6 week check with Cardio

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2010
Beautiful Small Town, North Carolina
My appointment went GREAT!!!

I found out that after my first visit with my surgeon he called my Cardiologist and asked if my cardio thought I really understood what I was asking for when I said I wanted a mechanical valve. My cardio told him-"Brittainy is a smart woman, if she looked you in the face and told you what she wanted, then I'd say go with it. She understands the pros and cons of both valve choices."

I do so love my Cardio!

The appointment went well. I can drive now, but it feels weird. I think I enjoy being a passenger.

He is referring me to Cardiac Rehab on my request and he suggested that I get my son an u/s sometime in Elementary school. I was planning on asking for one at his next well check anyways, just so we can keep an eye on any potential problems.

He is also taking over my ACT (see post on that board for more info)