Mauiboy 1 Month Post Op Update for Larry & All

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May 22, 2010
Honolulu, HI.
As you can see from the atch pic life is always good in the islands. I hope to return to this status very soon as I feel better everyday. Had echo on Jun 2 and the doctor said that my pericardial fluids have returned to normal levels :)...also no leaks in the new valve and all systems are go! Had some few nights with heavy sweating but those have subsided. May be due to the metoprolol 50mg the side effects and one was sweating. They switched me from atenolol to metoprolol plus aspirin 81mg as it is supposedly better for me since I had a high heart rate. Have to ask the doctors when I can cut the dosage down...I may have to wait since it has only been one month. I went from migraine headaches everyday to a few headaches per week so it looks like everything is due to stress and the OHS. Other than that I'm just waiting for the sternum to heal then I'll be pumping iron and running again. Already started on my favorite past time drinking red wines...with doctor's moderation of course! Wish everyone speedy recovery and excellent health!

Much Aloha,


  • Before Surgery..jpg
    Before Surgery..jpg
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Hey Eric, Good to hear from you. It sounds like things are going good for you and thats what we want!!! Dont worry to much about the headaches, I had them too, real bad at first but over time they sort of went away. Remember to get plenty of rest and try not to over-do it. Pretty soon you win be going back Maui brah!!! Take care of yourself and keep everybody posted on how you are doing, OK? Daren
Thanks for the update (not to mention the picture!). I can't wait to get back to the gym either! I'm just a little over one month post-op (4 1/2 weeks) and so far I'm being told if I don't have any setbacks, I can probably start lifting again at 3 months. Is that what you're hearing too?
PS - I've been having more migraines than normal too the last few weeks, but they seem to be subsiding a little now. Oh, and I had some sweating issues too - and was on Metropolol at the time - maybe that explains it! I didn't read the side effects close enough...
Heh Eric,

Thanks for the update and it sounds like you are doing well and about to be surrounded by a bevy of beauties once again, thats tough :biggrin2:

Methinks all of us post op patients (< 1 month since) are dying to get back to some normalcy of activities....I know i am.

Funny how we all react differentky to the OHS and the meds, as I only had one day of headaches, likely stress related.

For one I can't wait to regain driving on others for mobility has been a tough one for me, as am accustomed to independance.

Thanks for the Responses

Thanks for the Responses

Thanks for the kind words from everyone! As I said the migraines and sweating are subsiding now but I still have frequent irregular heatbeats registering on my blood pressure machine (about once a day). The doctor seems to think this is normal after OHS and said it should lessen in time. I also had many vision anomolies after surgery including flashing lights like fireflies, migraine auras and complete loss of vision (layers of solid color; blue, white and black) for a few minutes in the left eye. These also seem to be going away at the one month point. I'll be going to primary care to check on my blood glucose levels which was up to 150-220 right after surgery. I am at around 120 now but want it lower...don't want to become pre-diabetic. Andy, I think lifting weights is ok after 3 months but only for light muscle tone at first to ease your body back into the routine and gain strength slowly. Same goes with don't want to go at full sprint at first just a slow jog for stamina. The best medicine is your mental strength and energy as your brain drives your body toward good health. Just remember to follow the advise of your body sometimes! Stay healthy everyone and again thanks for the comments.



  • Just Cruising Af&#116.jpg
    Just Cruising Af&#116.jpg
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Hi Mike,

If you look at he signature block you will find I received the Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Magna Ease 23mm bovine pericardium on May 6, 2010. I am totally satisfied with the choice even though I made need a reoperation in 15-20 years. Which valve did you receive? Take care and good health to you!
Dang Eric, sounds like you and I are on the same path. I had irregular beats from weeks 2-4, which seem to be going away now (have felt great the last few days in fact). And - also had the vision issues, including the firefly flashing lights and more frequent than normal migraine auras (have always had them, but not quite this often). And yep, I'll be very careful with the weights and start out slow! Will just be good to get a little tone back - it's amazing how quick it goes away...
Hi Mike,

If you look at he signature block you will find I received the Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Magna Ease 23mm bovine pericardium on May 6, 2010. I am totally satisfied with the choice even though I made need a reoperation in 15-20 years. Which valve did you receive? Take care and good health to you!

hi, we are twins. that's exactly the size and "product" i got on the 21st of may! i feel the same way as you about it. i am 100% satisfied and would chose it again.
Paternity Test

Paternity Test

Andy & Malibu82...we better get a DNA test to see if we came from the same family. Seems we have a lot in common as far post op symptoms, recovery times and even valve model types. Makes you feel like getting together for some cocktails and reminiscing about the good 'ol days in the ICU. Thanks for putting me in the recovery comfort zone.
P.S. I'm not actually driving my car yet :mad2:



  • Gone in 60 Second&#.jpg
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I agree - I think we need some type of OHS reunion once a year - maybe in Vegas or something ;) And yea, I agree about the paternity test - I wonder if we all came from the same mailman or milkman ;) Oh, never mind, that joke probably goes back way before your time (both you & Malibu). PS - I'm driving now since I passed the one month mark, even though I was supposed to wait until my appt w/ my surgeon tomorrow to start. Shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone! Oh, and this won't apply to either of you since you've both got a little cow in ya now, but I seriously keep confusing my ticking valve with the blinker in my car - thinking I left the blinker on. It's hilarious (I think anyway). My son, who was with me the first time I noticed it, just thinks I'm an idiot. We may need a new forum in here for those that face this dreaded syndrome.
Las Vegas or a Cruise Ship

Las Vegas or a Cruise Ship thinks a nice cruise ship to the Far East would be nicer than Vegas. We could eat, drink, party and talk until our valves wear out...not to mention golfing, night life and massages! Anyway, my doctor told me I couldn't drive until eight weeks past since that was the timeline for the sternum healing. I guess your doctor is more progressive. As far as me and malibu82 having cow valves, I think I'll have to say a short prayer every time I eat a prime rib or ribeye steak since their cousin saved my life...hope I had a strong bull pericardium from Omaha, Nebraska. Anyway misery loves company and luckily we'll all get better sooner or later!



  • Fishing For Whate.jpg
    Fishing For Whate.jpg
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Seems there are a lot of ailments we have in common after OHS. I've had the weird vision flashes and irregular hearbeats, but they are less common now (I'm 6 weeks post-op). I'm still trying to get used to the clicking and every few days, it feels like my scar is pulling when I stretch my chest.
Right on Eric, keep in touch! Hey - you should look me up on Facebook too if you're on there (search for [email protected]). In fact, anyone else in the forum that has Facebook should look me up too. I'll set up a new group called Zipper Club buddies or something. Although, I think we need to invent a new term - Zipper Club is so '80s... They used glue instead of staples or external stitches on me (and I think on Malibu too). How about you? So maybe the new club should be the glue club or something. We'll have to work on it.

A4, glad to hear things are getting better at 6 wks for you - gives me something to look forward to! I also get that 'pulling' feeling when I stretch my chest - assuming that may take a while to go away as scars seem to just be like that.
Eric, it's good to hear that you are doing well. I think a lot of us have some of those odd vision anomolies, especially, the fireflies. Soon my backyard will be filled with real fireflies every evening. Fortunately, I'm no longer seeing the artificial kind. By the way Eric & Mike, the 23mm Magna must be the most popular size. Mooooo!

Andy, what about the "Stripe Club" or "Ziplock Club"? Although, I do have a friend who is a tattoo artist and says he has provided a number people with very attractive ink zippers to cover their scar.

Yea, I think Ziplock club has some potential! Although, they do it with glue, not a ziplock baggie type of thing so I think it still needs some refinement. We should have a contest for the best new name! I work for 3M, and we make all kinds of adhesives (in fact, I think we make the adhesive they use in these surgeries) so I'll do some digging for key words.

I do like the idea of the tattoo - that might look pretty cool! I'll give that some thought!

And remember, everyone that has Facebook send me a request - search for [email protected]. And if you don't have Facebook yet - get it! Us Ziplock clubber's (or whatever we end up calling it) need to keep pushing the envelope on technology and stick together!
yep i can relate to the fireflies vision as well, have had them a few times, typically if i make a sudden move or have overdone things a little. Also have Tightness in chest especially at top of sternum.

Had a really rainy weekend/stuck indoors and super antsy to get out and be more active...this weekend has been more R&R than i would like...looking foward to more outdoor activity with returning sun tomorrow.
