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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2009
Houma, La.
Dont feel like chatting too much, but i wanted to thank all of you for your prayers. Im on the other side of the mountain. Did anyone hear from Dar? She had surgery the same day as me. It was hard, but im here.... ill post soon when i get a little more energy. Danny
Danny I'm glad your doing well enough already to post. You should feel better and stronger as each day progresses. Look forward to hearing more from you whenever you feel up to it.
Danny...... So good to hear from you and know you are safely through your surgery. Please take it slow during your recovery and follow doctor's orders. They really do know best. :) Wishing you a bump free recovery.
Hi Danny!

So glad to hear you made it to the other side! It takes time, so don't rush things. Everyone has a different recovery rate. Mine was rather slow. I'm sure that was due to complications after surgery.

Please post when you are able!
Good job, Danny. So happy to hear your surgery went well.

Now one step at a time and you'll gradually see progress being made in how you feel.

I've been searching for news of Darrla in California but so far nothing has been posted about her.

Blessings, we're not through praying for you!
Danny, great to hear the worst is behind. Sounds like Dr.Duncan did you a good job and things went in your favor for you to be posting this soon after surgery.
Don't push recovery to hard, it took me 6 months to feel worth a hoot and a full year to get back to fully normal.
Wow, Danny, I'm really impressed - posting just two days after surgery! I'm assuming you are out of CICU and in a regular room now? Have you done any walking yet? Like everyone said, take it easy and don't push too hard too soon. You will have good days and not so good days, that is normal. David felt pretty good the 1st day after surgery (he probably still had a lot of anesthesia still in him) and pretty bad the 2nd day after surgery. The nurses told us that sometimes it gets worse before it gets better and that recovery is not always in a straight line. And I remember AL Capshaw saying to measure your progress in weeks not days - as long as you feel a little better from one week to the next don't worry if you feel worse than the day before as you will have ups and downs. Did they give you any idea as to when you will be able to go home?

onward and upward now. we know you are sore but it really does get better. so happy to hear from you. breathe, walk, breathe, walk - well, you know.......