1 week today, post op!!

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Well-known member
May 26, 2010
Hello friends! Just a little update here. I'm feeling ok, just that real tired feeling, and fall asleep at nothing!! Even sitting at the laptop! lol. I had about a 7 hour surgery last Friday, they replaced aortic valve and root and did a single bypass on the LAD. I was in a room the next day and have done very well they say. I went today for my blood test since I have to take coumadin for a couple of months or so, and it was low, so they upped my dosage and I go see the surgeon next week and they will check it again at that time. I have a heavy heartbeat sound in my ears, but I've really had a good day today. Some are good, some you just feel like crap. Im staying on top of my pain with my loratab right now. I cut back on occasion as i would like to get off of that as soon as possible, but I will take it as long as I have to. Take care everyone hugs to you all!!
wow angel i'm so glad to hear you are one week post op already! sounds like you are doing wonderful! don't worry about the heartbeat sound/loudness.....mine was like that really bad at first, and at 6 weeks its a lot better!
You sound like you are right on track. Sleeping well is a plus, even if you sleep when you would rather not. Rest as much as you need to. Good and bad days are expected but things will even out soon enough. I still can hear my valve, but it doesn't bother me. It should decrease over time. I hope things continue to go well.
Thanks everyone! I hope everyone here is doing well also. I think about the forum and the wonderful people in it on a daily basis, many times a day. I think about how blessed we all are, that we have an option medically to turn to and have not been totally given up on. Each of us have to go through a lot, mentally, physically, spiritually, etc., but in the end, we are still so very blessed to have the wisdom of our dr's that can perform these things for us, and the Great Physician, watching over it all. Some of us have to go through more than others, but that's the way things go sometimes. We're still here and we are blessed, either way. Thank you all for all of your wonderful words of encouragement to me, when I thought there was no hope and I was so filled with anxiety and fear. You helped me get through some of the worst days of my life. I never thought this would ever happen to me, but it did. This is life, things happen - good and bad. Penny, you are my OHS buddy, as your surgery is coming up in less than two weeks. You have been the best heart sis I could ever have. I told you we would get through this together, and we will. One half has already been done, (me), now your turn is coming up and you will do just as well or even better than me! Not to leave anyone out though, you have all been wonderful heart sisters and brothers, and I thank each of you. I hope you all have a great
& safe July 4th holiday, spend it doing what you love to do and remembering those that gave for us to be here today. Blessings to you all.
Sounds like you are right on track. I am coming up on 2 weeks post op on Monday and it amazes me how tired we get. Yesterday was the first time that I only took 1 nap instead of 2. As a result, I slept like a baby last night.
Sounds great Angel! Keep up the good work! Sounds like the did a bypass, so where did they get the vein from? Your leg? If so, how's that healing up?

And yep, now we have to get Penny through hers. I'll be out and about today and tonight so won't be back online 'till tomorrow. But if you hear from Penny, make sure to keep her spirits up! Happy & safe 4th to you too!
I'm glad things are going so well. Its good they found and fixed your blocked artery, so that didn't come up later and you need another surgery or procedure.
Being tired and needing naps is pretty normal at this point. Also the Lortabs, probably are making you a little more drowsy. When you cut back on them, did you take an OTC pain med? (since Lortab has Acetaminophen, you probably shouldn't take something that also has it) Everyone is different, but Justin's pain meds made him pretty tired, about a week or so out, when his pain was getting a little better, he tried to cut down on them during the day and took something OTC and used the prescrition ones at night, or when his pain was still too bad for something OTC. I think he started by taking a prescribed one in the morning, since he was usually pretty sore when he woke up and then the rest of the day tried Aleve, BUT he wasn't on Coumadin, so he could take pretty much anything OTC.
I hope you have many more good days and less bad
thanks all! i hope i can get in all i need to answer! lol. they did not take a vein from my leg, it was from under my ribs, thankfully. has caused no problems. i am not taking any otc meds. today, i've just been taking 1 lortab instead of 2 so far, and on occasion i stretch out the time in between also. today started out as a good day, but when i went out for a little, i got a little too overheated i think. temps are in the 80s but humid. i only sat in the vehicle under the shade when hubby ran into the grocery store, but anyway, we came home after that and i've been feeling really bad. i know that's just the way it goes, some good days, moments, some bad. i've just been resting mostly since i got back home. take care everyone, hope all is well!!!!!! thanks again to all~
Cool, glad the vein they took out didn't cause any problems! That was the only part I was a little worried about for you 'cause you were so worried about needing the bypass. But sounds like it all worked out as well as it could have. Awsome news! And yea, you'll have ups and downs, but think you'll agree it's still WAY better than being on the other side of the mountain!
Don't worry about the INR levels either, they'll most likely go up and down like a yoyo for a bit until your body adjusts and the INR stabilizes. I had a mechanical valve (I don't know what u chose) fitted 2 years ago which means that I am on Warfarin for life. Even now a small change in diet can send it outside the limits. I now use the rhythmic ticking of my valve to send me to sleep, it's better than counting sheep. :)

Like everyone says, you'll be falling asleep at the drop of a hat for a little while. It's just your body's way of recovering.
Even now a small change in diet can send it outside the limits.

Pardon my asking, but just how small of a change are we talking and what was your INR before and after this change? Diet plays a very small, almost insignificant role in INR management.

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