Those Aches and Pains

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
I think one of the hardest things for us is to know when to go to the ER and when to wait it out. All day today, I have had a soreness -- not a sharp pain, but a distinct soreness -- right in the area of my heart. Kind of achy legs, too. I think maybe I worked out too hard yesterday at the gym, and then I slept restlessly last night. Checking my bp, it's normal. Pulse also fine. No shortness of breath. A little while ago, I took a handful of baby aspirin and now it feels less sore.

Probably it's just a little passing muscle soreness. Can't run to the ER for every little twinge, now can we? But it's hard to know when to go and when to cool it. For now I'm cooling it. If it gets worse, I'll re-evaluate. Anybody else go through stuff like this?
The dampness from all the snow we've had is making me so uncomfortable. This has been a rough week for those of us with cracked sternums..... at least it has been for me. :(

Hope you feel better soon.
Does it really help with leg cramps?? Man the other day I was almost in tears when my calf, foot and toes decided to take a different form.

I was always under the impression that CoQ10 effects ones INR. Yes?

SB, do hope your 'pain' has subsided and you feel more comfortable.
I'm hoping this resolved without incident, but wanted to let you know we'll have you in our thoughts and prayers.
I appreciate the concern. I felt a little more discomfort walking Superdawg a while ago, but I'm pretty certain I just over-did it at the gym. If it gets worse, I'll have it checked out. It's just frustrating (as I'm sure all of you appreciate) reading the body and trying to figure out what it's telling us at times. (Maybe, Bina, it's telling me to substitute yogurt for Vienna sausages. :p )
Freddie, try (i) an extra dose of potassium (100 mcg or whatever you have on hand to take with your lasix, or a banana, which is about 800 mcg) AND....(ii) a hot bath. I get toe cramps that I swear start in my shins and calves, and this combo ususally does the trick.
Today was a bad day for me as well leg cramps, arms tight etc.............nothing anywhere near ER but I find I double up (to 400mg) of CoQ10 and it is eased within minutes

Freddie already mentioned this but I also would like to know about COQ10! Does it effect INR? Leg cramps?
Freddie, try (i) an extra dose of potassium (100 mcg or whatever you have on hand to take with your lasix, or a banana, which is about 800 mcg) AND....(ii) a hot bath. I get toe cramps that I swear start in my shins and calves, and this combo ususally does the trick.

Thanks Laurie, I'm not on a lasix (excuse my ignorance but I'm not even sure what this is:(), I do take a potassium supplement - so your thinking I should double-ling up my dose might do the trick??? Cool.
Bob ... hope you are feeling much better by now ... since my surgery I seem to be more aware of pain, especially in the chest, arms or legs ... I use to ignore almost every pain ... if you are disturbed by something get it checked...
Thanks Laurie, I'm not on a lasix (excuse my ignorance but I'm not even sure what this is:(), I do take a potassium supplement - so your thinking I should double-ling up my dose might do the trick??? Cool.

Lasix helps take water off. You need to put a bar of soap under your bottom sheet, that will help your leg cramps :) I use Ivory.
If you are getting enough potassium, Sometimes if my leg cramps are bad I used to take chewy calcium, viactiv, but I think that might mess up INRs.
The soreness in the heart area has gone away, leaving just achiness in the legs and back, which I attrribute, sadly, to the advance of old age.:redface2: Maybe the advent of bikini weather will help -- you know, warmer weather and all. :D
Freddie already mentioned this but I also would like to know about COQ10! Does it effect INR? Leg cramps?

Does it really help with leg cramps?? Man the other day I was almost in tears when my calf, foot and toes decided to take a different form.

I was always under the impression that CoQ10 effects ones INR. Yes?

SB, do hope your 'pain' has subsided and you feel more comfortable.

THere have been isolated instances of INR being effected but reversed when stopped but MANY positive results for leg cramps ESP when on statin drugs such as Lipitor ......they are my sasvior for leg cramps
I'm glad it passed. I had a sore spot in my heart area for about 8 weeks post op, I could swear it was right where I felt the pain when they ripped the temporary pace maker wires out. I'd tell my doctors and by that point I was in inpatient in the hospital twice and went to the ER a few times and I'd always tell them and they didn't make any concern of it. It was soreness, not crushing pain so I guess it's not a big deal.
I get severe leg cramps also...... body is screaming for potassium and magnesium as I understand it.... Ive been using this stuff now for 2 weeks and it seems to do the trick..... ...give it a read, stuff is amazing...seems to be apple cider vinegar and some kind of non smelling garlic and probably other stuff they dont mention. I take bumex now after lasix quit working for me out of the hospital. Stuff is strong and I take it with 20 mg chlor-con, it apparently wasnt enough of a supplement, so I surfed up the leg cramp site and ordered it that night (at like 3 AM)

The soreness for me is constant when I do anything besides nothing. Its a MAJOR pain in the ass, I was VERY active prior to valve work and sextuplet bypass back in July.....Now life is no where near as recognizable as it was last year, but as my docs keep telling me: "Well, youre still alive arent you?" like thats comforting or something. Its not. I want more endurance back damnit!

I guess this is the new me, so I might as well get used to it. I have also heard that after 1 yr, you get what you get with the perfusion test, I have 5 months till then, so I keep my fingers crossed and hope this damn shortness of breath goes away when its cold. From what I hear from both father and father doesnt. It comes back every winter