Amazed :)

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2010
Hey everyone,
Hope your all well, not sure where i should have posted this, so sorry if its in the wrong section, :angel:
I just wanted to say how amazed i am at you all, having OHS then two or three days' later being "released" i think it's brilliant for you all,
When i had my AVR i was in three weeks! :rolleyes2:
Anyway, well done to u all who's had OHS and made it out with a week!
Luv Sarah xx
Sarah, either it be 3 or 4 days or 5 to 6 weeks before being released, remember everyone heals differently and reacts differently after surgery.

Nothing wrong on having a little extra TLC no matter where it comes from.

Take Care
Three weeks sounds like a vacation. :) For me it was two months. And I know there are some (maybe not on this forum) who spend alot more time in the the hospital than me.

I think most without complications get out in 4 - 5 days. Haven't really heard anyone getting out in 2 days after AVR.
My surgey was in May 2007 and ever since then hospital's have became my second home lol
But lately i haven't been admitted :D thank goodness
No i never had any complecations as such, i just kept getting temperatures but no one could figure out why, but thats, me, medical mystery :L (as said by my heamatologist)
WOW Chris two months! I think i would have lost it by then lol,
Luv Sarah xx
I was supposed to be sent home on day 5, but a SNAFU with my INR kept me for another day. When I did get home, I was on a "high"! Between the big step toward normal, and the wonderful leap from that God-awful (and not very healthful!) hospital food to GOOD food, I was nearly giddy.

But "Amazed" is a good word to describe a lot of this experience. It's amazing that they can do what they do, and we can recover as quickly as we do (even the slower ones). My OHS experience has been a shock: My hernia surgeries and my Achilles surgery all hurt more, and maybe all slowed me down longer, too! (Certainly the Achilles surgery.)
With the history in your signature, 3 weeks doesn't seem that unlikely. A lot of us with 3-4 day stays "only" had a valve replacement. Good luck on keeping out of the hospital.
on day 10 after surgery i did a no no and put a water heater in for my mom!

never thought that i could swing a pipe wrench and run a soldering torch that close to having OHS!
I was at a family gathering the other day and those that I have not seen me since the AVR were "amazed" at how well and normal I looked after OHS! The AVR was 18 months ago and somehow they thought I would still be frail and sickly, not diving and swimming with the youngsters. LOL. My wife then enlightened them that I was already fairly active within days of coming home from the ICU. As Norm said, yes it is amazing what this surgery is all about.
I was 8 days in the hospital. I had AFib the day after surgery (Wednesday that lasted till monday (they shocked it out of me)) and they wanted the INR to be ok. Surgeon said he could have had me out in 3 days if it wasnt for INR and AFib. I was posting from my Iphone on here 24 hours after surgery. I would have done it that evening of the surgery but my wife wouldnt give me the phone.