Left Sided Tingling and Weakness

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Active member
Feb 28, 2013
Philadelphia, PA
Four days ago I woke up with tingling and weakness on the upper left side of my body. It's from the middle of my upper back, thru my entire shoulder, and down my arm into my fingertips. Its also in the left side of my chest. I am also very cold lately with a lot of chills. It's very mild, but still hasn't left me. It's constantly been there for 4 days now. If I didn't have AVR 8 months ago, I would think I'm coming down with the flu because of chills. But I'm not having any pain at all. My BP is fine. My HR is fine. No temperature either. Just an annoying tingling. The tingling is worse than the weakness. If I held out a piece of paper with my left hand you would see the shaking. Is it flu? Is it heart related? I wouldn't think it's an ER situation, but just wanted to know if anyone else experienced anything like this before? It feels as if I fell asleep with my arm underneath me, and I gotta wake it up and work out the kinks....but on a mild level. Also, I had an echo done at 7 weeks ago and it looked good.
Everything you describe sounds like a good reason to call your doctor--even the off-hours oncall doc. It sounds like TIA, but could be something harmless. Some insurance companies have a helpline with a nurse to talk to. The flu comes on suddenly, not gradually like a cold. For me, anxiety would be making symptoms worse after 4 days...

Good luck and hoping for a good resolution.
Ok, I called the on-call dr, and it took him over an hour to call back. And, it was an ER dr, and not a cardio. He said that TIA symptoms usually last 24 hours, and I was way past that. He also said that a stroke usually isn't localized to a specific area, and that it would effect other parts of my body including leg, foot, head, face, neck, speech, balance, etc. From the info he had on me, he doesn't 'think' that I need to rush into the ER, but I should consider it. So, it looks as i will make the trip tmrw. He said likely an MRI will be done on me. Will let u know what happens.
MPO, it sounds more like a pinch nerve....probably in the neck area. Try stretching out your neck, an ear to shoulder exercise - keep shoulder straight & square and slowly bring your right ear to the shoulder and at the same time stretch your left shoulder downward, then repeat to the other side....hold the 'stretch' to the count of 10.

Good Luck
Just to follow up on this thread.....I went to the ER and got chest n neck X-rays, head ct scan, and lab work. Everything was clean, except they found degenerative disc disease at C6-C7. Suggested for me to goto neuro for MRI. i feel relieved that it wasn't serious. But, now I have a new problem to add to my health list. I read that posture, ergonomics, neck exercises, and a good pillow can help slow down DDD.
Just to follow up on this thread.....I went to the ER and got chest n neck X-rays, head ct scan, and lab work. Everything was clean, except they found degenerative disc disease at C6-C7. Suggested for me to goto neuro for MRI. i feel relieved that it wasn't serious. But, now I have a new problem to add to my health list. I read that posture, ergonomics, neck exercises, and a good pillow can help slow down DDD.

Although I can't relate to the "tingling" problem, I did have weakness and a lot of neck pain ten, or so, years ago. It also turned out to be degenerative disc disease in the upper spine. Not sure but think it may also be around C6, C7. A good neurologist put me on an weight program to build up upper body to support head weight to lessen pressure on discs. It worked like a charm and got me started on a program that, along with treadmill, I continue to this day. I still have some minor spinal pain from time to time, but it no longer is debilitating.
Glad that was not serious. Improving your posture will definitely help!

You may try to examine your own posture throughout the day or have a physio therapist help you to improve it--how to lift up heavy objects, how to set up your office chair, how to stand, what is the best sleep posture for you, etc. that will reduce pressure on your back. You may need some medication at start to control the inflammation and pain for a while.

Good luck.
I'm late to this discussion, but I would have guessed nerve involvement from my own experience. I also had the night-time feelings like my arms had "fallen asleep" and some of the other issues you've noted. Mine turned out to be due to a pinched nerve(somewhere around L-5, IIRC). I did a few sessions of physical therapy and learned some targeted stretches and weight exercises and have been managing well since. Hope yours responds well, too.
Thanks for your help, everyone! I'm going to set up an appointment with a specialist and see if I can get on a program to get this under control.

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