My Surgery got bumped today at the last minute re booked tomorrow @ 630am

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Oct 21, 2010
Hamilton, On, Canada
Hey All just thought i would post an what an emotional roller coaster, my wifes a real champ.

An emergency came into the hospital or someone went into a serious cardiac condition while i was waiting in pre-op and they had to send me home.

Anyways crossing my fingers for tomorrow.

That is soooo stressful and I'm very sorry this happened to you.

If it makes you feel any better, my first OHS, I was the emergency. I was in CICU and not well enough for surgery but finally they decided they could go ahead and (though I didn't know it at the time), apparently, another patient was bumped to make room for me. I have had compassion for the not known to me person ever since. It was on my mind for my second surgery when I went in as scheduled and kept expecting to be bumped but was not.

Things happen for a reason and perhaps your added angyst and stress was rewarded by another person surviving who may not have if they had been forced to wait.

ALL the best wishes to you for a successful surgery and bump free recovery.
Please let us know how you are doing as soon as you are up to it.
Hey Guys thanks for the post. JKM7 your right and i mentioned to the doctoe and the nurse who were apologizing to me that i want bothered at all. I told them that it is actually comforting to know that if i was in an emergency situation they would get me in. I just hope that who ever my doc worked on today pulls through and makes a great recovery.

Have a great night all and ill try to get some sleep.

You have a wonderful attitude!!!!!! Keep that in your pocket for the next week or so! you'll want to pull it out and use it.

Many people have had their surgeries re-scheduled because of someone else's emergency. I suspect it is comforting also, to know that you are not in as dire of an emergency situation!

My surgeon told me that I should choose a Tuesday for my surgery so I consider Tuesdays to be very lucky days, indeed!! I hope you are sleeping soundly as I write this (Pacific Coast time almost 11pm) and will wake up confident and with everything ready to roll.

Best wishes!!! Keep us posted when you can.

Same thing happened to me, but I was in Cleveland (away from home) so my sister and I meandered breathlessly and ever so slowly over to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with her carrying my purse! Now, I could run there and have energy to spare! You have SOOO much to look forward to! My best to you and have a speedy recovery!
That's stressful to say the least. You have a great attitude though.
I actually ended up bumping someone from their surgery in the afternoon; instead of the 6 am to 11am slot I ended up keeping my surgery team busy all day: they finally got me stable and into recovery sometime in the evening (I of course don't remember, but my family said I wasn't wheeled into recovery till after 6pm!) After I woke up, my nurse said I bumped someone from their procedure that day, but didn't know what it was for.
Anyway, good luck Clydesdale!

Hey All just thought i would post an what an emotional roller coaster, my wifes a real champ.

An emergency came into the hospital or someone went into a serious cardiac condition while i was waiting in pre-op and they had to send me home.

Anyways crossing my fingers for tomorrow.


ANY WORD from family or clydesdale?
Sorry that happened to you Greg, but it will be over soon, and you will be on your way to recovery.

Take care