My OHS Sister Penny!

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Well-known member
May 26, 2010
Well, my OHS sister Penny will be getting her surgery 1 week from today!! I'll be so happy for her to get that behind her, so she can get on this road of recovery. Penny, we've shared a lot since we met here. We've met some wonderful, helpful, caring and kind people here, including each other. You and so many others were there for me in my pre-surgery stages when I didn't know which way to turn or how to handle this whole thing. I and so many others are here for you now to help you through this last week you have before your day! My heart will be so happy when I get that first update saying that you've come through your surgery wonderfully. When I was in there, I thought about all the friends here on this forum and what a difference they make in everyone's situation, not just mine. You have a lot to look forward to afterwards young lady! Like holding that precious, new grandbaby! That will be priceless. Anyway, I just wanted to put this up for you, in your honor, because you're a great lady, I know because you've been so good to me. I know how important it is to get as much support, and prayer the last week leading up to your surgery also. And this one's for you girlfriend! Just don't stop, don't look back, just keep going forward, until you reach the other side where we are now, all holding cyber hands and forming a bridge for you to jump right on over!! lol. Just want to say, we all love you and will be thinking of you and saying so many prayers for you, my friend. You are going to do so great!!!! I also pray that you're having a good day today - just stay busy, my friend - you're almost there!!!!
Angel, I'm a good anchor (250 lbs) so I'll hold your hand, you reach over the mountain and grab Penny and pull her over! Very cool post Angel!!! Brought a tear to my eye (seriously). This forum is just soooooo cool!!! Ok, enough of that. Let's get Penny over here where the party is! C'mon Penny, hurry up!
Oh Angel... you did make me cry.. thank you for being such a beautiful soul yourself.. you have made this journey so much easier with your words of encouragment and friendship.
Andy you are another on here that has helped me immensley. I have no means to repay any of the wonderful people on this site for their kindness other than do and be the person you have been for me.. thank you guys, now I have to find some tissue... :)
OK, Penny. Just reach out. Our hands are extended to grab you and help you jump over that darn speed bump. We will be here for you before, during and after this journey. Good vibrations are coming your way from this little snail in California.
Like Angel said......No looking back.....just keep looking forward and keep your eye on the prize......a stronger heart......a peaceful soul and a Happy Healthy Penny....We are all with you. .........BIG WARM SNUGGLY GROUP HUG..........Michael
Ok, now we all need to sing!

Penny, tomorrow will be 2 weeks post op for me and honestly I feel great. I have a few issues but really when I look back to where you are now I remember that scared helpless and out of control is so so much easier on this side. Once it is all over....I hope you feel the same way. I even have times when i am pain free and can really concentrate and think my heart is beating easier and my breathing is back to normal and I feel better than I have in years. ...and its only been 2 weeks. I will be thinking of you :) Robin
so seriously this post has made me so emotional right now.. lots of kleenex.. good thing we aren't all in the same room.. we would all be bawling like a bunch of babies.. I love it.. thanks to all who have such kind hearts and compassionate souls.. don't ever change... :)

ps Robb no need to be jealous you will be on the other side soon enough..
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Penny..wait till AFTER surgery......I think most people will agree that you become more emotional after your surgery. Maybe its just a grateful feeling to be here or maybe its having gone through a major surgery. Not sure exactly what, but I know I am more emotional now and have heard from others that they are after surgery also. That reminds me. I need to order another case of Kleenex. :) Warm hugs......Michael
Many prayers for you Penny as you go through the hardest part which is the waiting. A year ago today I had my avr and am remembering that it was these wonderful people who were very important in seeing me through those very stessful days leading up to surgery. We will all be praying for you and thinking of you and here to celebrate with you when you wake up with a strong and healthy heart. God bless.
thanks Barb & Michael, only 6 more sleeps till the big event....
got some butterflies flipping around having a party in my stomach whenever I think of the days left.... I am sure you all know where I am at now. It is a beautiful day here, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and I saw my little squirrell friend bounding across the yard no long ago... now if I could only find my wild little bunny friend that lives in our yard life would be nothing less than perfect. I am blessed! Its now time to put my trust in the big guy upstairs and know it will all be ok in no time... thanks to all you beautiful people!
Wonder how Robb is doing? ( I am thinking of you)
OH WOW!!!!! We have a bunny who lives in our yard also and just the other day i saw a brand new baby bunny also. It made me think of you in that this Brand new little bunny was sign of you....Brand new with a repaired heart and rejuvenated health!!!! I love to sit in the yard and watch the bunnies dine on my grass.....I once fixed them a plate of what could only be described as a smorgasbord of a salad. And what did they eat?? the lawn LOL.......well whatever makes them happy...The man upstairs won't let you down Penny. I do know how you feel as the day approaches. I suddenly felt like the entire experience was surreal. Just a month before I thought i had a healthy heart and here i was days away from open heart surgery!!! ME!!!! This must be a dream!! But as the day approaches a certain peace overtakes you and you know you are doing what you need to do to be here for all your loved ones and ALL OF US!! .....We love you too.....keep us all posted as your day arrives and know we are all with you in our thoughts and prayers....Warm bunny hugs!!! Michael
Hi Penny

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Reading about your recovery will help me pass the time until Aug 9. Good Luck and I hope that Bunny will wiggle it's nose at you soon! Maybe that bunny is taking care of some little bunnies so you will have more to watch when you get home from the hospital!

I am doing well. Just waiting. Telling work today is my last day. I am definitely not here mentally. I dont sleep well at night. I think of it as time wasted.

Funny thing about my kool aid comment. We were at the grocery store and My wife has like 30 packets of kool aid. I look at her and she goes when my family is down they complain I dont have enough kool aid for them to drink. Im thinking, Im drinking the kool aid wednesday and Ill be in the Cult of the Other side. Cant wait.

Hang in there Penny. We will be laughing at these posts in a few weeks.

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