It's on!! April 18th.

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Dec 16, 2010
After 24 years of knowing it was going to happen, it's going down.

Surgeon says no need for cath, says he can use the echo results (which I have about 14 of them in the records pack). Seems strange that everyone else seems to have had a cath.

Surgeon is down with St Jude over OnX. Not sure why because 2 years ago he was recommending the OnX. I think he's not sold on it due to the hype about no coumadin etc. Or, St Jude is giving him an incentive or the hospital etc. There's always multiple factors in my book.

I guess I need to hammer down and get the power of attorney, will docs, and some other stuff.

What else should I do to prepare to help my recovery time??
Glad things are moving along. I'm surprised you don't need a cath too, since you've had a couple of OHS so far.
Did you check the stickies at the top f the Pre and Post op forums? they have alot of good info about what to take to the hospital what to get ready at home etc
Good Luck with everything
Kevin - As the others said, welcome. I am just ahead of you, having had surgery on Feb. 28.

You asked why we thought you weren't sent for a cath, and the only reasons I could think of are either they did one in the past and feel that the results are conclusive enough to use now, or (since I didn't look) you may be younger than the age cutoff used by your surgeon. My surgeon said that if the patient is over 50, they always require a cath. With younger patients, if there is no other indication (symptoms, etc.) then they do not require it.

As for what you can do in advance - stay young! You are younger than I (I'm 63) and younger pateints bounce back faster. Hope you don't hit any speed bumps (check my past posts for some examples) and may you have an easy trip over the mountain.
Kevin, I think Steve is right. Because you are younger, your surgeon probably doesn't anticipate any arterial disease which the heart cath would visualize. It is only prudent to get that basic paper work out of the way and don't forget the Medical Directive or whatever they call it where you live. If you are not going to be able to walk outside in your neighborhood, you might want to consider a treadmill. It should be a great time to walk outside when the weather permits now that spring is on the way. Here in Oklahoma, because the fruit trees are beginning to blossom my honeybees are already less interested in the feeder I put out for them . Take care, Kevin.

Best of luck too you, it is quite the experience is all I can say! Stay positive and pray that everyone has a good day in the OR!
You will be up and about in no time, once the nurses figure you can catch them, you will be at home bored silly.

Jeff from "The Great White North"
Best of luck on your upcoming trip to the other side of the mountain. Your young, you will bounce back easily and be better than ever. A housekeeper, a masseuse, all seasons of True Blood on DVD, Netflix, set up on your bedroom 32 in. flat screen and a few pints of Chunky Monkey ice cream in the freezer..........should make your recovery time enjoyable :)
Be well...Go Team 2011 !!!
Thanks everyone!! I'm really not looking forward to it but it's just something I have to do (like taxes).