I am Finally in the Club!!

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May 16, 2010
Redondo Beach, CA
Hi All,

I wanted to let everybody know, I had surgery on June 10th, it went beautifully, and I'm home and recovering. I DID get cookies, well one, from the cafeteria in one of my lunches. I didn't post too much before but read so much on this site leading up to my surgery. I credit this place to helping me go in with a very focused and calm attitude. I woke up in minimal pain and wasn't taken by surprise by anything, including the tubes down my throat, which I found annoying but not a deal breaker.

I am definitely not one of those people who came home without painkillers. I came home my 4th day with 30 percocet, called my cardiologist because I was thinking that wasn't enough, and they happily called in darvocet or something. Apparently, it's illegal to call in percocets, can only get it with a prescription in triplicate. I found that interesting and sad, a commentary on the drug abuse in our society. I had a full sternectomy (don't think I spelled that correctly, hope I'm close) to repair a mitral valve. I also had an AICD removed that has been in my body for 10 years but not working for 7 of them.

I can already feel the positive effects from the repair! I used to get PVC's like nobody's business, now they are almost non-existant, and I can tell I don't lose my breath as easily. I do have a ways to go in this recovery, I'm on Day 9, but I feel so happy and positive. Thanks to everybody on this site; you continue to answer my questions and make me feel like I'm not going through this alone.

Amanda Freeman
Sounds great, but remember, your still in the very early stages of recovery, so don't go overdoing and backsliding. Take it easy and one day at a time.
Congrats amanda!!!!

Congrats amanda!!!!

Welcome to the club Amanda.....i am a newcomer also but we have all the benefits of the veterans experience. I am so glad you came thru fine and are now recovering. Take time for you and get a lot of rest.......Lots of Love......Michael
great news amanda!! take things slow and just as your dr has ordered. don't want to mess up a good thing! i'm still new here also. my surgery is upcoming in less than a week now, on friday. i feel the same as you about this site. i know i would not have been able to make it through this process without finding this awesome forum. i'm hoping i'll get to the "at peace" stage towards the end like some others here have talked about. hasn't hit me quite yet though, although i do want this over with! praying you continue to have a great recovery!
Congrats Amanda! Another voice joins the choir ;) Yea, don't be afraid to use those pain killers till you don't need them anymore. You're at that stage now where you notice improvement almost every day, so it may not be long 'till you don't need them anymore, but very much ok (and highly recommended) to take them now. That's what they were invented for - but true it's sad about misuse. Awsome that you're doing so great!

Haha, Ross's comment reminds me of the same warning he gave Gil & I as we were at about the same point you are. Gil listened and had no setbacks. I was a bad boy and had a little one, but am doing good again now. Be a good girl ;)
Congratulations on a successful surgery! I, too, am a fairly new member of "the club". My surgery was May 3. My surgery also went very well. But I did have a lot of back pain for several weeks. Everyone at the hospital said it was to be expected--6 hr surgery with chest held open. Fortunately, my doctor did not have a problem prescribing Hydrocodone. I am also very thankful to everyone out there who gave me advice and encouragement. They helped me so much. I went thru a couple of "poor me" days regarding diet and Warfarin and the INR ups and downs. Their advice got me back on track. SO, THANKS, EVERYONE OUT THERE!
I started listening to some cd's I picked up at a holistic store about Guided Imagery for Surgery. I started listening 4 days before, and was not completely sold on the idea it was going to calm me, and attribute my calmness to these tapes. I even woke up hungry after surgery because that was one of the suggestions!!! I was sure that wasn't going to happen. The mind is a powerful thing. I had even had a surgery before involving a chest tube in my sternum that was sooo painful and I knew this one was going to be worse. Well, it wasn't because of the difference in attitude. I'm still amazed by my experience.
Hi Amanda!
Glad you're now on the other side of the mountain and that all has gone well for you. Take it easy and you'll be fine.
Gentle hugs,

A big welcome to the had OHS club and am so glad that you are doing well only nine days in, good for you and yes take it easy.

You do well to take whatever meds are required to sit up, spyro as much as you can and walk as much as you can, these activities will get you through rehab in no time.

Thanks for posting and happy healing, yes do give us progress reports when you can

Andy, here we are again borrowing Amanda's thread this time....good catch

To add, am also sometimes "out for lunch" and "sometimes out to lunch"...same thing right:D

geez, do i need a spellcheck though, getting lazy for checking spelling