Wait I still function

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With all the recent discussions we've had, I thought it would be interesting to see how many really look forward to going through this experience again, willingly. It's not a jab at you or anyone else, I just want some of the others to think things through real hard before they commit to additional surgeries if they don't have too.
I think when anyone says THIS ISNT THAT BAD! or THATS NOT BAD AS I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE really is comparing it to death or too some extreme. I cannot see myself anyone else picking out a surgery now and know you have to go thru it again unless you are wanting to have a child. when the doctor said what my choice for valves were The number one thing on my mind is this I DONT WANT TO GO THROUGH ANOTHER SURGERY AGAIN! I DONT CARE IF I WAS PLOWING MY FARMVILLE FARM ON the second day after surgery. I ll do whatever I can to avoid this right now. Being away from my son. Having to be a burdren on the family whether is a REAL BURDEN or not its still a burden. THe only way I would choose tissue really is if I was a female I wanted to have a kid.

I have been real lucky about having a great great wife with great great family to back me up. Her sister and brother in law and her other sister took this week off. Her mother came down to watch the kids. Her dad is taking this week off and my dad and step mom have been here all week. Does everyone have that support. Because you need it. I know I can get support one time but two and three times. I think my wife would get tired of it if I could have had one surgery and taken a pill everyday.


(P.s. Ross I thought you were going to tell me I was doing something wrong and was going to lead to another surgery.
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Shortly after I woke up from surgery and was lying there thanking God that I was alive and ok, I also asked God to send a whole lot of blessings to my surgeon who, in his wisdom, suggested the mechanical valve. No, I sure did not want to do that again.
Everyone talks about chest tubes, but what about that tube down your throat not to mention that giant needle in your neck did you have those or was I dreaming? I had the a fib too took some kind of injection heart went into perfect rythme but went out again I ended up getting electric shock went back into rythme again was in hosp 13 days and took amarodiane about a year. Did anybody experience any of this? Any stories about when you first came awake after your surgery? I'd love to here.
haha. i hear this post. when i made the decision for the mechanical valves this time, i was like I DO NOT WANT A THIRD SURGERY AAARGH BLARGH. and my cardio was like, but babies? and i was like blaaargh third surgery noooo. I CAN ADOPT. when my surgeon was like, well we can schedule your surgery for a month from now, that'll give you more time to decide, i was like AAARGH NO. THIRD SURGERY. NO. AARRGH.

call me a baby or whatever hahahaha. it wasn't much of a choice to me

though at the time of the first surgery, they were like, "on a scale of 1-10, what's your pain like?" and i was like, "i dunno. if 10 is the worst pain EVER EVER, like caught under a tractor dying in the sun, where no one can ever find you... i guess this is ... a. ... five?" i probably did myself a massive disservice.

i don't even have family or anything. my brother and dad live out of state and it didn't work out with my mom. i'm hiring a home nurse, and i'm sure i can't be the only person in all of history who has had to do that. but luckily my friends will help, but i hate to feel like i'm burdening them so i know what you mean. it's a terrible feeling. but i'm sure it's doable and that other people have done it before.
I now have been in a-fib since Saturday I now have a tee with cardioversion? Shocking of the heart to get to sinus rhythm? Anyone have this done before?

You're having a TEE and then they're going to decide on cardioversion? When is this to be done? A-fib since Saturday, dear heart, is not a good thing. Why are you not at the ER right now? Hate to say it, but you might need amirodarone. I know most here don't like it, but it does work. If they do have to do a cardioversion, you do get sedated, or so I was told. I came close to it.
My First thoughts waking up from OHS:
I survived, I'll be dammed
Son of a gun, the anesthesiologist gave me no warning before putting me under this time.
Breathing tube in, can't talk but expected that, eyes glued shut, surprised about the eyes

Re the reference to neck tube it is small (no permanent scar) and in my case was removed about same time as breathing tube and the eyelids were cleaned.

Robb, the reason some of us think OHS was not as bad as imagined, is we had prepared for OHS being much worse (therefore relieved) and some of us luck luck out with a smooth process and relatively bump free recovery. OHS is no picnic , has risk, but if you needed it again to survive?

Hopefully they can fix your afib so that you can move on to recovery and better days


No one wants to do OHS more than once, but the alternative of not doing OHS when required is to put it bluntly rather bleak
Well, reading all of this has convinced me that I am going mechanical. I would be crazy (unless I wanted more kids) to commit to a second surgery before I even had the first one. There are no "do overs". I am sold.

Robb - Things will get better I am praying for you. I am right behind you - One week from this Friday...
Though I'm not glad you're in the hospital, well, I'm glad you're there so you're not on your own with the a-fib. Have you had amiodarone? This too, shall pass. Really. I know it's tough now. Hang in there. I'm keeping you in my prayers.
I am still in the hospital. The meds take me out but can't keep me out of a-fib.

Robb what meds are they giving you? There are 3? different ones to try and usually 1 of them will work. Amiodarone should be the last thing they try, but for many, it's the first.

While this is a speed bump, it may not be a forever thing. Most of us do have Afib at some point after surgery. Mine hit 6 weeks out and lasted for 2 days. I was lucky. It stopped on it's own.

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