Father's expected aortic valve replacement

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It is not who you mentioned, instead his name is Majelovic (know I am messing up the spelling but it is on my laptop and I am on a desktop). He will have a PET Scan as one of the tests. He mentioned 3 valves involved in his most recent email, I am waiting for clarification because we only knew of the aortic valve. He remains positive and a sense of humor that keeps me smiling.

Its hard to guess what different numbers or valves could be with out knowing the test results to try and figure out what the possibilities are. It could really be so many different things, that until you know a little more details, try not to stress too much (easier said than done) about things it might or might not be.
Often when you are needing 1 valve replaced, they will also mention other valves have mild or trace problems, but they may not have to do anything about it, some is pretty much normal, but people don't know they have mild regurge or stenosis ect only because they never had a problems so never had tests. Also Some problems, can be caused because of the problem with the valve that needs replaced or fixed and as soon as theat valve is replaced (for example the Aortic valve like your dad needs replaced) since blood can now flow thru it and isn't backed up into the left ventricle, the other valves are fine and don't need any work.
Are you sure he is having a Pet scan or is he having a CT scan? Would it help you to understand figure out what is going one if you spoke to the nurse yourself and not getting it 2nd hand from your Dad? If you are trying to help him make decisions, Maybe you could ask him to sign the HIPPA papers so they can give you informatation and answer your questions. I know with my parents it can be kind of tough actually figuring out what is going one when I get my information from them. I haven't ever asked to speak to the staff myself, because until recently both my parents were alive, and didn't ask my opinion, but now that it is just my Dad, my SIL will be going to the appts (I live too far away) and if I have to I'll ask Dad to get me permission since Mom passed.
I really believe him being positive and keeping his sense of humor will really help him get thru whatever he needs to do.
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a fine line

a fine line

While I'd prefer to have 1st hand communication, I have to respect my father and mother's autonomy and well sustained sense of independence. It is a PET scan because my father joked that he gets those all of the time from the neighborhood cats he feeds. From what I've read quickly, the scan show the blood flow in the heart. He asked the pre op nurse about a less invasive surgery and that is wherein the 3 valves were referenced. I do understand from my own research if there is no surgical repair then he is on a 6 month - 2 year window - based on symptoms over time he is not likely to be at the longer end of the spectrum. I spend little to no time worrying about what might have been or what might be, instead I continue to read and share laughter with both parents - it has been a joyous life. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wisdom.
While I'd prefer to have 1st hand communication, I have to respect my father and mother's autonomy and well sustained sense of independence. It is a PET scan because my father joked that he gets those all of the time from the neighborhood cats he feeds. From what I've read quickly, the scan show the blood flow in the heart. He asked the pre op nurse about a less invasive surgery and that is wherein the 3 valves were referenced. I do understand from my own research if there is no surgical repair then he is on a 6 month - 2 year window - based on symptoms over time he is not likely to be at the longer end of the spectrum. I spend little to no time worrying about what might have been or what might be, instead I continue to read and share laughter with both parents - it has been a joyous life. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wisdom.

I understand completely, That's how I was with my parents. IF they asked my opinion, I gave it, otherwise, I pretty much just supported whatever they told me was going on. I know someday, I'll have to do the same with Justin, which will be much harder after making the decisions for so many years, but I'll try.
Hopefully they will be able to help him and you'll spend many more years laughing at his jokes.
It is not who you mentioned, instead his name is Majelovic (know I am messing up the spelling but it is on my laptop and I am on a desktop). He will have a PET Scan as one of the tests. He mentioned 3 valves involved in his most recent email, I am waiting for clarification because we only knew of the aortic valve. He remains positive and a sense of humor that keeps me smiling.
Hi Carolyn - Welcome to the site. I see that Lyn has addressed this point but I am one who looked like I might need surgery on two valves but after the defective aortic valve was replaced, the second valve (the mitral) was then able to work correctly and therefore didn't need work afterall; so hopefully things may go that well for your father also. Best wishes :)
testing and consult

testing and consult

My parents will travel Monday the 20th, testing 21 & 22 with the dr/consult on the 22nd and return home on the 23rd - hooray for booking first class and having a wheelchair awaiting him. Thank you all for the caring/supportive commentary.
Wonderful news - Dad will have the surgery October 14th and the aortic valve will be replaced with a valve that is a combination of mechanical and organic. My brothers and sister in law were with my parents and all were impressed by the clinic, staff and doctors. I remained in the class room as my father asked awaiting the phone call reports! I will be at a conference in Portland on the 12 and fly to Cleveland as soon as it is over to stay with my mother as he begins the recovery. Both insisted I make the conference. The family is thrilled there is a solution for the man whose been at the center of our lives, hip hip hooray the world is a sunnier place these days!
I'm sorry I missed your post a couple days ago.
I'm so glad to hear from you and that things are going well. I'm not sure what valve you are describing, but would be interested in learning about it if you find out the name.
Your whole family is in my prayers
Thank you Lyn and Scott - uncertain re: valve other than my father's use of mechanical and organic combination -could it be something new? The doctor's name is Mihaljevic, parents, brothers and sister in law were quite impressed with his demeanor...direct, confident w/out arrogance and willing to stay as long as necessary for all questions. My mother was so cute telling me she can manage one night in the hotel alone but looks forward to my company thereafter...my school rerouted my flight return from the conference so I can be there 24 hours after the surgery. My brothers will also be there and my sister in law will come to stay with my mother if I decide to leave before he is discharged to the hotel for one week after release from the hospital. My father has already emailed me with the suggestion that I not stay away from my family too long because I help my daughter with the four grandchildren. She says not to be concerned and I am leaning toward a flight back from Cleveland one week from the surgery. In the meanwhile, multiple lesson plans for my classes while I am gone and so very happy to have this time with both of them. When he had his back surgery in Florida I was the one to crack the whip at the hospital and make certain he had what was needed. Dad said this will probably not be needed because the staff at Cleveland are so very good at what they do.
It sounds like oyour family has things ifigured out well. I'm glad you will be able to be there sooner, since I know until you see him yourself you will worry
Dad's surgery is at 5 am Thursday morning, I have one more conference day then to the airport and an all night flight to Cleveland. My sister in law will give me text updates until I get in the air and I will be staying with my mother until the 23rd, hopefully he will be out of the hospital by then and soon there after back to Florida on the upswing.
Wonderful news - Dad will have the surgery October 14th and the aortic valve will be replaced with a valve that is a combination of mechanical and organic. My brothers and sister in law were with my parents and all were impressed by the clinic, staff and doctors. I remained in the class room as my father asked awaiting the phone call reports! I will be at a conference in Portland on the 12 and fly to Cleveland as soon as it is over to stay with my mother as he begins the recovery. Both insisted I make the conference. The family is thrilled there is a solution for the man whose been at the center of our lives, hip hip hooray the world is a sunnier place these days!


I've never heard of a valve that is a combination of Mechanical and Biological.

I noticed that you mentioned 3 valves were being checked so perhaps they are recommending a Mechanical for the Aortic or Mitral Positon (Left side of heart) and a Tissue Valve for one of the Right Side Valves (Pulmonic or Tricuspid). At his age, it would not be unusual to use Tissue Valves for any position since they tend to last longer in older patients.

Hope all goes well today.

'AL C'
Dad's surgery is at 5 am Thursday morning, I have one more conference day then to the airport and an all night flight to Cleveland. My sister in law will give me text updates until I get in the air and I will be staying with my mother until the 23rd, hopefully he will be out of the hospital by then and soon there after back to Florida on the upswing.

Wishing you and your family well. My offer to stop by the hospital is still open. I think I gave you my phone number, if not, let me know.
He is in ICU, 3 valves replaced, heart had deteriorated since visit 2 weeks ago, was at 15/20%function, Dr. reply to prognosis was uncertain but he said he was able to do all the work needed - ICU until Sunday and 12 days hospitalized after - leaving Portland this afternoon and arrival in am - hard to be focussed at conference now and thank you Scott I do have the number and very likely to get in touch after a couple of days there.
While leaving Portland last night I got the call that he had to be returned to surgery for bleeding. I landed this morning in Cleveland and went right to my mother. I've been able to see Dad a couple of times and asked the questions to find out the aortic valve was replaced (tissue) while the bicuspid and mitral were repaired. He is being heavily sedated with a heart balloon pump inserted and remaining on the ventilator.
Thanks for the update. I'm sure it makes you feel so much better to be there and see him yourself, not to mention support your Mom. It sounds like he had surgery just in time. I could be wrong, but If he got an Aortic tissue valve (makes sense to me at least at his age) the 2 valves he had repaired were probably the Mitral and TRIcuspid.
If you have any questions or need something explained, feel free to ask away, most likely someone here can help.
Yes Lynn it is the tricuspid, I have to take more time with posting to avoid mistakes. I saw Dad this morning and the plan might be to reduce the baloon assitance to the heart. Two dififferent heart medicines were lowered until his blood pressure elevated. There is no semblance of struggle in his face so we know he is not uncomfortable and that is helpful. Two brothers just left with plans to return in later days while another is returning today. His beloved Yankees won last and my mother is planning to go to a mass tomorrow to thank God for seeing him through the last 2 days.