Surgery in 1 week!

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May 11, 2012
Minnesota, USA
So my surgery is now only a week away!!! Starting to get nervous! i have pre-op thursday and then monday the 9th is the big day. It seems surreal

I am getting an aortic valve repair, hopefully, though it may need to be replaced.

Any tips or suggestions?

Prayers and good thoughts are much appreciated!
By now you have your plan firmly in mind. Just give yourself to The Plan. . . do whatever is on the schedule and coast until the day. Don't stress yourself over anything. You have made all the critical decisions -- surgeon, procedure, hospital, etc., so just work your plan and you will come out just fine on The Other Side of the Mountain!

We're here for you if you need help - just ask any questions you need to. We are far better than the Magic 8-Ball! There is a veritable wealth of first-hand experience here, and folks are very willing to share.
As Steve said, you've got everything in place, so try to relax and enjoy the days left before surgery. I know that it's easier said than done, but it is good advice!
My thoughts and prayers will be with you until you're back onboard the VR forum, reporting all went well.:smile2:
Prayers and good thoughts headed your way!!!!

Like the others have mentioned, try to relax in the next couple days (HA - so much easier said than done) - but it's the best plan. Try to stay busy too if you can, keep your mind off of the surgery. The week before my surgery, I focused mostly on my recovery and tried getting my house in order so that I could access things easier (at a lower level, no reaching...). I also took off from work and spent time with my husband doing fun stuff, and I told as many people as possible, so I had food lined up when I returned!!!

Really, try to relax and know you're in good hands.

Thinking of you,
Sending my very best wishes to you for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery. I shall have you in my thoughts and prayers until we hear that you have made it over the mountain and are getting to know your mended heart. :)
Hi there, I also have pre op CT scan on Thursday then surgery the week after next as my surgeon is on holiday next week (let's hope he's not on a stag do!) it's a horrible wait but as many people have said before, this is the cure, so bring it on so we can get on with the rest of our lives without thinking about our hearts all the time!
Looks like we'll both be going in for our big day next Monday. I'm ready for it, as I'm quite through with feeling like dookie. Hope it goes well
I had my AVR last Tuesday, here’s what I have to say:

Staying educated about the immediate post and pre surgery experience is important! Perusing the thread titled "After your surgery, what are some of the things that you found out that surprised you" under the Post Surgery section of the forum really helped me in my learning process.

Interesting bits of information:

The breathing tube in the throat (right after surgery) can get extremely cumbersome; it’s good to have someone with you in the ICU that has pen and pad of paper so you can communicate. In my case I wrote: “GET TUBE OUT WANT ICE CUBES” and then promptly vomited.-Sigh-

Insulin shots are given to you after surgery because they need to keep your sugar levels low. Bacteria likes sugar and I was told that your pancreas goes into shock which in turn creates high sugar levels.

I wish I had some playing cards while recovering in the hospital.

I was lucky enough to have a family member posting on Facebook and sending email updates, this was great so my friends and other family members knew what was up in my recovery process. The hospital also had email-a-patient program which delivered printed emails to my hospital room, I had myself tagged on a post on Facebook with the link to program. A couple of my friends sent me some awesome emails ;)

Get a good heart pillow!! Here’s mine: (--it works great)! *my hospital didn’t give one :(

Have a great Fourth! Good luck with the surgery!

Wishing you the very best.
Having had two OHS, I really feel the waiting is the worst part.
Please let us know how you are doing as soon as you are able.
Best of luck as your big day approaches. I hope things go as well they have for so many others, so that you'll be asking yourself why you got so worked up in the weeks leading up to surgery. The thing is, that behavior is perfectly natural. Hope any of your bumps on the road in your recovery are small.
Have faith in your surgeons and nurses, and let them do what they are there to do! I have been thru 3 surgeries and have always been surprised at how thirsty I am in the ICU right after I awaken from the many hours surgery.
Polish your toenails, it helps you feel normal when recovering! When you can, walk as much as possible in the hospital. Your sternum will be sore, but once you are up and moving, you feel like recovery IS possible!! Even if it's 3 am, walk when you want, as the nurses are there to tend to your needs at any time. Don't be shy to ask for things, like an extra gown to wear as a robe, or pants if they have them. Also, ask for food items like yogurt, apples, juice, chocolate milk, jello, pudding,ensure, etc, especially if you get a bit of nausea the 1st days in CCU and they want you to eat but the hospital food isn't what you can tolerate. Remember that OHS kicks the butt of even those that are used to exercise, so don't be surprised by this. You will get stronger day by day, week by week until you are great! And last but not least, the tidbit of info about the lab people who come in to take your blood at 4am!! And then your own surgeon who comes at 7am on the dot, just when you were sleeping soooo well! :)
So my surgery is now only a week away!!! Starting to get nervous! i have pre-op thursday and then monday the 9th is the big day. It seems surreal

I am getting an aortic valve repair, hopefully, though it may need to be replaced.

Any tips or suggestions?

Prayers and good thoughts are much appreciated!

Good luck and best wishes for a successful and smooth recovery. Just relax to be strong mentally and physically for the big day! Once the surgery is over you will wish you did not waste your energy on anxiety and concern! The first couple of nights may be tough, but with the pain medication you will be ok.

Did your surgeon discuss with you the kind of valve he will use in case he needed to replace the valve?! Just a thought.

With lots of prayers :angel:
Hello everyone!! I am back!!! My surgeon was able to repair my aortic valve. Which is good, because they did not have a cadaver valve available for me and all other tissue valves are to small for my heart. I would have had to get a mechanical valve which i DONT want, at least not yet! The repair should give me about 5-8 years until i need another surgery, at least that is what my surgeon said!

I had some difficulties in the beginning, i was not waking up from anesthesia at first. I came out of surgery at about 10:30am, and did not wake up till 9:00pm that night. They were also having trouble regulating my blood pressure. I also was not breathing on my own, i was not able to come off the vent till 11pm that night and even then i would forget to breathe and have to be reminded! After 3 days in the icu i was moved to the floor then on the 4th day i was able to go home!!

I am still very tired and sore, but that is to be expected! As long as i keep on top of my pain meds i am good!
Carly, I'm glad you have the surgery behind you and are recovering. It's great the surgeon was able to do a repair. Take care.
VERY good news that you're done and at home recovering!!!!

Thanks for the update, I've been thinking of you!

I am a month away but I had a question. What is involved w the pre-op you listed for the week before?