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This is Deana's sister Connie again. Unfortunately Deana was in route back from her surgeon for her follow up appointment on Wednesday the 26th, and suffered a small stroke! The doctor had just told her, her INR was to low and gave her a shot in the stomach and 4 adult aspirins. She suddenly knew nothing and was very confused. Her husband immediately headed for the nearest hospital and she was placed in ICU. She has suffered short term memory loss and is still struggling with that. She has a great attitude and is expected to have a full recovery IN TIME!
The neuro doctor said a bloodclot from the heart went to her brain and basically showered her brain with tiny clots. She again is doing better.
She is now waiting on her INR to come back up and that could be a few more days.
Just thought her new friends would want to know.

Give Deana my good thoughts. From her picture she looks like a beautiful and happy woman. Her family, including you, must be scared to death for her. I'm sure there will be others along who will also send their thoughts and prayers.

Thanks for updating us and keep us in the loop.

I am so sorry and thank you for letting us know.Thank God her husband was able to get her right to the hospital and she will make a full recovery. Please let her and the rest of the family know they are in my prayers, Lyn
Oh _______________ (pick an expletive :D )! I sure hope she makes a speedy recovery. There are definitely others on-board here who have been through this and recovered.
Thanks so much for posting and please give her our best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. We are so sorry that she has had this setback!
I am so sorry to hear this news but happy everyone knew what was happening and she got treatment quickly. My BIL had short term memory loss after his stroke (bleed not clot) and now is as good as he was before the stroke. I wish the best for Deana and will keep her in my prayers.
Thank you for letting us know, Connie. Thank God Deana's husband recognized an emergency and got her to the hospital. Please give her my best and tell her my good thoughts and prayers are on the way. And remind her that recovery is supposed to be BORING!!!
I echo everyones wishes as well...
Luckily she got treatment quickly and it sounds like she is on the recovery road again...

thanks for letting us know,...
I shall pray for a routine recovery for her from here on out..
I'm concerned. Did they release her or keep her and if released, did they give her lovenox or some other injectible anticoagulant to use until her INR is in range? If not, get on the phone and demand it!!!! She would still be in danger.

This would be another good case for her to hometest her own INR and perhaps manage her own dosing.
Oh my Goodness!

Oh my Goodness!

I am so very sorry to hear that Deanna is going through this. Please know that many prayers and well wishes are going her way. She is now trying to recover on two fronts and that can't be easy, but it is doable and it sounds like she has a great additude. That will carry her far. She will certainly be in our thoughts and we will look forward to progress reports!

Very sorry to hear that Deanna has had this complication. Sounds like she got to the hospital in the nick of time for treatment.
And I agree with others: This (unfortunately) builds an excellent case for her to home-test and even manage her own dose.
It can be 3-4 months post-op before INRs stabilize for some patients.
we're so sorry to hear about deana. please know that she is in our thoughts and prayers.
thank you for posting, connie, and would you please let us know how deana is doing.
thanks again and wishing all the best,
Please give her my very best and let her know she will be in my prayers as she recovers.

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