Full-Body Shave for Women?

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All I had polished were my toes and they came in and removed just the color from the big toe of each foot!
When in doubt about anythng,just make a phone call and ask.

Best Wishes
Just for your info, if you have nail colour, they may ask you to remove it, at least they did me......??

Did they do this to any of you gals out there????

You may want to find out about this first before you spend the money having a mani/pedi.

yes - no nail polish. they check your nail beds to see if they turn blue.... meaning circulation problem or not, I think. when I had gall bladder surgery many yrs ago, I wore polish all the time and they took it off themselves.
Probably jumping in where I don't belong since I don't know anything about manis or pedis (I'm a guy). But I remember having the same question - should I do some more-than-normal man-scaping before surgery. Like you, I was keeping busy with things (projects around the house) leading up to surgery to keep my mind off things (which worked very well by the way). And I ended up not leaving enough time to shave before I left. Plus, I figured, what the heck, maybe it'll be fun to have the nurses do it. Turns out, at least at my hospital, they didn't shave "down there" at all. Shaved my chest and belly, and top of my thighs (not sure why they did that...) but nothing else. So, like someone else said, you might wanna check w/ them before doing "too much". I laugh now because one of the other things I had on my todo list (from reading this forum) was to trim my toenails right before surgery (which I did). Turns out I could have easily trimmed them again a few days after surgery. Maybe I'm not normal, but within a few days after surgery (I wanna say by day 3, if not day 2), I could reach everything on my body I could before surgery, which surprised me thinking I'd have a lot less mobility. But hey, if it keeps your mind off things to do all the prep - I say go for it! Anything to keep your mind pre-occupied going in is good!

haven't been to check out a nail salon, have you? guys ARE THERE! I was surprised - but, yep there they were.
First time, they did a sort of semi-Mohawk thing plus a trim, so they could do the catheterization without concern. They did nothing more for the surgery the next day. They didn't have to - they would have inserted the surgical catheter the same place they did for the catheterization (angiogram).

Second time, the nurse insisted on a full shave the day of surgery (by a male nurse), despite my protests. It was a Catholic hospital, so there may be some sexual repression compensation going on there. I dunno.

There is no reasonable excuse for requiring a full shave, excepting only the most unusual of anatomies. The angiogram catheterization requires the same access as the surgical catheterization would, if they choose to use the groin access. So what's fit for the cath is fit for the surgeon.

However, good luck in convincing anyone of that when Nurse Duckett arrives at 10:30 at night with a Shick throwaway and an attitude.

Best wishes,
It wouldn't surprise me guys going to nail salon. They probably want to get their toenails clip and get a nose trim before surgery so they could look presentable.:D
First time, they did a sort of semi-Mohawk thing plus a trim, so they could do the catheterization without concern. They did nothing more for the surgery the next day. They didn't have to - they would have inserted the surgical catheter the same place they did for the catheterization (angiogram).

Second time, the nurse insisted on a full shave the day of surgery (by a male nurse), despite my protests. It was a Catholic hospital, so there may be some sexual repression compensation going on there. I dunno.

There is no reasonable excuse for requiring a full shave, excepting only the most unusual of anatomies. The angiogram catheterization requires the same access as the surgical catheterization would, if they choose to use the groin access. So what's fit for the cath is fit for the surgeon.

However, good luck in convincing anyone of that when Nurse Duckett arrives at 10:30 at night with a Shick throwaway and an attitude.

Best wishes,

I think one of the reasons you MAY need shaved (NOT a full shave, more the landstrip type like for a cath) if you didn't have a cath the day or so before is incase they need the site for the bypass hook ups. Normally this wouldn't be a concern for first surgeries, but many of the min invasive surgeries, they use the groin area for the heart/lung since it doesn't fit in the smaller incision like it would a regular sternal opening. They also might use the neck area, I'm not sure what goes into deciding which area they will use, Before Justin's last couple surgeries they did an additional ultrasound of the areas on both sides of his neck/upper chest and both sides of his groin to see if there was a place they couldn't use. Justin asked IF it was an option and they needed to use one of the places since the incision is about 2-4 inches long he would prefer they used his groin since he rather not have another scar by his neck.
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I think one of the reasons you MAY need shaved (NOT a full shave, more the landstrip type like for a cath) if you didn't have a cath the day or so before is incase they need the site for the bypass hook ups. Normally this wouldn't be a concern for first surgeries, but many of the min invasive surgeries, they use the groin area for the heart/lung since it doesn't fit in the smaller incision like it would a regular sternal opening. They also might use the neck area, I'm not sure what goes into deciding which area they will use, Before Justin's last couple surgeries they did an additional ultrasound of the areas on both sides of his neck/upper chest and both sides of his groin to see if there was a place they couldn't use. Justin asked IF it was an option and they needed to use one of the places since the incision is about 2-4 inches long he would prefer they used his groin since he rather not have another scar by his neck.

I have one of those little scars in my neck area too Lyn. When I woke up from my last OHS, I had an extra tube (catheter) coming out from the left side of my neck also!
Went thru my 3rd surgery with lovely bronze toenail polish intact! One of my surgeon's who visited me daily, even commented on my toes when I awoke from surgery. He was happy to have left them colored for me, I guess. In the 80's they shaved men and women from neck to knees. This was done when I was 'out'. But now, I just did a bikini type shave, especially the groin area, and the nurse said it was fine. She was ready with the shaver for the guys, though, in the pre-surgery area.
You may not be able to wash your hair that first week. My nurse said I could shower the day I was leaving, so I just waited until I got home. I didn't try them, but there seems to be alot of dry shampoo options available.
I got my hair colored, highlighted, before my surgery, too, and my brows waxed! I wore their gowns, though, and the pants. I didn't want to wash any stray blood or other gunk myself. And you get a clean gown daily, or whenever you need one.
I know why. We haven't had a good sex thread in a long long time.


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Well, I must say that this is a most delightful and entertaining thread....I mean, detailed and educational thread. ;)
Ross is gonna have to start a pre-op service of "personal grooming". Could u imagine? Everybody would have little heart shaped furry bits.
Is shaving "down or around there" a requirement in parts of the world? I've never heard of anything like that before, I had an angio done 2 1/2years ago then a MVP and a 30mm ring put around my tricuspid valve and nothing' not one hair taken off my body. My sister is a beauty therapist and she actually suggested I give it a bit of a tidy up down there in case they need to spend more time down there for whatever reason (hehe) I graciously declined!
All the best Amanda

I needed this post! I couldn't quit laughing or maybe it was crying mixed with laughing. I wear artifical nails and I told them I was not going to take them all off so I only had to take one off and I didn't polish my toe nails. As far as the shaving, I don't have any hair on my chest so I was safe there! I had been shafed for the cath so that was okay. The embarassing part was when they had to tape my "fat" stomach over for the cath. Now that was real embarassing! But it's something they see everyday, several times a day. I did take my own pajamas and like someone said you do sweat a lot after surgery so take several pair. I hate hospital gowns. They don't leave anything for the imagaination. You would think that hosptials could get some decent looking gowns.
Must say that I'm rather disappointed that our top-rated horndogs (not to mention any names, but Ross and Cooker) couldn't turn a thread about "full body shaves for women" into a full-fledged, no-holds-ahem-barred sex thread. :rolleyes:;)
If you're having a minimally invasive incision between the ribs, you will get a bit of a shave on the left groin as that's where you'll be connected to the cardio-pulmonary bypass. It's done on the left if the right was used recently for a cath.
I was only required to have a very short clip of the 'private parts'. So...decded to do this myself the night before surgery to 'save the nurses' an extra job pre-op. :).