Looking for a new cardio - strangest thing happened.

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I got a letter in the mail yesterday notifying me that my cardio had shut down her practice on May 1 due to financial and personal issues. When I was in at the beginning of the year, she told me that she was going to be moving her practice to another hospital (she was at Northwestern) and was looking at U of I Circle medical center or Rush. At that time, I considered finding a cardio in my area (she's an hour drive away. An appointment takes about 4 hours of my time or more, with driving etc.) I got a letter a month or so after that saying that she was closing her office and partnering for space with another cardio group until she made the move to another hospital. But that her old phone # would still get us to her. Then out of the blue, I get this letter yesterday.

She listed several doctors she recommended. A few doctors we could call in an emergency until we found another doctor and the place where all our medical files were sent for us to get and have sent to our new doctor. But she would no longer be able to take calls. She said she hoped to open up practice again eventually, but she understood if we decided to remain with the doctor we chose to go to now.

Very odd!

The only thing I can think of was that she was going through a very long, very protracted and nasty divorce. If her husband was trying to say he was entitled to 1/2 of her practice, or the worth of it I could see how this would make it pretty hard for her to keep her practice. Possibly he was going after her future earnings as a doctor (if he helped pay for her med school - which I don't know.)

I'm not concerned in the interim. My FP is very capable and I know will be more than willing to writes my Rx's for me, if I need him to. And I will ask him for cardio rec's for our area. But this could be tough. I'll need to find a cardio that is perfectly fine with me home testing and self-dosing. I've been going to my cardio for over 10 years, so this is a real shocker for me. I just have a feeling that it will be fine though.
Hi Karlynn,

My sister-in-law has been on the staff, as a nurses manager, of a cardiology practice associated with Rush. Would you like me to run the names you have past her or perhaps get a recommendation from her re: someone who's home testing oriented? Let me know if I can help.
Wow that is a shock – it was not my cardio but my fp that sent me the letter earlier this year – or end of last year – with my surgery in September 09 details elude me. But she (the fp) is the one who heard the stenosis and sent me to the cardio – where the stenosis was determined to be really severe. I had surgery 2 months after my first visit.

The key is that she was there when I needed her most. I will trust the Good Lord that I will be in the right place at the right time with the doctor with the right skills to keep me healthy and serving him. That is my prayer for you.
Over the years, some of Joe's doctors and mine as well have either retired, or gone into a related but different field of medicine, one became an anesthesiologist. One of Joe's doctors from a while back was arrested for kidnapping his children and taking them back to his mother in the old country! He came back to the States and was promptly arrested and made headlines. He got out very fast. Unfortunately, the day after he got sprung, Joe had an appt. with him. Not a man to mince words--Joe said, "What are you doing here? I thought you were in jail" That was an uncomfortable examination, and a very short one!

One got into serious trouble with the State of NY along with another doctor, but Joe's doctor was eventually shown to be an innocent party, and a dupe of his surgeon boss.

We had one man here who was pretending to be a doctor. had hospital privileges and everything and was treating patients with extremely bizarre methods. He was caught and I don't know what happened to him. He's no longer practicing whatever he was practicing :D.

There was a psychologist who decided to become a cook.

And I am sure some can get burned out, have too many nasty reports and have to retire for a while, and all kinds of other things.

Recently, there have been more than a few who have complained about the insurance runaround and the low reimbursements. If they are even remotely close to retirement age, they are bolting.

They're human and all kinds of things can happen.
Karlyn, I got a letter like that from my neurosurgeon several months ago. He got tired of all the hassle and just up and quit.

Years ago an OB/GYN I had had his license suspended and that was a little awkward.

My PMD got me as a patient when he purchased my former doctor's practice.

I've had doctors I worked with leave for family issues and also for personal health issues (CANCER).

I hope you do find a cardio you really like. I don't pay much attention to the personality of any surgeon I visit because you aren't really after a relationship with a surgeon. For a cardio or PMD I have to have one I feel at ease with since that relationship hopefully will last for a long time. Good Luck.
Hi Karlynn,

My sister-in-law has been on the staff, as a nurses manager, of a cardiology practice associated with Rush. Would you like me to run the names you have past her or perhaps get a recommendation from her re: someone who's home testing oriented? Let me know if I can help.
Thanks for the offer. I'll let you know. I think I'm going to look for one closer to my home. But if the well runs dry, I'll be contacting you.
Good luck with your search, Karlynn. It is unsettling to be without a cardio, for whatever reason. In our new location, both DW and I have a good GP at a senior health care center, but still not a cardio. DW had a scare when GP thought an x-ray showed she might have an enlarged heart but an echo seemed pretty normal. Still they are referring her to a cardio group so maybe out of that, after she's taken care of, I will find a new cardio as well.

Anyway, do wish you well in finding a knowledgeable and understanding cardio.

I would think that you could get your PCP to be your anti-coagulation 'overseer'. Surely s/he is OK with your Home Testing / Dosing after all these years. That might make it easier to find a local Cardio.

Hi Karlynn ..... this truly sucks. My PCP sent a similar letter about a year a go that said he was retiring and gave a list of doctors he recommended. DW and I were devastated as we had been with him for years and I had a personal relationship that I thought warranted more explanation.

I ran into him at the bank a month or so later .... he was being treated for a very aggressive malignant melanoma, he still asked how I was and how I was dealing with a chronic decrease that I deal with daily .... he asked about DW by name and said he would miss us .... he was saying good by.

On another note my new insurance will pay for a home tester and strips, so if my cardiologist will not write the script I may be in search of another (my new PCP might do it, she?s pretty cool). I wish you success ... finding doctors we like and trust is no easy task.

I went through something like that last summer when my favorite cardio announced that he would be moving his practice up to Highland Park. I can't make that drive in a reasonable time, so I have moved to one of the prior cardio's associates (at Lutheran General in Park Ridge).

If either Park Ridge or Highland Park is near you, I could share a reference in either suburb. Both good cardio's (for me. . . ).

Good luck!
There is an article in the Post today about an ophthamologist who found happiness baking bread!
I was blown off my feet when about 8 months after my second OHS in four years, I got a letter from Mass General advising my surgeon (with whom I felt a huge bond, obviously), was very ill and his practice was being shut down. He had been the picture of good health, in fabulous condition, at the 'top of his game' and one of the top heart surgeons in such a highly rated heart center. He was dead in less than three months from a horribly agressive cancer. I truly grieved for that man and looked for the 'justice'. He had helped me so much and so very many others and in the end no one could help him. Not a week goes by he isn't on my mind.

I can't imagine ever having a heart surgery with anyone but him.
I did it to myself!

I did it to myself!

I moved - 4 hours away! One of the hardest parts was saying goodby to my family doctor, he truly is a family doctor, having been mine since 1985 (when I came to Canada), mum and dad's for about 15 years now (his partner, Dr. Stewart, retired. Dr. Stewart had been my parents' doctor since 1975 and he took all his patients over, and "inherited" mum and dad at that time). My brother and my sister have both been to him, as a partner in Dr. Stewart's practice; and since I acquired a husband 10 years ago who had no family doctor, he has been seeing him, too. I absolutely dread looking for a new doctor, but there are 4 in town that are taking new patients, but they are all fairly recently out of med school, maybe not a bad thing, but who knows if they might move on? as for cardios, we'll see - all I need now is annual echo and follow-up, so maybe a family doctor will be willing to do that, and help me with home testing/dosage if necessary.
Just my thoughts.. sometimes the paperwork does you in! My hubby (cardio), from all reports here, is much loved by his patients (he listens as long as it's needed) and is an all-around wonderful guy. I feel blessed. When my AVR came up, that was pivotal for him- also the grandchildren were starting to arrive. He's tired of doing paperwork seven days a week- 3 to 4 hrs on Sat. and before and after church on Sunday. He said that we don't know how much longer we'll have together and, much as he loves seeing patients, he doesn't want to spend that time doing paperwork. He's spent the past few months telling patients as he sees them and reassigning them, if they'd like. All are sad that he's retiring, but most are understanding and wish him the best. He gave his group a year's notice. It's making for bittersweet days, to a degree, and an orderly transition.
I'm hoping the cardiologist I see holds out until he's 67!:)
I find I definitely have a preference for selecting doctors on the younger rather than older side in the sincere hope they will out live/continue practicing my selfish need to have them available. My cardio is wonderful and about 9 years younger than me. I wish he was even younger!!! :)

Congratulations, Ruthie, on your DH's decision to slow down. Hope you have very many happy, healthy years together enjoying those grandbabies.
Karlynn.....for the "umpteenth" time I am also looking for a new Cardio:confused:.....and I am still with the same Cardio Group I started with in 1967. I have retired or buried six before the one I chose 4+ years ago. I chose him because he was much younger than me, but alas, he is moving to Florida....so much for choosing based on age:rolleyes:. I hate starting over with new ones because they all feel a need to "reinvent the wheel";). I have asked for one of the senior cardios since they are more likely to have experience with older valves....unfortunatly, the senior guys have all the patients they want:(.......we'll just have to see:p.
Karlynn.....for the "umpteenth" time I am also looking for a new Cardio:confused:.....and I am still with the same Cardio Group I started with in 1967. I have retired or buried six before the one I chose 4+ years ago. I chose him because he was much younger than me, but alas, he is moving to Florida....so much for choosing based on age:rolleyes:. I hate starting over with new ones because they all feel a need to "reinvent the wheel";). I have asked for one of the senior cardios since they are more likely to have experience with older valves....unfortunatly, the senior guys have all the patients they want:(.......we'll just have to see:p.

Dick, with all your experience, knowledge, and inspirational value, the cardios ought to be taking notes from YOU! :)

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