A hello from Norma Jean to All

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Miracle Believer
Supporting Member
Aug 7, 2008
Southern California
And a hello from me too to all of you as I had been away for a lonnnnnnnnnng while, yet you all had been in my thoughts.

Norma sends her regards to all of you and she will write, hopefully soon, once she feels better.

Twelve days ago, Norma had stomach pains for a couple of days before her wise intuition and protective angels pushed her to go and see her PCP last Monday. Fortunately, he was smart enough and sent her by ambulance to the hospital in time and luckily saved her life as she had severe appendicities and her appendix was on the verge to burst!

The past nine days had been tough on Norma, yet Norma again pulled herself up with the same courage and strength that she always dealt with such experiences in her life!

Let's put our hands together to pray and applaud for our dear Norma :)
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Glad to see an update about Norma. Thoughts/prayers en route to her.


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"You can't see what those shades of gray keep covered" ... Jamey Johnson ... 'In Color'
You did not file the proper forms before leaving, therefor you are AWOL.

Hope your feeling better now. I'd say something to make you laugh, but I remember wanting to kill someone for making me laugh after my appendectomy.
My goodness Norma! I'm glad you're okay. Rest and heal and stop in when you feel up to it. My appendix burst when I was 12 years old; of course I almost died, but alas I have lived long enough to wish you a speedy recovery. Take care!
Thanks for the info, Eva.

Wow, Norma! Hoping you're feeling much better very soon! Take care :)
NJ, that sounds absolutely awful! Haven't we all had more than our fair share of surgeries?
Get well soon!
Hi Eva,
It is great to hear from you! Thank you so much for passing on Norma's current health situation. I will pray that she starts to feel better soon. Please give her a 'virtual' hug for me.
Eva, thank you so much for posting. I"ve seen you pop in and out of FB, and knew you were busy with travel and visitors too.
Norma, what the heck is going on? Here I was thinking that u had just snuck off on vacation in the dark of the night and not come back.
You all take care of yourselves.:D
Dear Norma, I am sorry to see that you are unwell but you are a fighter and I know you will be back here soon. Blessings to you, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. (((((HUGS))))) x

Thank you for posting Eva !
Thanks for the info about Norma Jean.

I believe she had a cruise planned during that time. Sorry about her missing the cruise but glad it didn't happen on the ship. Most important hopefully she has the worse behind her. She has had more than her share of health problems. Wishing her the very best and fast recovery.

A forest ranger saved my life when he drove me 30 miles from Yellowstone NP to Cody, WY hospital. Found I had a severe appendicitis that had already busted. They did surgery at 1 AM. I had been fighting a forest fire, was 18. Wow, that's been a few years. :eek:
Gee whiz.....I was just thinking about you Norma and I also thought that perhaps you went on a road trip of some kind. But this is one heck of a road trip "mom".
Blessings my dear friend, that there will be no speed bumps ahead and you will be stronger than ever.

Thanks Eva for taking the time to let us know.

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