Surgery is over

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2010
Cookeville, Tn
Had my AVR done Friday morning, went to cvivu Friday afternoon and moved to a regular room Sunday afternoon. Biggest complication has been my migranes are acting u., Surgery sent very well, hospital is absolutely given me the best care. The are taking about sending me home either Wednesday or Thursday. Will post more details is a little while, bit I feel pretty good right now/
Had my AVR done Friday morning, went to cvivu Friday afternoon and moved to a regular room Sunday afternoon. Biggest complication has been my migranes are acting u., Surgery sent very well, hospital is absolutely given me the best care. The are taking about sending me home either Wednesday or Thursday. Will post more details is a little while, bit I feel pretty good right now/


Sorry to hear about the migranes though
they can be a real devil

Heres to a bump free journey here on in
Hoping the headaches resolve soon. Glad you are doing so well. Best wishes :)
Thanks. had we mot moved from Waukegan down here to Tn last year, mine would have been by Dr McCarthy @NW. Did find a great facility here, but if i do have to do this again, I will strongly attempt to have it done that way.
Home since T-Giving morning. Fever really kicked in today, 100 - 101-5. Energy level is horrible, spending most time in the recliner, including sleeoing, but have been doing some laps around the house. cold & windy out today here, should warm up some Sunday
Did you leave with that fever or is that new? Either way, did they give you instructions on when to call them? I can't remember what mine were, but I think they were something like "call if you get a fever of a 100 degrees". I'd stay on top of what's going on with you. By the way, welcome home, hopefully, you won't have to go back.

Did you leave with that fever or is that new? Either way, did they give you instructions on when to call them? I can't remember what mine were, but I think they were something like "call if you get a fever of a 100 degrees". I'd stay on top of what's going on with you. By the way, welcome home, hopefully, you won't have to go back.


I agree with Kim. I had the same protocol from the hospital re: fever. Take good care,
I had the fever in the hospital every day, would break by 9 PM or so. Has almost broken now. Instruction are for over 101 and I have gotten slightly over that. Wo;; see what my evening meds do to it.


Congratulations on making it to the other side. Could I ask a couple questions? It seems like everyone has their own response to such an invasive surgery. As much as I will learn, I am a fiend for knowledge and preparation. I suppose being a type A personality got me into this mess in the first place! LOL!!!

I am an occasional migraine sufferer. Do you mind if I ask you if you were previously a migraine sufferer and if so, what the frequency and severity of the migraines were?

What was the severity and duration after surgery and how did it compare to what you have experienced in the past?

How are you dealing with them now? Any difference between how you deal with them now and before (if there was a before)?

Have you found any correlation in meds your taking after surgery and frequency/severity of migraines?

I apologize for all the questions, when I was in the hospital 18 months ago and was stented, they put me on nitro and It touched off 3 days of the most excruciating, lights flashing, hallucination laden painful events I have every experienced. I later had vertigo like symptoms which prompted a CT scan of my brain. Turned out to be an inner ear thing.

I don’t want to jinx myself or anything, but right now when I get an occasional migraine, I take a Relpax, and if it continues after an hour, another dose and that usually gets it at bay or takes it out all together. After that grand-migraine I had in the hospital, my pain laughed at Relpax, scoffed at Morphine and was only slightly moved by Dilaudid (sp?).

Anyway, as usual, I am blathering, congrats again on your liberation from the hospital and I will burn a candle at church 4 U Sunday for a speedy and uneventful recovery.
Congratulations on making it to the other side. Could I ask a couple questions? It seems like everyone has their own response to such an invasive surgery. As much as I will learn, I am a fiend for knowledge and preparation. I suppose being a type A personality got me into this mess in the first place! LOL!!!

I am an occasional migraine sufferer. Do you mind if I ask you if you were previously a migraine sufferer and if so, what the frequency and severity of the migraines were?

What was the severity and duration after surgery and how did it compare to what you have experienced in the past?

How are you dealing with them now? Any difference between how you deal with them now and before (if there was a before)?

Have you found any correlation in meds your taking after surgery and frequency/severity of migraines?

I apologize for all the questions, when I was in the hospital 18 months ago and was stented, they put me on nitro and It touched off 3 days of the most excruciating, lights flashing, hallucination laden painful events I have every experienced. I later had vertigo like symptoms which prompted a CT scan of my brain. Turned out to be an inner ear thing.

I don’t want to jinx myself or anything, but right now when I get an occasional migraine, I take a Relpax, and if it continues after an hour, another dose and that usually gets it at bay or takes it out all together. After that grand-migraine I had in the hospital, my pain laughed at Relpax, scoffed at Morphine and was only slightly moved by Dilaudid (sp?).

Anyway, as usual, I am blathering, congrats again on your liberation from the hospital and I will burn a candle at church 4 U Sunday for a speedy and uneventful recovery.

I have been a long time migrane sufferer, actually being treated at the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago in the mid 80s. What I learned from them has enabled me to manage living with my migranes.

I would also consider mysyself an occiaional sufferer, but this is the time of year that I tend to get them more. From Sat AM, which was 24 hrs after surgery, to Wed am, I counted 12 migranes. They hit in different ways and with some I got not head pain. They gave me 2 imitrex the first day, but I can't take that 2 days in a row, so they switched me to Excedrin Migrane. After that for a few days, they were very concerned on my total acetemenaphen input, so I ended with with some demoral The pain drug for my incision is percocet and I am starting to slow those down a bit. No migranes yet since I've been home. Will go back to my Imitrex when I get one here at home.
Fascinating stuff, as my chair keeps getting closer to the OR! Congrats on your progress, Mark, and good healing and rehab from here on!

Today, I got a migraine aura, presumably just to "cheer me up" before the surgery! ;)

I grew up with miserable migraines, about 1/week for a while, but they've almost faded away by now (65 yo). I usually get maybe 2 or 3 per year, virtually always just pain-free visual auras. But maybe 6-ish times or so in the last 6-ish years, I've gotten brief truly miserable "wave of dread" things that have been diagnosed as (probably) "icepick headaches". That's a rare grown-up complication of earlier migraines, though it's usually excruciatingly painful, as the name suggests. Mine haven't exactly had pain at all, it just felt like somebody just flipped my switch into the "OFF" position! By 15 or 30 minutes later, I'm usually roughly back to normal, after some sweating and heavy breathing, etc.

I've gathered that SOME post-OHS migraine incidence may be from particular drugs -- either anesthetics during the op, or heart meds or narcotics (etc.) post-op. I've already asked my anesthesiologist to do what he can to do avoid using drugs with migraine as a known side-effect. He said he'd use more IV anesthetics and less "vapour", in response. I'm not actually sure who's in charge of my other meds -- my cardiac surgeon? I'll probably call him on Mon. or Tues. anyway to get some other answers, so I'll mention the migraine thing, too.

Having some heart fluttering and occasional SOB while walking, and knowing my BAV has been "dying" has been new and unpleasant for sure. But if I had to choose between symptoms like these and frequent migraines. . .