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Nov 9, 2008
My surgery was performed at Oklahoma Heart Institu
This is my first posting to the Heart Valve forum. I'm 58 and was first diagnosed with Aortic Stenosis in 2001. At that time I was asymptomatic and it was more of a curiosity. Things have changed in 2008. Actually, now that I look back on things symptoms began to appear in 2006 but in the past few months they have sort of snowballed. In October after completing my third stress test and echocardiogram, My Doctor referred me to a Cardiologist. My symptoms now include shortness of breath following even modest exertion, sweating, palpitations, a very persistent ache on my left side and as of a couple of weeks ago shooting pain across the top of my chest.
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This is my first posting to the Heart Valve forum. I'm 58 and was first diagnosed with Aortic Stenosis in 2001. At that time I was asymptomatic and it was more of a curiosity. Things have changed in 2008. Actually, now that I look back on things symptoms began to appear in 2006 but in the past few months they have sort of snowballed. In October after completing my third stress test and echocardiogram, My Doctor referred me to a Cardiologist. My symptoms now include shortness of breath following even modest exertion, sweating, palpitations, a very persistent ache on my left side and as of a couple of weeks ago shooting pain across the top of my chest. I see the Cardiologist this week and have created for him a timeline in which I have tried as best I can to document the appearance of symptoms. As well, I've prepared a list of questions to ask him. My question for you is what else should I be asking at this consultation. Here is my list.


01. What is the extent of my disease?
02. Does this have any relation to the poor coagulation if noticed recently?
03. My sleep has been disturbed during these last few weeks. Is it likely
that this is related to the stenosis or is more likely anxiety?
04. This past year I've experience repeated Infections. Is this related?
05. What is the prognosis of my condition if untreated?
06. What are the treatments you would suggest?
07. What is the time frame I need to consider?
08. With treatment what is my long term prognosis?
09. Despite the lethargy I feel should I be trying to exercise now?
10. How do I deal with the depression that seems to be accompanying the
exacerbation of my symptoms?
11. What things should I be doing?
12. What things should I avoid doing?
13. Are there symptoms about which I should be particularly concerned?

I would appreciate suggestions any of you might have. Thanks

Just wanted to ask you if you've had a Heart Cath or a TEE test yet? These two tests would reveal the true status of your heart so perhaps you may touch on this w/your doctor consultation or he/she may even suggest that these tests be done.

Good luck to you & we'll be waiting to hear how your appt went.
Hello and welcome!
I was having symptoms for quite a while that I was attributing to "getting older."
Lack of energy, palps, dizzy spells on exertion, progressing to sternum tightness and aches.
My cardio was already following me closely and doing regular echo tests. When I asked my GP what my prognosis was for the long term, he pulled out a book and read from it that I would be dead in 2 years. OUCH. My cardio booked me a visit with my surgeon and then I felt that I was finally taking steps in the right direction.
After you have an echo test you will know the diameter of your aortic valve, that number and your symptoms are indicative of the timing of your surgery.
Mine was at .8mm and I could not walk for more than a couple of minutes at a time.
I think an echo will tell a lot about your valve. I was told by a cardiologist that symptoms are something they get concerned about. I was experiencing the shortness of breath going up stairs, extreme fatigue at times, symptoms at the gym (I also had blockage so some of the symptoms at the gym were probably due to the arteries.) Tell him all your symptoms, because I think it is very important for them to make a decision.
Just wanted to wish you a warm welcome to this forum. I don't have anything else to add from other member's comments. Good luck with your appt and keep us posted.
Just wanted to welcome you to the family here !

Also, from what have read here, it seems cardios are more conservative than surgeons as to when to do surgery. If you leave it too long, the heart itself can get damaged; surgeons tend to want to get in there and fix it before permanent damage happens.

I think I was at .4, and was asymtomatic until I had my date set - for personal reasons, I waited 6 months between consultation and surgery.
Another welcome. . .

Another welcome. . .


Welcome to The Waiting Room -- the virtual room where many of us await our own turns at valve surgery. I'm in a situation like yours -- 60 years old, with advancing aortic stenosis. I think your list of questions is good, but considering that you are experiencing symptoms, the cardio may well advise you to begin interviewing surgeons. My cardio always reminds me that if I experience any of the "cardinal" symptoms (shortness of breath, fainting, chest pain) I am to call him ASAP, as these are indicators that the time for surgery is nearing.

Welcome to, visit often, and don't forget to ask lots of questions. The folks here have most of the answers, and are very good about sharing.
With symptoms such as yours it sounds like the decision should be fairly easy. Especially before there's any serious damage to your heart muscle which works progressively harder to compensate for valve leakage.

At least thats what I was told anyway...
Well, I am back. The results of my visit to my Cardiologist, I guess I can call him "mine" now, went pretty well. After reviewing the Echo and examining me himself, he had a number of questions but the gist is simple. His diagnosis is moderate to severe AS with symptoms. He thinks it likely that I will need valve repair very soon but he wants to see me in the the Cath Lab first to better characterize the state of my heart. I'll know more Thursday the 20th. This seems to be pretty much what several of you anticipated. I do appreciate your notes as this has all happened pretty fast and it really helps to read of your experiences. More next week.
Well, I am back. The results of my visit to my Cardiologist, I guess I can call him "mine" now, went pretty well. After reviewing the Echo and examining me himself, he had a number of questions but the gist is simple. His diagnosis is moderate to severe AS with symptoms. He thinks it likely that I will need valve repair very soon but he wants to see me in the the Cath Lab first to better characterize the state of my heart. I'll know more Thursday the 20th. This seems to be pretty much what several of you anticipated. I do appreciate your notes as this has all happened pretty fast and it really helps to read of your experiences. More next week.

Welcome.......and good luck/........
Well, I am back. The results of my visit to my Cardiologist, I guess I can call him "mine" now, went pretty well. After reviewing the Echo and examining me himself, he had a number of questions but the gist is simple. His diagnosis is moderate to severe AS with symptoms. He thinks it likely that I will need valve repair very soon but he wants to see me in the the Cath Lab first to better characterize the state of my heart. I'll know more Thursday the 20th. This seems to be pretty much what several of you anticipated. I do appreciate your notes as this has all happened pretty fast and it really helps to read of your experiences. More next week.

I like to welcome you on board. You are on the right track and let us know what the cath lab results will be.

Good luck:)
I now have both feet in the pond!

I now have both feet in the pond!

Hello, everybody. My snowball seems to be growing and picking up bits. I fear, I now have both feet in your pond. Since the first of this week, my formerly intermittent ache in the left side has started turning into something out Alien. Is this happening with any of you? It feels as though my side has been bruised and now there is something inside poking with a hot stick and, of course, it is now present at all times although it eases a couple hours after I lay down in the evening. To top off my week that began with the formal diagnosis of AS and the need for AVR, on Wednesday morning the left side of my face began to go numb. Pulling off the highway, I called my doctor who saw me a few minutes later at which point she sent me to the CAT scanner. After a tense afternoon, I learned I had an odd sinus infection on the left side of my face. My Doctor was almost as happy as I was to learn that some antibiotics would clear it up. Thursday morning I woke with a urinary infection so it was back to her office and yet more antibiotics although she says it should not interfere with the Cath Lab next Thursday if I take my drugs. Is it normal to start falling apart so suddenly?
I'm wavin welcome to you from the side of the pool - I don't do water.

Welcome to VR.

No, I don't think anyone has quite fallen apart just before surgery. Some have come down with colds, but it is seldom. Your doctor will keep on top of things to make sure you are ready for surgery. Be sure to keep us posted.

the waiting is tough, isn't it? hang in and you'll get there. and back.
Greetings, I'm home from the Cath Lab with, basically, a good report. Surprise, I have AS but no other heart disease. The Dr who did the Caths said he would describe the stenosis as still moderate with a pressure gradient of 30 and area of 1.4 cm2. My Cardioligist has said, however, that since I am sympyomatic he doesn't advise waiting. So I guess we will discuss AVR at our meeting next month. My feeling is that the rest of you are right that it is better to get it repaired now before more damage is done as my tries to compensate for the bad valve. Winter would be a good time to get it out of the way so I can be riding in the spring. Thanks for the kind words. l'll let you know how things go when I speak with the Insurance Company.