brian back in the hospital - 3rd time this summer

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So happy to hear that Brian's kidney is on the mend and that the doctors are finally able to get their act together. Hope your motorhome is back in the lot. You are one super-mom!! Wishing Brian gets better with no setbacks!

I agree, you are a super mom, I am happy for Brian and for you and I wish Brian better health always and am keeping him in my prayers!
Just a drop-in to let you know that I'm still following your adventures, and you are still in my thoughts. Glad to hear that the immediate pressure's off. I hope things normalize quickly.

Very best wishes,
Lets continue forward moving. This makes my otherwise horrid morning, a much better one. See, I'm so messed up that I talk backwards.
From Deanne's facebook page

Brian's creatinine is 2.4 so it continues to come down slowly. I don't have wifi right now will someone post to VR please
Brian is out of ICU, but I am really worried about his mental status right now. I think he is depressed - he doesn't. It is really hard to properly parent a sick teenager that may not live to see 30. I think his cardiologists are going to order anti-depressants for him, hopefully that will help.

I think there is a good chance that he will get to come home tomorrow.
So sorry to hear Brian is back in the hospital. My prayers are with both of you.

Please let us know how he's doing and definitely feel free to vent - you have every right. You both have been through alot so hang in there.

Brian is out of ICU, but I am really worried about his mental status right now. I think he is depressed - he doesn't. It is really hard to properly parent a sick teenager that may not live to see 30. I think his cardiologists are going to order anti-depressants for him, hopefully that will help.

I think there is a good chance that he will get to come home tomorrow.

Good news medically. I'm sorry about the mental and know how tough it is at his age to get help. I thought Justin could have used someone to talk to when he was 19 after he had the surgery and they moved his pec muscles ect 10 days after the conduit surgery. I asked about having someone from one of the therapy depts stop by, even music or art since I knew he wouldn't ask for it. BUT since he was 19, they couldn't set up anything unless he agreed and I don't know if it was just that hospital , but under 18 they would go talk to the kids at the hospital, but over 19 before they would talk the person had to agree to also go 3 more times after they got way would he agree to that, that is the last thing he wanted more dr appts. It is so very hard when each day really is a gift and who knows how long they will be here,to be the parent. I feel for you.
Hang tight Deanne, your doing just fine with your parenting skills, don't doubt yourself.
If the doctors do prescribe anti-depressants and Brian feels he does not need them, that may be another battle for you, but hopefully he'll comply and you see a difference.
Good Luck and Best wishes.
guess you must be on the way home since no post in a while. Wishing all the best for all of you and that Brian will be getting better every day. You are a great and super mother.
Brian will not get to come home today. His INR is 1.1 so he is on a heparin drip. I told them we have lovenox at home so maybe they will change their minds. He says he is feeling good. His kidney function can continue to improve for two months so it will take that long before we know if there was any permanent damage.

I actually left the hospital yesterday morning because me and Brian were fighting. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I have never before left him alone at the hospital, but he was really being a sh** and I didn't know what else to do. We both cried most of the day but didn't know what to do with each other. He is so tired of being told what to do. He has spent 3 years pretending that everything was fine and never talking to anybody about his fears. He is also 19 and wishes like hell that he didn't need his mommy any more. One of his friends got up at 2 am to drive from Utah to come see him when he heard we were fighting. Brian's friend picked my other son up from school and they stayed with Brian till about 11 last night. His friend went back to the hospital again today. I am so glad that he has friends like that.

I just got a nice text from Brian saying he was sorry and that he loved me - so I am crying again - it seems that is all I have done for the last week.

His transplant coordinator said she had a nice talk with Brian today and he is going to try the antidepressants.

His docs want Brian to see some sort of vascular specialist (though they admit that they don't know what kind). They are going to send his records to Cleveland Clinic and see if any of the brainiacs there can point us in the right direction.

Thank you again to everyone for seeing me through this.
Oh, Mom,

Oh, Mom,

I really think you were fighting with his depression, not the kid. And you were wise to get away for a bit. You are doing an impossible job with such a sick son --- and I, for one, think you are doing a remarkable and wonderful job. And if he was simply being a nineteen year old poop-head, well, most teens are that way from time to time; they eventually get over it! May God grant you both the time for you to get to see it.

I would imagine that you are going through the hardest age there is for having an adult child with severe health issues. I am not surprised that you had that kind of fight with Brian. I look back on the arguments I had with my healthy children at that time and can only imagine how the situation compounds it all. This is the time where all his friends are gaining their independence and he is in a situation where he can't afford (health wise) to exercise his independence. He would not be normal if he didn't feel extremely gipped.

I think you have done a great job of not sheltering him or wrapping him in bubble wrap. You have made sure he lives as normal a life as possible. The strength you must have to do that is unimaginable. I would imagine the anger on both your parts was out of pure frustration at the whole situation. And God bless his friends. Brian must be a terrific young man to have such loyal friends. Good job Mom and Dad!

Sending {{{{hugs}}}}}
DEanne, I am so sorry, So much of what you are dealing with iwith Brian reminds me of Justin especially "He has spent 3 years pretending that everything was fine and never talking to anybody about his fears."
In a way it is easier that Justin had to deal with this from day 1 because he never knew what it was like not to have a "stupid heart" as he calls it when he is angry.
I wish I could offer advice, but I can't, just know he loves you as much as you love him

PS Thank God for good friends, They make such a difference, especially at Brians age. I know how much better Justin's (and therefor my) days were when his friends came by to hang out
Deanne I go through the same type of things with my son. He actually got mouthy with his mom the other day and told her straight out to stop treating him like a 15 year old, that he is 25 and capable. (Glad he thinks so. ;) ) Your both stressed to the breaking limits, so don't be too hard on yourself. Getting away from the situation was probably the best thing to do at the time.
Deanne, I am so happy to see that Brian continues in the right direction. The stress on both of you must be just awful. I would think that he is taking his frustration out on you because he knows you love him unconditionally, and no matter what, you will be there with love and forgiveness. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

*I think you are a WONDERFUL mother. (((((HUGS))))) x
Yeah!! Brian is on his way home. They decided to spring him since we already had the lovenox on hand.

Thank you all again for your reassurances. You guys have really helped me keep it together - I swear I'm not usually this needy; but I am so grateful that you are here when I am.
YEAH!!!! i'M SO GLAD HE WILL BE HOME FOR THE WEEKEND!!!! (especially after last weekends expreience) I'm sure everyone will feel much better at home.