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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Aug 24, 2010
Rockford, IL
Well, tomorrow I am being admitted to St. Anthony's in Rockford, IL. They are doing the heart cath, EKG and some blood work, and keeping me over night. Surgery is Tuesday, Nov 9th at 7am. As I sit here, I have peace, and some anxiety. But, what is getting me is how 'surreal' this all feels. I am 37, never had surgery on any sorts, and actually never admitted into the hospital! But, as a Christian, I sense a calming peace from the LORD. This site has been so incredible with good info and encouragement. I am in God's hands, and there I find great solace. Thank you to all who have shared and answered questions over the last 3 months waiting for this day!

Wishing you all the very best for a successful surgery on Tuesday. Keep up the faith and before you know it, you will be on the road to recovery.

My prayers and well wishes going out to you for a most successful surgery on Tuesday.

May God guide your surgeon's hands so that he can make you whole again.

We will be waiting to hear from you!


I know exactly what you mean. My surgery was on Oct. 6th and the couple months leading up to the surgery was pretty rough. But just as you said, the morning of my surgery I had a peace about me. Knowing that God was with me and that He would watch over me. And He did. I'm praying that all goes well for you and you have a smooth recovery.
Chad, I had a similar experience......no previous surgeries, went in on a Monday afternoon and had surgery first thing on the Tuesday morning. My previous denial and anxiety was also swept away and I gave myself over to my surgeon and his team. You are young and will do great. Best wishes. :)
You sound like your mind is in a good place going into surgery. Best wishes for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. Be sure to check back in when you can!

I'd say "Good Luck", but you've got something better than luck--faith in God, and lots of prayers. So I'll just say what my friend, Dave, always says: "Go with God." See ya on the flip-side!


"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7)
All the best, Chad. I'm almost 3 weeks behind you on this voyage.

For many years I've been impressed by the fact that the minutia of our daily lives is what seems most "real" to us all, while the Big Days that are in many ways the MOST real -- births, deaths, weddings, surgery, etc. -- seem UNreal, or SURreal. It's understandable, but also weird.