echo tests

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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2008
stoke-on-Trent. England
after a discussion in another thread on valve life the subject of echo tests and how often you have them came up .im in the uk and have one every 3 years but this is for my truck licence entitlement and nothing to do with my heart treatment .
regards Jeff :)

Ps could the forum English teacher please check my post for me for the correct spelling and punctuation . thanks :D
Dunno. I see my cardio in November, thats 8 months post op, and I'm expecting to have an echo. Think we have yearly follow-ups but I'm no expert as I'm new to the world of follow-ups.

Spelling ok, punctuation needs work.
Dunno. I see my cardio in November, thats 8 months post op, and I'm expecting to have an echo. Think we have yearly follow-ups but I'm no expert as I'm new to the world of follow-ups.

Spelling ok, punctuation needs work.

thanks for the punctuation tips :D
I went for my check up, which included ECG and echo, last year. All looked good, so cardio said come back in 2 years, UNLESS anything untoward happens in the meantime.
Well, last month I had A-Fib/Flutter which needed cardioversion. I reckon that is "untoward", so I've made an appointment to see my cardio, plus have an echo and ECG, next week.

Nice to meet you Jeff. Welcome!
I went for my check up, which included ECG and echo, last year. All looked good, so cardio said come back in 2 years, UNLESS anything untoward happens in the meantime.
Well, last month I had A-Fib/Flutter which needed cardioversion. I reckon that is "untoward", so I've made an appointment to see my cardio, plus have an echo and ECG, next week.

Nice to meet you Jeff. Welcome!

nice to meet you Bridgette and thanks for the welcome :)
My first cardiologist wanted an echo yearly, before and after AVR.
First echo after AVR was about a month but that was because I still had fever.
See him every 6 months for checkup, he runs an ECG only if it's not time for the echo.

Usually have to remind my new cardiologist that it's time for the echo. :)
I had first echo post op at three months then another six months later. I'm now at 18 months and had a third. Cardio will see me every six months but I will have echo once a year. (I have other heart issues in addition to valve thus seeing cardio a little more often.)
I have echoes done every year now. There have been some minor changes over the last two years, along with a new aneurysm found in my abdomen.
Coming up on 4 years post op and I will be having my 3rd echo next month.
(I make sure to ask for them---my tax money at work). ;)

bina i had a good lump of the tax money when i had my opp but i don't think it will hurt to have a bit more for a echo test :D there seams to be quiet a bit of difference in the length of time between echo's from those that have posted so far
regards jeff:)
pre-op: my v.a. cardio advised annual echos to monitor valve deterioration

post-op: both indian and chinese cardios say annual echo

in practice. echos are cheap. great way to meet nurses. plus have an excuse to
take off my shirt in the land of hairless chihuahuas.
Hi Jeff,

For the last 2 years, I have had to have an echo every 6 months due to some changes that my Cardio doc is monitoring.

Such is life... The heart valve may last a life time, but that is no guarantee that everything else around it does !!

Wishing good health...

I am 2.5 years post-op. I see the Cardio every year and echo every other year. My problem was ascending aneurysm and replaced aortic valve (with synthetic). Just had my second echo last week and all is good. Cleared me to do Ironman and told me he would see me next year unless something goes wrong (like not being able to hear my valve). :)
Hi Jeff,

For the last 2 years, I have had to have an echo every 6 months due to some changes that my Cardio doc is monitoring.

Such is life... The heart valve may last a life time, but that is no guarantee that everything else around it does !!

Wishing good health...


rob if i can see the need for regular echo testing if your having problems with your heart . and fully agree that there is no guarantee with the surrounding parts :D
wish you well and hope the cardio find nothing untoward wrong.
regards jeff:)
Ross, think that you should have that Aneurysm fixed yesterday..As for Eckos (Surgery Aug.10,2009),I already had one see the Cardiologist Sept 29.Hope everything is ok.The Gal who did test said Cool Valve then later said Surgeon did a good job,wouldnt tell me anything else
Ross, think that you should have that Aneurysm fixed yesterday..As for Eckos (Surgery Aug.10,2009),I already had one see the Cardiologist Sept 29.Hope everything is ok.The Gal who did test said Cool Valve then later said Surgeon did a good job,wouldnt tell me anything else

Another On-X recipient reported that his echo-tech couldn't believe that he had a mechanical valve because there was little or no turbulence (I forgot which). This is a natural result of the On-X valve opening a full 90 degrees vs. 70-80? degrees for most other valves.
I get echo's every 1-2 years, things have been a little funky lately because of switching from pedi cards to adult congenital cardios, and my ablation, but I had one this past january, and my next one will be 2 years from september. . . watching for my valves going bad (mitral and aortic)

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