bone graph?

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2010
Beautiful Small Town, North Carolina
Did any one else have a bone graph in the shoulder? My right shoulder bothers me even more than my chest does. I have a lot of arm pain too. I had an episode in the hospital where my hand became hyper sensitive and I felt every little detail of anything that touched me. They had a neurology team check me out and an ultrasound and blood work to make sure it wasn't circulation problems. After a lot of testing my doctor said it was from the bone graph in my shoulder. I have a lot of pain in it now and it starts in the shoulder and moves down to my hand. My sensitivity has toned down a lot but it still agitates me. I am curious if anyone else has had any similar issues and what they did. I am going to talk to the doctor about it when I go back.
I'm a little confused what you are talking about. I can't think of how heart surgery would have anythning to do with bone grafts, could you explain it a little more? maybe that would help.
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Two OHS here and no bone graphs.
This is the first I've heard of such a thing so will be very interested to read responses.
Sorry it is causing you discomfort and hope you get relief soon.
When did you have the bone graph? as sometimes it may take a year for complete healing.

Assuming you had a shoulder bone graph, did you tell the nurses that you had this surgery before they took you to the OR? What I am thinking that maybe the way you were moved from the bed to the OR table may have stirred up something in your shoulder.

I told the anesthesiologist that my fron lower teeth were a bit loose. He considered that and put the tube on the side of my jaw.
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The correct term is bone graft.
I haven't had one, but I've had a cortisone shot in my shoulder for rotator cuff problems and chronic pain.
After heart surgery my right shoulder was incredibly sore and stiff from being twisted back for so many hours. And I have had some numbness and tingling in my left arm. It seems to be some lingering nerve issues.
Maybe I am foggy a little bit, but I do have this scar
I am definitely going to have to ask more questions. Anyone else have a scar in this area????? I can't find info that would show me where this one is.
Is that in addition to your other incision? Are you sure they said bone Graft? could it be MAYBE they used that for the heart/lung machine connection? in which case they might have said bypass? Did you have a min invasive surgery? The reason I'm asking is I never heard of having a bone graft related to heart surgery, but often for min invasive procedutes or REDOs they will use a seperate incision for the heart lung machine/bypass since it can't fit in where they are doing the valve surgery,with a min invasive like it would in a bigger /full sternum incision and sometimes for REDOs it is just safer to pull you on the bypass machine before the sternum is completely open.
Altho I am just completely guessing here and trying to figure out what happened, but since I'm just guessing maybe for some reason they had to do a bone graft..
I so hope you will let us know what you learn when you speak with your doctors.
Hope you are healing well.
I so hope you will let us know what you learn when you speak with your doctors.
Hope you are healing well.

Yes please let us know what you find out. Honestly to me that incision looks to be where they sometimes use for the heart lung machine.. Justin had that by his groin (where they use for caths) for his 5th OHS and the things you describe with your arm hand, are what he complained about with his leg.
BUT as I said before that is just a complete guess, I'm curious to know what you find out...I hthink I would put a call into to your doctors and ask what that incision was for.
Wild thought -- has this been covered -- is it possible that someone thought or assumed you had a bone graft from what they thought they saw on the imaging or from seeing your incision, possibly mistakenly calling it a bone graft -- but that in fact you actually do have a shoulder issue related to the surgery? (Bear with my train of thought; I once had a ditzy doctor who for years repeatedly asked me, when he saw the heart surgery scar across my back from my first surgery, if I'd had lung surgery.)

FWIW, my right shoulder and collar bone still have some issues from the surgery, pain and some occasional fingertip numbness.
You can request a copy of the Surgical Report from the Hospital Records Department.
You may have to pay for copies, but they should allow you to read the report at NO Cost before deciding which pages you want copied.

'AL Capshaw'
Maybe I am foggy a little bit, but I do have this scar
I am definitely going to have to ask more questions. Anyone else have a scar in this area????? I can't find info that would show me where this one is.

Is there any chance you got an ICD ?
My ICD implant scar is about the mirror image of that on my left shoulder !!
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Brittainy: I have a scar exactly like yours. I had my ascending aorta, aortic root and aortic valve replaced. The surgeon explained why they had to do that incision--it's called right axillary canulation. The nurses weren't even familiar with it, but the surgeon said that they will be seeing a lot more of that incision. It has to do with the bypass and was the preferred method since they were working on the ascending aorta.