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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Lately been feeling weakness in both arms at times. No SOB, no pains. Have regular appointment with doc next week so I will ask him. But from googling just now, I am beginning to think I am on the verge of dehydration.

I walk Sadie dog twice a day -- morning and at night. But lately it's been almost as bad at 10 p.m. as 10 a.m. Incredibly humid, and I sweat for hours after returning home. (I make sure Sadie has lots of water -- she seems to be fine.)

Two of risk factors are (1) being a senior, and (2) living in a hot climate. I qualify.

So I am going to drink more water. Any suggestions what else I can do? Gatorade (I worry about the sugar content but maybe I need the other stuff for replacement)? Should I eat salty foods too? Doing away with the walks really isn't an option -- no longer have a fenced yard for Sadie, and anyway we both need the exercise. :)

What does The Chimp do in this tropical climate anyway? :eek:
The cab just dropped me off from my evening walk and I saw this SOS from our super hero.... potassium levels, maybe .... try drinking more water and maybe a sugar free sport drink before and after your walk ... oh, even super heros where hats during the SC summers ... but drastic measures might be needed ... buy a ?Hover Round? and hire a thonged CPDW (certified public dawg walker), stay right on her a... er heels to make sure she is walking super dawg at the proper pace .... hope this helps.:)
Here is a rehydration drink recipe from one of medical websites I found a long time ago and kept it for 'just in case'.[Not good for children younger than 12.]

I tried it and it is not bad and it helped.

Measure all ingredients precisely. Small variations can make the drink less effective or even harmful. Mix the following:

? 1 quart (950 ml) water
? 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 g) baking soda
? 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 g) table salt, or 1/4 teaspoon (1.25 g) salt
substitute (such as ?Lite Salt,? which is potassium-based)

? 3 to 4 tablespoons (45 g to 60 g) sugar or sugar substitute.

Good luck.
Here is a rehydration drink recipe from one of medical websites I found a long time ago and kept it for 'just in case'.[Not good for children younger than 12.]

I tried it and it is not bad and it helped.

Measure all ingredients precisely. Small variations can make the drink less effective or even harmful. Mix the following:

? 1 quart (950 ml) water
? 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 g) baking soda
? 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 g) table salt, or 1/4 teaspoon (1.25 g) salt
substitute (such as ?Lite Salt,? which is potassium-based)

? 3 to 4 tablespoons (45 g to 60 g) sugar or sugar substitute.

Good luck.
Great Eva! And for those with high BP or high sugar they could use half
of what they need less of.
I wonder if adding lemon for flavor would cause a chemical reaction:D
Many types of Fruit Juice contain Potassium supplements and have 25% less calories (sugar) than typical Soft Drinks. Juicy Juice is one example. You can dilute with added water to increase hydration without adding calories.
You might also check your BP for a few days! Turns out my BP is hanging in the 80/50s at rest, 92/54 when active. No wonder I get faint when I stand up. Then when I'm out in the heat, and the blood vessels dialate, the BP drops even further. DUH. Dr. is adjusting my bp med today.
Increase your consumption of high-water content foods: fruits and vegetables. This is a painless way to increase your fluids.

I personally highly suggest that you do NOT substitute "sports drinks" for water. If you feel that you need the mineral supplements in sports drinks, take those supplements separately.

I know you are concerned about your blood sugar levels, so I won't suggest fruit juice. However, there may be veggie smoothie recipes that you will like.
The cab just dropped me off from my evening walk and I saw this SOS from our super hero.... potassium levels, maybe .... try drinking more water and maybe a sugar free sport drink before and after your walk ... oh, even super heros where hats during the SC summers ... but drastic measures might be needed ... buy a ?Hover Round? and hire a thonged CPDW (certified public dawg walker), stay right on her a... er heels to make sure she is walking super dawg at the proper pace .... hope this helps.:)

Well, Superbob has found G2 to be helpful. It's low-sugar, and seems to help. SB is not too good at mixing up drinks (at least the non-alcoholic kind) but maybe he can convince Lois to try those recipes.

As for The Chimp's advice -- a superhero wear a hat? :eek: Never! As for the certified dawg walkers, there are plenty of pretty ones walking their own dawgs so if SB falls by the wayside, he will depend on them to give him mouth to mouth. :p;)
Hot, humid weather does NOT go well with heart patients, IMO. I have always felt much, much better in cooler weather. Last year when we visited Alaska, I had energy to spare! :)

I have to wait until very late in the evening to walk my doggies & then I have to contend with the DG mosquitos!!! :mad: (P.S. --- I tried using that little fan that you can clip to your belt to ward off mosquitos ---- guess what? It doesn't work worth a d*mm! You just turn yourself into a GPS source for the darn things to find you quicker!!!! :p:D)
Hey there SuperBob,
some good suggestions already but here are a few more.

Most people mistake salt for electrolytes, it is only one small part and actually easy to consume too much. Gatorade is HFCS and salt, not good for you at all. If you want a better balance go with something like ultima, it is low salt and no sugar but tastes good, or use a supplement tablet such as endurolytes from hammer. There are others out there as well but those are the ones I use for training and races.

Here is the link for the ingredients to my favorite flavor:

edit: ok it didn't bring up the ingredients, just click one of the fruits. Wild Raspberry is good.
A pretty easy, altho not perfect way, to keep an eye on wether your dehydrated, is to pay attention to your urine, if your urine seems darker or your not going as much, your probably pretty dehydrated.
THIS is the one thing I had to keep on top of Justin when he was younger, especially when he was playing sports was to make sure you drink BEFORE you are thirsty, once you start feeling thirsty you are already in the beginning of dehyration.

Norma, We haven't tried them yet but have been looking for these mosquito patches that are supposed to work really well. Some one on one of my CHD groups told us about them because she is highly allergic to mosquitos and hasn't had any problems (and she lives in Texas) My husband doesn't have reactions, but he gets little scars that last over a year from mosquito bites. They are supposeldy natural and safe, waterproof last a day and 1/2 and work, plus they are clear so people won't see it.
Certainly a lot of good suggestions that I will check out. May have to just do trial and error with the sports drinks. Do think I need more than just water.

Got to wonder if it's more than just dehydration. Felt kind of wobbly on our walk tonight even though the humidity was down. Maybe it's just the adjusting to a new environment, or maybe I should take a cab as the chimp does....:eek:

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