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    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 replied to the thread Headaches post-surgery.
      Thanks Zoltania- I think it’s very similar but it makes me quite dizzy if I keep my eyes open. Perhaps it will take some getting used to!
    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 replied to the thread Headaches post-surgery.
      This is also what I’ve been doing, it happened 2 days in a row but I wasn’t too concerned as it’s all over within 20 minutes. However, I...
    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 reacted to Zoltania's post in the thread Headaches post-surgery with Like Like.
      Optical migraines (the painless kind, aura only) seem common on this board: Migraine aura anyone? I started getting these many years...
    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 replied to the thread Headaches post-surgery.
      I’m not too sure about the preparation but I doubt it has significant impact on side effects if it’s a similar dosage. I’ve started...
    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 reacted to vitdoc's post in the thread Complications post-surgery with Like Like.
      I have been using warfarin for 41 years. I have used non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs many times but in short courses often with...
    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 replied to the thread Complications post-surgery.
      Hi, yes that’s what I was advised at the anticoagulation clinic regarding the effect on the stomach. Colchicine alone doesn’t seem to be...
    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 reacted to Seaton's post in the thread Complications post-surgery with Like Like.
      Hi Zara So sorry to hear about your debilitating pericarditis issue. I had pericarditis about 6 months post Inspiris Resilia implant...
    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Complications post-surgery with Like Like.
      yes, it is widely known in medical literature that it can effect the INR, however I always take the view that INR is important and dose...
    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 replied to the thread Complications post-surgery.
      I was also advised that I could take the max dose of paracetamol, didn’t realise that could affect INR. When I was admitted in hospital...
    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Complications post-surgery with Like Like.
      I know who I'd put credence in .. hint the person who knows the most. I hope that you get it under control and the pain goes away...
    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Complications post-surgery with Like Like.
      Hi there sorry about the rough ride. the surgery itself and the positions you're put in during surgery would (and in my case certainly...
    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 replied to the thread Complications post-surgery.
      Thank you so much Pellicle, wishing you all the best! Hi Seaton, many thanks for your reply! It is very helpful and reassuring to know...
    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 replied to the thread Complications post-surgery.
      Thank you both! @pellicle : Frozen shoulder was ruled out, they said it was unlikely, as I didn’t have any problems after the surgery...
    • Zara0006
      Zara0006 reacted to SSJ4's post in the thread Complications post-surgery with Like Like.
      I had a similar experience several weeks after my open heart surgery in late October 2023. I went to the emergency room about two to...
    • Zara0006
      Hi all, I had my bicuspid valve replaced with an Edwards Resilia just over 5 weeks ago, and was recovering quite well until I was...
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